Part 12 (1/2)

74. ”They have appointed thee in the place which should be theirs.”

75. The Lord raised up the wind-storm, his mighty weapon,

76. [Against] Tiamat, who was furious (?), he sent it, [saying]:

77. ”[Thou hast made thyself] mighty, thou art puffed upon high,

78. ”Thy heart [hath stirred thee up] to invoke battle

79. ”... their fathers ...

80. ”...

81. ”[Thou hast exalted Kingu to be [thy] husband,

82. ”[Thou hast made him to usurp] the attributes of Anu

83. ”... thou hast planned evil.

84. ”[Against] the G.o.ds, my fathers, thou hast wrought evil.

85. ”Let now thy troops gird themselves up, let them bind on their weapons.

86. ”Stand up! Thou and I, let us to the fight!”

87. On hearing these words Tiamat

88. Became like a mad thing, her senses became distraught,

89. Tiamat uttered shrill cries again and again.

90. That on which she stood split in twain at the words,

91. She recited an incantation, she p.r.o.nounced her spell.

92. The G.o.ds of battle demanded their weapons.[1]

[Footnote 1: I.e., the G.o.ds were impatient to begin the fight.]

93. Tiamat and Marduk, the envoy of the G.o.ds, roused themselves,

94. They advanced to fight each other, they drew nigh in battle.

95. The Lord cast his net and made it to enclose her,

96. The evil wind that had its place behind him he let out in her face.

97. Tiamat opened her mouth to its greatest extent,

98. Marduk made the evil wind to enter [it] whilst her lips were unclosed.