Part 11 (1/2)

27. When the G.o.ds his fathers saw the issue of the utterance of his mouth

28. They rejoiced and adored [him, saying], ”Marduk is King.”

29. They conferred upon him the sceptre, the throne, and the symbol of royalty (?)[1]

[Footnote 1: The meaning of _pal-a_ is unknown.]

30. They gave him the unrivalled weapon, the destroyer of the enemy [saying]:

31. ”Go, cut off the life of Tiamat.

32. ”Let the wind carry her blood into the depth [under the earth].”

33. The G.o.ds, his fathers, issued the decree for the G.o.d Bel.

34. They set him on the road which leadeth to peace and adoration.

35. He strung [his] bow, he set ready his weapon [in the stand],

36. He slung his spear, he attached it to [his belly],

37. He raised the club, he grasped it in his right hand.

38. The bow and the quiver he hung at his side.[1]

[Footnote 1: This equipment of the charioteer is shown on the bas-reliefs.]

39. He set the lightning in front of him.

40. His body was filled with a glancing flame of fire.

41. He made a net wherewith to enclose Tiamat.

42. He made the four winds to take up their position so that no part of her might escape,

[Ill.u.s.tration: Portion of a tablet inscribed in Babylonian with a text of the Fourth Tablet of the Creation Series. [No. 93,016.]]

43. The South wind, the North wind, the East wind, the West wind.

44. He held the net close to his side, the gift of his father Anu,

45. He created the ”foul” wind, the storm, the parching blast,

46. The wind of ”four,” the wind of ”seven,” the typhoon, the wind incomparable

[Ill.u.s.tration: Portion of a tablet inscribed in a.s.syrian with a text of the Fourth Tablet of the Creation Series. [K. 3437.]]

47. He despatched the seven winds which he had made,

48. To make turbid the inward parts of Tiamat; they followed in his train.