Part 21 (1/2)
_Pig's-paut_. Pig's foot, a trotter.
_Pismire_. An ant.
_Plasens_. Places. ”I've seen many plasens but this licks 'em all.”
(See lick.)
_Posy_. A bunch of flowers, bouquet.
_Pry_. Name of a field. Pry-close (from praie, coa.r.s.e gra.s.s.)
_Puddock_. A kite or buzzard.
_Purr_. A poker. ”Purr the fire,” _i.e._ poke it.
_Quirking_. Nimble, active, as a monkey.
_Ramper_. The highway (probably rampart).
_Remble_, _to_. To move a thing out of the way. ”Remble that chair,”
_Ratle_ or _Reightle_. To set to rights, arrange in order. ”, ratle them things.”
_Screeved_. Split up on the ice. Cattle in former frozen fen floods were thus ruptured and killed.
_Shale_, _to_. To walk awkwardly, shuffle along.
_Shan_. Shy. Of horses or cattle frightened at an object.
_s.h.i.+ft_, _to_. To move anything to another place.
_s.h.i.+v_ or _s.h.i.+ver_. A splinter of wood. ”I've got a s.h.i.+v in my finger.”
_Shout_! A flat-bottomed fen boat.
_Shove_, _to_. To push anything along, or out of the way.
_Shugh_! An expression of disbelief. Shugh! Nonsense! I don't believe it.
_Shut_. Rid. To get shut (_i.e._ rid) of anything not needed, or a nuisance.
_Sicker_, _to_. To soak, as water oozing through a rotten bank.
_Sidle_. To walk aside, or indirectly, towards anyone. ”Sidle up to her quietly.”
_Sile_, _to_. To pour. ”It siles wi' rain.”
_Skelp_, _to_. To empty a cart by tilting it.
_Skirth_. A fen drain.