Part 20 (1/2)
_Crizzle_, _to_. To crystalize or freeze. ”The window is crizzled.”
_Daking_. A d.y.k.e or ditch.
_Dither_. To shudder with alarm or dislike. To s.h.i.+ver with cold.
_Dythe_. Cow dung dried for fuel.
_Fell_. Hurtful or fierce. ”The flies are very fell this close weather.”
_Frit_. Frightened, affrighted.
_Gabblick_. A crowbar.
_Gallous_. Frisky or lively (of youth).
_Glegging_. Glancing slily. ”That sly girl's glegging eye.”
_Glib_. Smooth (of ice). Smooth and ready of tongue.
_Gout_. A sluice by which water from one drain to another.
_Gozny_. To look. To look stupid.
_Grizzley_. To shade with grey. ”The evening is grizzling.”
_Hag's place_. A situation of hard work and drudgery. Fit only for a poor hag.
_Hap up_, _to_. To wrap up, in shawl, paper, &c.
_Harr_. A fog. An old writer says ”The air of the fens was cra.s.s, and full of rotten harrs.” A ”sea-harr” is a fog coining inland from the sea.
_Heppen_. Handy at work. Helpful.
_Hing_, _to_. To hang. This gate hings well.
_Hirpling_. Limping in gait.
_How_. Way or mode of acting. ”Do it i' that how, and you'll be right.”
_Hug_, _to_. To carry. ”Hugging about a big load.”
_Ill-convenient_. Inconvenient.
_Keck_. A large plant of the Hemlock species.
_Kid_. A f.a.ggot.
_Lamb-toe_. The plant ”Lady's fingers,” Lotus corniculatus.
_Lap up_, _to_. To wrap up.