85 Chapter 085 : Four Girls Vs Hist 5 (1/2)

The Warfare Of Races Seion 15440K 2022-07-22

When both of them saw earlier their light of hope with the yelling KARA gave them their orders and went through with them...

' I Got it!!!! <water flow=”” x2=””> [400E->0] Activate!!!!!! ' Mica said

as she activated her skill ELEA started running towards KARA seeing that HIST he tried to intercept them as he didn't know why they wanted to regroup leaving outside MICA .... when she.....

' NO YOU WON'T !!!!!! ' Mica said

at those words, water from inside her body flew out covering the area along with HIST making a mud like footing he couldn't stand properly..

' No You Don't <lava area=””> [2400E->1400] Activate!!!! ' Hist said

then the mud like area that had been created instantly started boiling turning into a h.e.l.lish nightmare LAVA that slowly covered everything .. seeing that HIST raised a grin in his face but instantly froze as everything turned to ICE....

'[2050E->1150] Activate!!!!!!! ' Kara said

with that, all the corners of the arena got frozen and managed to trap HIST in a column like ice for a few seconds which was enough for the next attack to be completed by KARA and ELEA....

' SAY YOUR PRAYERS!!!! <thunder ball=”” x3=””><thunder sparks=”” x2=””> [1600E -> 0] ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!! ' Elea said

' GAME OVER HIST!!!!! <wind current=”” streams=”” x2=””> [1150E->150] ACTIVATE!!!!!!! ' Kara said

in the same instant those two activated their skills - zapzapzapzap zpazpapzap - ffrrrararrraffa rraffarfafrfa huge amounts of electrical power gathered along with the enormous amount of winds and combined together melting the ice in the entire arena, leaving HIST, the boys, the KING, the audience and SORA with open mouths as they had created plasma and was ready to be thrown towards him....

' { Hoh amazing to think that on the spot.... (it was on the spot... it was the only combination that might have granted them victory) yeah after the rain of needles KARA saw the whirlpool frozen from the armour of ice (yeah and thought she could get out and use that to trap him) how very interesting } ' Sora and Kuronia said