84 Chapter 084 : Four Girls Vs Hist 4 (1/2)
THELIA as she was watching she couldn't believe in her eyes within few seconds from the Blind Light of ELEA he had used some kind of subst.i.tution avoiding all the next skills and got behind KARA which he trapped in a whirlpool that kept dragging her down every second....
' That was my <stone clone=””>[4500E->4000] I Activate when you guys tried to blind me ' Hist said
as he explained to them what happened ELEA was preparing her next skill in accordance with MICA's Own skill in a combination attack.....
' <thunder ball=”” x3=””> [3250E->2350] & <mist clones=”” x3=””> [4000E->2200] ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!! ' Elea and Mica said....
three thunder b.a.l.l.s headed straight to HIST and as he was ready to evade them the suddenly became six then twelve and then twenty-four heading to all directions without being able to evade....
' Cheee d.a.m.n <blazing s.h.i.+elding=””> [4000E->2900] Activate!!!! ' Hist said
- blebleeeezzzzzzzzzzzzeevvvvvv - dark red flames appeared from his feet covering his body in a
pillar like way s.h.i.+elding him from both skills
' Whaaa_aaaaat the h.e.l.l is this!!!!!!!!! ' Kara said.....
' No_no way three fusions how much stronger is he.... ' Thelia said
as everyone in the audience remained silence no one could believe that he had three fusions types, Lava - Sand - Blaze while SORA was thinking to watch the match at the top of the arena.....
{ that idiot he's revealing everything to them with no holding back (no kidding at this rate he might kill them or lose) f.u.c.k.. i'll kill him myself later on for not finis.h.i.+ng them..... }
' (f.u.c.k this what the h.e.l.l did he go through to obtain such skills, now we have the attributes light - water - fire - wind - thunder and he can counter all of them how do we beat him ) ' Kara said
' There must be a way for them to win this ' Thelia said
' Now Then Shall we finish this ' Hist said