83 Chapter 083 : Four Girls Vs Hist 3 (1/2)
The girls and the boys were happy as THELIA managed to beat HIST and got freed by been a s.e.x toy for HIST or that was how they seemed but deep down they knew especially THELIA who fought with him the difference of levels so he turned to him and said
' HIST!!!! I may have been freed by you but it was only because you let your GUARD down..... next time we fight i'll BEAT you to the point unable to move even a finger ' Thelia said
as HIST was p.i.s.sed off that he got lost like that when he heard those words he calmed down and after thinking, he said with a sad look...
' There won't be the next time ' Hist said
after saying that unable to understand what he meant she went back to the three girls who were waiting for her with a huge grin on her face.
' i hope you girls lose as i'll have SORA for myself ' Thelia said
' YOU!!!!! b.i.t.c.h!!!!!!! ' Three Girls Said
' Now Then May The Second Round Begin ' The King Said
as they retorted back to her the KING stated the start of the 2nd round
' Then i'll go next ' Mica said
as she said that MICA started going forward, then HIST said to them...
' I change my mind all three of you come at me ' Hist said
when he said that all three had a puzzled expression when they saw his hand from full of cuts and leaf stacked in it making a recovery instantly leaving the girls, the boys the KING and THELIA who used everything she had to injure him speechless and said looking at them....
' [7620L->8970] This Time I'll Fight Seriously ..... If Any Of You Are Standing After That It's Your Win ... If Any Of You Injure Me Like THELIA You Win... If All Of You Are Unconscious It's My Win ' Hist Said
with that explanation, they could see a deadly serious look on HIST...
' Heh Don't regret it later ' Kara said
' We'll make you eat dust ' Elea said
' I think we might be in trouble ' Mica said