49 Chapter 049 : Gathering Resources For The Journey 3 (1/2)

The Warfare Of Races Seion 17170K 2022-07-22

SORA froze when he was looking at the other goods he has found relics he saw in walls but never able to obtain them in the EARTH

SWORDS : Heaven's Sword = A sword created with the sole purpose to cut anything - Abilities : Indestructible / Shape s.h.i.+fting To Any Sword / +10% All STATS _ _

Devil's Blade = A sword that was created from the demon race - Abilities : Resistance To All Elements +20% / Life Drain Mid. / Energy Drain Mid. / Bonus Skill : Rage(3000E) _ _

Silent Piercer = A katana like sword made by the elves for 1 hit K.O attacks - Abilities : +30% LUC , AGIL , ATT / +50% Bleeding , Critical / Bonus Skill : Silent Slash(3000E) _ _

Calling Sword = A sword created by spirits to possess similar ent.i.ties for power - Abilities = Indestructible / Absorption Of Energy High / Enslavement Of Spirits High / Bonus Skill : Transferring Power(pa.s.sive) _ _

Calmly Edge = A sword with its crystal-like appearance that says to calm the user during battle - Abilities : +75% INT , WIS / Bonus Skills : Reflection(1000E) , Calm Wind(pa.s.sive) _ _

Sword Eater : A sword designed to eat other swords and grow stronger - Abilities : +50% In Piercing , Weakening , Rusting / +10% To All Stats For Every 100 Destroyed Sword.....

RINGS : Ring Of Expertise = Created to make the use unique in one field (+50% on one stat the user wants)

Ring Of Souls = Created for people to be immune to harmful effects (+60% resistance on all harmful effects)

Ring Of Experience = Created to make the user stronger faster than normal means (+60% absorption of experience)

Ring Of Nature = Created with the means to learn easier earth skills (Earth Skills Consumptions -50%)

Ring Of Healing = A type of ring that can be found in SOUL SLIMES (Bonus Skill : Regeneration High<2000e>)

Ring Of s.p.a.ce = A ring created for an ambush by an ancient wizard (+Capable of storing all kinds of things even those living with the command <storege>. -Eats 1000E per day of the user)

Ring Of Status = It was created with the sole intention of making the user status easier (Gives the user the ability to separate the <status> command into 3 others <stats> <skills><t.i.tles>)

Ring Of The Truth = It was created in the ancient wars as a means to interrogate prisoners(Bonus Skill : Eye Of G.o.ds <1000e>)

Ring Of Martial Arts = Made of a lost founder for those skilled in Martial Arts (-75% Strain)

Ring Of The World = This ring is unknown where it was created and by whom (Grants the ability to fast travel in places the user knows Bonus Skill : Fast Travel(1000e)