48 Chapter 048 : Gathering Resources For The Journey 2 (1/2)
Almeria made a confusing face as she heard about lifting a curse but as she had a shop that sells to others she couldn't refuse and while answering to him she started looking inside the shop. After a while she took out 2 armours 4 gauntlets 4 leggings 6 swords 10 rings and 4 necklaces and while she was searching for more she asked....
ALMERIA : i have almost shown you everything in the criteria you asked me do you have anything else in mind???
SORA : probably later but for now i want to check these.. is it alright??
ALMERIA : by all means please go ahead !!!!!!
SORA : Well then <s.t.a strained=”” senses=”” x5=””> [15450CF->11450] Activate!!!!!
while activating his skill he looked at the goods she took out and small windows started appearing....
ARMORS : White Snake = It's an armour made by combining a rare stone and white skin of snakes - Abilities : Regeneration Of Energy Mid. / Boost In Energy Type Attacks +50% / Halving All Damage -50% _ _
Etherial Soul = It's a spirit like armor made from fusing more than 150 spirit stones - Abilities = +50% Energy / +50% Health / Auto Healing Mid. / Curse Remover -30% / Curse Resistance +25%
GANTLETS : Arms of Apes = A gauntlet made from the bone's of A rank Violent Apes - Abilities = +20% In ATT , AGI , DEF_ _
Arms Of Stones = A gauntlet made from the hardest stone in this capital - Abilities : +15% in earth
type attacks / +20% in DEF / Bonus Skill : Earth Wall (300E) _ _
Arms Of Veins = It's created by an ancient wizard from collecting parts of all 6 races - Abilities : Auto Regeneration Health Mid. / Auto Regeneration Energy Mid. / Curse Removal -20% / Bonus Skill : Life Steal(500E) _ _
Arms Of Scales = A scale like an arm plate created from fishes - Abilities : Immune To Harmful Stats / Absorption Of Damage As Life
seeing him take so long HIST was starting to lose his patience .....
Hearing that SORA's face twitched and become darker as he was p.i.s.sed
saying that with an angry face HIST brought together his hands saying