40 Chapter 040 : King & Aren & Vile Vs Sora & Hist - 4 (1/2)

The Warfare Of Races Seion 14910K 2022-07-22

As Sora Declared Hist realized their plan is going to enter their final state and started preparing meanwhile Vile and Aren charged towards Sora finally using a barrage of skills

' AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa <smas.h.i.+ng slash=””> ' Vile said

he rotated his body and with the force of charging swigged horizontally towards Sora <voom> the sound of air slas.h.i.+ng as Sora jumped avoiding it

' Not Yet <slas.h.i.+ng wheel=””> oOoOoOorrrryyyyyaaaaa ' Vile said

while rotating in a vertical way and moments before colliding with Sora, from behind him Aren appeared making it two-sided attack

' AVOID THIS!!!!!! <moonlight fast=”” slash=””> OOoOOoooOOoo ' Aren said

while both of them had him in the ropes this time he answered ....

' close... but not enough <s.t.a palm=”” wind=””> [2341E-.2141] ' Sora said

calmly but strong winds came out of his hand targeting the ground below him making himself rise in the air and Vile with Aren collide each other

' Aaaawwwooogggrrr BbbbBBBrrrggg ' Aren & Vile said

creating a huge force cause of their skills, breaking the axe in half and cracking the sword while end up blowing them away and while Sora though ... i have 30 secs left ... the KING appeared before him

' I've Got You NOW <void of=”” the=”” dead=””>!!!!!!!!! ' KING said

' Oh s.h.i.+.....!!!!!!!!! ' Sora said

a slash came flying so fast and in a blink of the eye Sora's hand has been cut OFF oozing lot's of blood..... and as blood flowed out of him his whole body started decaying slowly leaving only BONES behind. All others were petrified as they saw him losing his flesh making the girls who were waiting for him start crying and HIST fell in despair when.....

' <tho....ught...less.....cre.....ati.....on level3=””>[6289E->5689] T..I..M..E....Ac....ti...va.......te...... ' Sora said