39 Chapter 039 : King & Aren & Vile Vs Sora & Hist - 3 (1/2)

The Warfare Of Races Seion 14040K 2022-07-22

' YOU LOSE WHEN YOU USE COMPRESSED FORCE AGAINST ME!!!!! <s.t.a shadow=”” burst=”” wind=””> Orrrrriiiaaaaaaa ' Sora Said

While yelling that giants currents were formed blowing both Vile and Aren away and then

<crashshshsh> they crashed in the walls of the arena

' graabbll hhaaaarbbbbr ' Aren & Vile

blood starts dripping from the ears nose and mouth leaving the KING frozen at what has witnessed and stopped charging his skills as it was also a compressed one... and without missing his chance Sora charged yet again at the KING thinking (30 seconds left) he used both his hand and not intending to let him use them the KING....

' NO WAY I'M LETTING YOU <voidless s.p.a.ce=””> ACTIVATE!!!!!! ' KING Said

then Sora got trapped in a s.p.a.ce with no oxygen no light no sound no darkness nothing the KING who was standing next to him was laughing and Aren and Vile who were desperate to stand up they raised a smirk when they saw him also making a huge smirk

' TIME'S UP ' Sora said

in that instant, Sora's body returned to his decompressed form releasing all that pressure that has been piling up shattering the void less s.p.a.ce and blowing away the KING several meters away when...

' < s.t.a=”” physical=”” endurance=”” x2=””> [3941CF->2341] Activate ' Sora said

everyone saw Sora getting smaller again with a lighter colour than that previously and <gulped> as they thought a h.e.l.lish nightmare will begin again. Injured as much as no one imagined Aren and Vile managed to stand up and went next to the KING heavily breathing...

' You're quite .....haa....haa... something youngster ' Aren said

' haa...it injure all of us...haa.. this much are you even human ' Vile said

' I am human. haa.. Weaker than you. haa.. More skilled than you. haa.. You guys might have gained experience from monsters. haa.. I gained it through people every single inch of their bodies ' Sora said

' I see So Your Natural Instincts ..haa.. In Battle Was Gained Through That ..haa.. So I'm Curious How Many Did You Kill In The World You Came ..haa.. ' KING said