Part 39 (1/2)

”Relax your b.u.t.tocks, sub.”

Despite the instructions, his words kept her on edge.

He continued to rub her. ”Close your eyes. Give up the fight.”

She did.

Then she felt him take the belt off her.

”Stay in that same place.”

She nodded.

”Eight,” he reminded her.

He gave her the first two lightly, across the fles.h.i.+est part of her rear. It was no more than a tease. Seductive. ”More,” she said.

”That's two,” he responded. ”Now three and four.” He placed another one, lower, then lower still.

This was a totally different experience from the spanking or the single tail. As he'd said, it covered a larger area, not just in terms of length, but in terms of width. There was so much more surface to connect with her skin, a broader area to burn into her.


The next was harsher, and she yelped.

He paused for a moment and waited for her to nod.

The sixth, he seared across her b.u.t.tocks. She screamed. It was more than she'd expected, everything she'd hoped.

”Seven,” he said, counting in advance.

He landed it on an upstroke, forcing her forward, making her grab hold of her restraints for extra support.


”One more,” he promised.

It landed on top of the last, sizzling with ferocity.

He then gently stroked between her legs, made her wet. That he'd done it differently than she'd expected made the touch even more stunning and welcome.

”How are you doing?” he asked. ”Do you want to stop? Continue? Need a break?”

”More,” she whispered.

He moved his hand away before she could o.r.g.a.s.m. Despite the pain-because of the pain-her body felt lighter.

This time, he started on her mid-thighs. She gasped, and she pulled on the restraints.

”Would you like to count them out?”

”No, Sir.” She wanted to get lost, instead.

He put another stripe a little higher, and the next two he crisscrossed.

Then suddenly the only thing she was aware of was the color red, light and bright, seducing. She released her grip on the restraints and surrendered to him.

Her body moved in automatic response, and she no longer felt anything other than peace.

At some point, she became aware that he'd stopped the beating and that he was tracing her spine with his fingertips, back and forth.

She took a deep breath. The color red began to recede, becoming black, then gray. Finally, she opened her eyes to see him standing next to her. ”I liked that,” she admitted.

”Everything you desired?”

”More so.”

He played with her p.u.s.s.y and instant desire arced through her. It was as if it had been there coiled, waiting.

It only took two strokes for her to be on the edge, waiting and wanting. ”I need you,” she told him.

He left her for a moment, and she moved her head to try to see what he was doing. The restraints limited her range of motion, and she had to settle for listening.

Something hit the floor. Maybe his shoes? Then a slight rustle, maybe his clothing. Her inability to see him was driving her crazy, heightening her antic.i.p.ation.

There was another sound, then the of wood. Perhaps a dresser drawer?

Eventually she heard the unmistakable sound of his footfall.

”I'm going to f.u.c.k your p.u.s.s.y then your a.s.s.”

Her stomach plummeted.

”Use your safe words if you can't handle it. Will you try?”

She nodded, the platform warm beneath her face.

He took his time, playing with her c.l.i.t, using long, mesmerizing strokes.

Heat rose again, licking at her.

”You have no idea what it does for me,” he said, ”seeing you like this. Tied down. Helpless. Trusting.”

He'd created that bond, by doing what he said he would.

She felt him move closer, and the tip of his c.o.c.k teased her p.u.s.s.y. He began to slip in and out, inserting just the head then, as she started to moan, giving her longer strokes.

He rocked his hips.