Part 38 (1/2)
Lara continued, ”To be clear and reiterate a point, I'm not asking anyone to make any decisions today. That would be unfair. I wanted you to see and hear the Donovan Worldwide proposal, and I wanted you to have a chance to meet Connor. As of Friday afternoon, he will be my husband, and therefore ent.i.tled to a seat on the board.”
Around the table, a few glances were exchanged, and one person nodded.
”We'll convene again in two weeks.”
After Lara and Helene fielded a few more questions, Lara adjourned the meeting. As he'd suspected, there were numerous questions about the upcoming wedding.
A couple of times, he glanced across at Lara. He saw her talk to each person. She focused intently on them, actively listening.
She was a h.e.l.l of a skilled communicator.
At first, the advantages of marrying her had been obvious. And now he saw the way she'd be an a.s.set to Donovan Worldwide. She'd be an excellent hostess, as well as an adept partner. If he'd been looking to make a strategic move for Donovan, he couldn't have planned it better.
His musings were interrupted when Mary approached him. ”I don't like surprises, Connor. And I don't know what the h.e.l.l you've done to move Pernell out of the way, but I'm going to get to the bottom of it.”
”I'm telling you, I don't like underhanded moves.”
He offered his business card, but she ignored it.
Other than that, and Pernell's absence, the meeting had gone as well as any of them had dared hope.
The other members filtered out, leaving him alone with Helene and Lara.
”You've got my vote,” Helene told them.
”Mary's going to be tricky,” Lara warned.
”There's always one,” Helene said. ”I'll have lunch with her. Maybe invite her to be part of the Friday Afternoon Soiree.” She promised to follow up with the other members of the board as well, then left them alone.
”You did well, Lara.”
”As did you, Mr. Donovan.”
”Quite the team.” He opened his arms and she went into them. Nothing felt more right or seemed more natural.
Unable to keep his hands off her for one more minute, he put one hand on her a.s.s cheeks and drew her closer.
She looped her hands around his neck.
Chemistry throbbed, demanding consummation. ”I want to get you home,” he said.
”What did you have in mind?”
”Something to make you forget, entirely, about today.”
”That's a h.e.l.l of a tall order.”
”I'm sure you'll let me know how I do.”
Unable to help herself, she initiated the contact, brus.h.i.+ng her lips against his.
That seemed to be all the incentive he needed.
Connor claimed her mouth and her response. He tasted of success and promise, and every part of her intuitively responded to that.
More and more, the idea of having someone in her life to count on was becoming seductive. Though she'd tried to keep Connor and his determination to have more than a business arrangement at bay, when she succ.u.mbed, things were just easier.
At the board meeting, she'd been aware of his quiet presence. Not only had he given support, he had been content to let her lead the meeting, never speaking up, except as they'd agreed. When her father hadn't shown up, he hadn't given any advice. Instead, he'd waited.
More than that, he'd been right when he'd said they'd been a good team.
She was beginning to wonder how she'd managed without him.
It was so, so tempting to lean in, count on his strength, but part of her knew better. In some ways, their two-year commitment seemed like an eternity. In other ways, it was only a wink of time. She had to remember to count on herself, not him.
But right now, forgetting today was a h.e.l.l of an idea.
Facing her father had been necessary, and she had no regrets. But that didn't mean it hadn't cost her in terms of emotional energy.
Connor ended the kiss, but not until she was consumed with thoughts of him being inside her.
He had helped her clean up the conference room and power off all the electronics. Then they'd returned to her office so she could shred the financial statements and agendas that had been left behind.
While she slipped into more comfortable shoes and took off her blazer, he notified April they were ready to be picked up.
”Got everything?” he asked.
She tucked her purse and shoes into her work bag and slung it over her shoulder.
”Let me.”
Even though she objected, he took the bag from her. ”Is this part of your weightlifting program?” he asked.
”I move it from arm to arm all day,” she teased back.
In the lobby, she waved goodnight to the security guard.
”It was nice to see your mom,” the woman called out. ”And she brought me a chocolate chip cookie. Can't believe she remembered that after all this time.”
”I didn't get one,” Lara told Connor when he opened the door for her.
”Or dinner,” he said. ”Do you want to stop for something, or go straight for the s.e.x?”
”After the way you kissed me? Is that really a question?” she asked.
April was already waiting, and she delivered them to the front of Connor's high-rise in under ten minutes.
”I could get used to this,” Lara confessed.