Part 31 (1/2)

”That b.i.t.c.h needs to die,” the female voice growled with anger.

KoKo turned her head slightly in the direction of the voice.

”Just be patient. We need the rest of the guests to arrive so we can start the party.” Mr. Fucciano stated with a smirk hugging the corner or his mouth.

KoKo heard the accent and knew exactly who it was, but everything was still a puzzle to her.

”Here you go,” KoKo heard a strong deep voice ring out, and then she felt something being thrown in front of her.

KoKo gazed down to see it was a body, but she couldn't make out who it was.

”She tried to hang in there, but I guess her heart ain't as strong as her Boss's,” he taunted. ”The other one we let go, but not before having fun with her,” they laughed in unison.

Vomit rose in KoKo's throat as she realized that one of her girls was lying there, but she couldn't tell which one. ”Please don't let it be Goldie,” she mumbled thinking of her promises. Tears wanted to escape her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall; they had stolen enough and weren't getting s.h.i.+t else.

Within minutes, she heard what sounded like a garage door opening then many different patterns of footsteps.

”What the f.u.c.k?” she heard Kayson say from only feet away from her.

Kayson and Baseem stood with their arms out as they were patted down. Kayson put his arms to his side and scoped out the surroundings as he moved closer to where they stood. Baseem was close behind counting the heads and visualizing how face he could blow them off their shoulders.

”Welcome to the party, Mr. Wells; as you can see, we started without you.” Dutchess stated with a smile on her face.

Kayson eyed the room locking eyes with his father and his made b.i.t.c.h; then Mr. Luccini and his team and Mr. Fucciano and his team. He looked at the men that were lined up around the room holding semi-automatic weapons and then back at his wife. But nothing touched him more than the sight of Goldie laying there lifeless.

Baseem's heart pumped hard against his chest when he looked down and saw Goldie lying in a puddle of blood in front of KoKo. His hands shook as he looked at her beaten body and face. Kayson didn't say a word; he just stared at Mr. Fucciano.

”The problem with men like you is, you always believe you can't be touched,” he said as he loaded his colt revolver.

”Please excuse my son, he was raised by a wh.o.r.e so he is very tender on b.i.t.c.hes,” Tyquan stated, lighting the end of his cigar.

Kayson wanted to reach for his gun and make it rain bullets and body parts; but the safety of his wife and family was far more important, so he remained silent; waiting for his opportunity to pounce.

”I am surprised that the man with many profound words has nothing to say.” Mr. Fucciano moved over to KoKo. He pointed the gun at her head and continued. ”The worse thing a man can do in this business is expose his heart,” he pulled the hood off KoKo's head, grabbed her hair tightly in his palm and pressed the gun to her temple.

Baseem jumped and Kayson grabbed his arm to stop him. ”Just wait,” he said on a low tone.

”Let your dog loose, Mr. Wells. I have been dying to see his face. I believe the young woman called out for him several times,” he continued to taunt them.

”You wanted me. Now you have me,” Kayson based and his deep voice bounced against the brick walls.

”I don't want you, Mr. Wells. I want everything that they think you are.”

Kayson looked over at KoKo and his heart felt as if it crumbled in his chest. One of her eyes was swollen completely shut and the other was on its way. The beauty that usually set the room on fire was covered with cuts and bruises. There she was tied up like an animal, d.a.m.n near naked and kneeling in her own p.i.s.s and blood.

Kayson didn't say a word.

Tyquan looked on in antic.i.p.ation. ”Let me at least introduce you to your replacement,” Tyquan said, looking over to the shadow.

When the man walked out, Baseem felt his hand ache for his gun. He tightened his fist struggling to wait for Kayson to give the order.

”I don't need an introduction. This n.i.g.g.a knows who I am,” Rock said as he took his place near Tyquan and his mother.

”Oh, you've met?” he asked with a smile on his face.

”Nah, let's just say we ate from the same plate once,” he said, looking down at KoKo.

”Did I forget to mention that he is a Wells?” Tyquan asked, pulling on his cigar.

Kayson looked at Rock then at KoKo; he swallowed his spit, forced a smile to his face, then went in. ”You think this s.h.i.+t can break me?, every man on my team knows what it is. If they gotta be sacrificed, then that is what the f.u.c.k it is.” He looked down on her once more.

”Oh, so your wife doesn't matter?” he asked, pulling one in the chamber.

”She is replaceable p.u.s.s.y,” Kayson spat. ”Now if it's business you called me down here for, then do what you gotta do so we can get to it.”

”You hear that my dear? He is willing to have you replaced,” he pulled KoKo's head back and looked down into her beaten face, trying to steal her emotions, but there were none left.

Anger filled KoKo's chest as the words left Kayson's mouth. She looked up into his unwavering eyes and the coldness that stared back at her chilled her to the bone.

”Don't play with that b.i.t.c.h. Kill her,” Dutchess said as saliva filled her mouth. ”We have been playing with these two long enough.” She tightened her jaw then slammed her fist in her palm.

”Don't worry Ma, let this happen. Plus she is used to being on her knees. After this maybe me and my brother can both bend her over.” Rock threw his offer at Kayson.

”I might have got excited about your offer, but I'm playing with the memory of your mother sucking my d.i.c.k.” Kayson stated smoothly looking Rock in his eyes.

Rock's Brow creased. ”Is that right?”

”Let me know if you need the details.” Kayson spat venom in Rock's direction.

”Look at this both my sons soft on the same b.i.t.c.h. Who knew,” Tyquan chuckled. ”I guess I didn't give y'all enough Boss in your blood.”

”Just be patient. I'ma show you my Boss in a minute,” Kayson said then turned his attention back to Mr. Fucciano.

”I hate to break up this little reunion but we have some b.i.t.c.hes to kill,” he stated in his thick accent while holding the gun to KoKo's temple.

”Well get to it. I'm losing money,” Kayson spat with clenched teeth.

”Since she don't mean s.h.i.+t to you. Why don't you pull the trigger?”

”No problem.” He moved in her direction.

”Noooo...he does not get to end her life on his terms. She killed my son.” Dutchess yelled from Tyquan's side. ”This isn't the plan. What are you doing?” she asked rus.h.i.+ng over to Mr. Fucciano.

”b.i.t.c.h, you were never in my plans,” Tyquan said then shot Dutchess in the back.

Dutchess fell over holding her gut tight. She looked down at the blood seeping through her fingers and opened her mouth to scream but could not. ”You promised me,” she gasped as her chest heaved for air as it filled with fluid.

”b.i.t.c.h, ain't no honor amongst thieves,” he said then put one in her head. He turned back in Kayson's direction. ”Don't worry son, she deserved death.” Tyquan said emotionlessly to Rock as he stared at his mother's dead body.

Rock bit into his bottom lip and squeezed his sweaty palms tight.