Part 30 (1/2)

”It's already done,” KoKo said as she stuck the knife repeatedly in the back of Brenda's skull.

Brenda fidgeted in pain until her movements ceased.

KoKo let her head drop forward on the table, and then she wiped her blade on the bright white robe then stood firm in place. KoKo stepped back a few inches then closed her eyes and took a deep breath of relief. Tears weld up in her eyes as she realized she had fulfilled her promise to her parents. It was over and it was done, by her hands.

KoKo had just got word that the Lion's Den had been shot up, killing five people and wounding several others. To add to the bulls.h.i.+t, Goldie called from Atlanta reporting that ATF were all over Golden Paradise asking questions and pulling video, forcing her to close everything down. KoKo quickly had everyone moved and all the money secured. s.h.i.+t had escalated faster than she thought and her main goal was protecting the family and then hunt Magic's a.s.s down.

KoKo moved into Bre's building, collected her and was back in the car before the driver could turn around. They drove in silence until they pulled up to Goldie's apartment building.

”Look, I am putting my people in your hands. Don't cross me,” KoKo said, giving Breonni a look that said, Test this s.h.i.+t if you want to.

”KoKo, I got you,” Breonni said as they exited the vehicle.

KoKo stepped to the doors, gave the door man the nod and headed for the steps.

Breonni didn't miss a beat, she was right on KoKo's heals.

When they reached Goldie's door, she already had it open and was on point with her gun at her side.

”My n.i.g.g.a,” KoKo joked in her Denzel Was.h.i.+ngton voice.

”You already know,” Goldie looked out the door as Breonni walked in then locked it and moved to her bags. She placed one bag on her shoulder and pa.s.sed one to Breonni, then tucked her gun in the small of her back.

”Let's do this, Boss Lady,” Goldie said co-signing her mission.

KoKo grabbed the last bag and they were out.

When they got downstairs, KoKo's were all standing next to the van ready to handle the task at hand. The women were taken to the airport where they all loaded the plane. After a five-hour flight and a long ride through the mountainous terrain, they arrived at a big brick house with a small farmhouse behind it in a huge field out in Montana. KoKo's bodyguard jumped out and escorted the ladies into the house as the other four men grabbed the bags.

Breonni looked around at the fully furnished room and mapped out all exits and entrances as she moved further into the house. The men moved throughout the rooms checking everything over. Once they were sure it was secure, they posted up around the room and waited for the next instructions.

KoKo looked around the room into each person's eyes before she began.

”I want you to guard these ladies with your lives. No one knows you are here but me and you will know when I am coming; other than that, hit a high and low,” she looked at her men with a firm, unwavering gaze.

”They ain't gonna want this s.h.i.+t right here,” Solomon said, holding his Desert Eagle tight in his grip.

The other three men nodded their understating as the intensity of the moment pumped heat wildly through their bodies.

”Let me speak to the ladies for a minute. Y'all take your post,” KoKo ordered and each man moved to their position.

KoKo walked to a back room and Goldie and Breonni followed. When the door was closed, she laid down the law.

”Goldie do not take any calls from Baseem. Breonni cut off all communications with Long,” KoKo said, giving her a stern look.

Breonni's eyes got wide when she mentioned Long's name; she had been given an order to leave him alone and she had disobeyed and was now wondering how much KoKo knew.

”Somebody ain't right. I need these d.i.c.ks dry and confused so I can see what the f.u.c.k is going on around here.”

”You think Bas got cross in his blood?” Goldie's nostrils flared at the mere thought.

”I'm not saying that. But I have to isolate this s.h.i.+t before it gets way outta hand. I need Magic feeling that burn so he will move different; somebody is feeding that n.i.g.g.a. He sweet on that p.u.s.s.y you been giving him. I need that n.i.g.g.a off balance once them scales are tipped he will f.u.c.k up,” KoKo stated firmly.

”I am down for whatever; s.h.i.+t, you can have my phone. Everybody who needs me is in this room,” Breonni said, pulling her phone from her pocket.

”Nah, you hold that. I have to be able to get to you in case the people I trust can no longer be trusted,” KoKo said, not blinking an eye.

”Got you,” Breonni said as she blocked Magic and Long's numbers from her phone.

Goldie took her phone and did the same. ”When will we see you again?”

”Not sure. Just hold s.h.i.+t down and be ready for whatever. If s.h.i.+t don't feel right, you know where to go,” KoKo impressed.

”Yes I do,” Goldie confirmed.

”Everything you need is either in here or out in the farm house. Let them get what you need; stay in the house. Familiarize yourself with the weapons. There is a sawed-off under that kitchen table and one under that rocking chair. There is also a gun in the bathroom drawer and kitchen drawer and one under the pillow in each bedroom. Don't hesitate to tuck a n.i.g.g.a a.s.s in,” she stated strongly. ”Anything else?” KoKo asked. When the ladies didn't speak, KoKo knew it was time to push on. ”A'ight, let me get back to the streets,” she moved toward the door.

”Be safe, mama,” Goldie said, feeling bad that she was not going with KoKo.

”You do the same, and protect that baby. Night saved me and my son's life; I have to give him the same favor.”

Goldie got choked up and moved to KoKo and hugged her. ”Thank you for everything, KoKo.”

KoKo patted her on the back as if she was a small child. ”It's all good, ma. Y'all get settled in and no worries. I got this,” she a.s.sured her as she pulled back.

”Here we go with the mushy s.h.i.+t. Y'all f.u.c.king up my gangsta,” Breonni spat, moving past KoKo and Goldie.

KoKo chuckled. ” better be happy to see me affectionate; that might have just been that last part of me that is human,” KoKo said looking at Breonni with a cold stare. ”See y'all in a couple.”

Breonni felt a heaviness in her heart as KoKo hit the door. Her words sunk deep into the pit of Breonni's stomach. She knew that as scary as it may seem, the reality was that they were all on the edge of the grave, praying that this day was not the day death picked their number.

KoKo, Adreena and several of the soldiers marched up into Magic's little social club and walked right up to the bar. She leaned in and asked the bartender's name.

”I'm Wynter, how may I help you?”

”I need you to get that, Magic. Not now...but right now!”

”He's not here. Can I help you with anything,” she asked as she wiped the counter down.

”b.i.t.c.h, if I have to ask you again, we gonna be wiping up your teeth with the rest of the s.h.i.+t on that rag,” KoKo threatened.

”Let me call him,” she said, reaching for her cell phone.

”Put that s.h.i.+t on speaker,” she ordered.