Part 25 (1/2)

”You good ma?” Pete asked reaching down to her.

Adreena continued to mumble.

”Let's see if we can get her to stand up,” Chucky said moving in to help out.

”What's wrong? Did somebody hurt you?” Pete asked.

Adreena mumbled. ”I can't belie...”

”I can't hear you ma, did you say you can't believe?”

”Yes. I can't believe you crossed us”

Adreena grabbed him by the collar then shot him three time in the stomach. When he fell to the side she drew on Chucky shooting him in the thigh, and twice in the chest. When he hit the ground she jumped to her feet hopped in her car and peeled out headed straight to KoKo.

Chapter 30.

Fed Up Kayson walked off the elevator on fire. He moved through the rooms looking for KoKo like an angry bull. When he walked in the bedroom, his eyes met with KoKo and the color drained from her skin.

”What's wrong?” she asked, trying to gage his mood.

”Get Mariam to come and get the kids. I need to speak to you,” Kayson walked into the closet and then walked back in the room.

Mariam walked into the room with a bright smile on her face. Her eyes connected with Kayson then KoKo and she knew there was a problem; as usual, she did only her job.

”Hey, little face,” Mariam said as she reached out for Malika.

KoKo pa.s.sed the baby to Mariam as Quran stood staring at his dad.

”Go with Mariam,” Kayson gave him a stern look.

Quran nodded his head and walked out the room. When the door closed, Kayson began.

”You got something you need to tell me?” he asked, moving close to her.

”No, why? What happened?” KoKo looked in his eyes.

”I'ma need you to do me a favor and not treat me like a f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h a.s.s n.i.g.g.a,” Kayson based as he moved a little closer; now towering over her.

”What is wrong with you; why you cursing at me?” KoKo got a little indignant.

”I'ma ask you one more time and I want you to dig deep and don't f.u.c.king play with me,” he said as his breathing slightly picked up.

”Baby, I have no idea what you are talking about. If you have something to ask me, just ask me. I have never lied to you,” KoKo was now getting upset. And just as the words left her mouth she knew exactly what he was talking about but she d.a.m.n sure was not going to be the first to say the words.

”You f.u.c.king that Atlanta n.i.g.g.a?” he rubbed his hands together as he tried to keep calm.

KoKo took a deep breath. ”No, I am not. Did I? Yes. But that was before you came home.”

”If you f.u.c.ked that n.i.g.g.a and it ain't s.h.i.+t between y'all, then why the f.u.c.k you keep running to him when s.h.i.+t gets tight?”

”Baby, it's not like that. I have some business with him and I need him for some things that I have to take care of,” she tried to defend the situation.

”What the f.u.c.k could you possibly have to take care of that you need a n.i.g.g.a you were f.u.c.king to help you with?” he gave her the side-eye.

”Kayson, please don't do that. I slept with him once. I had no idea that you were alive and at that time, that man risked his situation to make sure I was good and a.s.sured my freedom. I have a few things pending in Atlanta that I have to wrap up, then it's over.”

”f.u.c.k that, it's over now,” he turned to walk away.

”Kay, I can't just walk away from this. I need a little more time please.”

”You end it or I end it,” he turned back in her direction.

”I can't.”

”You can't? What the f.u.c.k you mean you can't?” the crease deepened between his brows.

”I'm sorry, but I have to see this through,” she folded her hands over her chest.

”Is that right?” he raised one eyebrow.

KoKo stood quiet; she knew that if she said the wrong thing s.h.i.+t could go from bad to disaster in a matter of seconds.

”I'll tell you like won't be prepared for what I have to do,” he turned to walk out the room.

”Baby wait,” KoKo moved swift and positioned herself in front of their bedroom door.

”Don't f.u.c.king, baby me and get yo a.s.s out the way.”

”We ain't doing this s.h.i.+t. I'm your wife; you don't have anything to worry about,” she put her hands up to his chest.

Kayson quickly moved her hands. ”Don't f.u.c.kin' touch me.”

”Are you serious right now?” she was now heating up.

”Move,” he gave her the stare of death.

”You f.u.c.kin' walking out on me?” KoKo asked as her heart felt as if it would leave her chest.

”It's all good; call that n.i.g.g.a to get you through it.”

”It ain't s.h.i.+t between us but business,” she based at him.