Part 24 (1/2)
”Aight. Let me get you straight.”
”I need something to drink.”
Baseem looked around and spotted a towel; he rolled it up and put it behind her head. ”I'll be right back,” he got up and headed to the kitchen. After fumbling around he saw some straws and poured her some water.
Baseem kneeled down and a.s.sisted her with a few sips. She was weak, but she was alive and that alone was comforting.
”Lay back. I got you, ma. Let me get some things and I'll be right back,” he stood up, pulled out his cell phone and began his mission. He gave Brian a list for the store, cleared everything with Kayson then checked on the baby. Once he had secured the perimeter, he began his mission. He covered her up with a sheet then went to work. His first step was to open the windows and get some air in there.
”What the f.u.c.k,” he yelled out when he found a small bit of throw up next to the bed. He shook it off and began grabbing things, shoving them in a garbage bag. By the time he had the sheets changed and trash secured, the bell rang.
Baseem tied up the bag and headed to the door. When he pulled it open his package was right there waiting. He paused reached in his pocked and pulled out a few bills.
Brian was standing there proud and happy with a small smile on his face. ”Here you go, sir,” he held out the bag. ”And I'll take that,” he reached out and took the money from Baseem's hand and the trash from the other.
”Thanks again.”
”Anytime, sir. Please give Miss. Brooks my best,” he turned and walked away from the door.
Baseem closed and locked the door then placed the items on the kitchen counter. He turned on the front eye on the stove, grabbed a pot and put the chicken noodle soup in it. As it came to a boil, he read the directions on the Nyquil then made a cup of hot tea and poured some inside.
”This will f.u.c.k a cold up,” he chuckled then headed to the bathroom.
Kneeling again by her side, he shook her awake, lifted her head and got the medicine moving into her system. Once she drank half a cup, he sat her up then ran her a shower.
”This is not a good look,” he joked.
”f.u.c.k you, Bas,” she mumbled then gave him a slight smile.
”Not looking like this you won't,” he returned.
Baseem pulled his s.h.i.+rt over his head and then lifted her to her feet.
”I can't. I'm dizzy as h.e.l.l,” she shook her head slowly.
”I got you, ma,” he said, sitting her back down.
Baseem stripped down to his brown skin then pulled her into his arms. He pulled her out of her pajamas then carried her naked body to the shower.
Goldie leaned against his warm, smooth chest as he ran the soapy cloth over her back. The hot water felt so good going over her skin and his firm, yet gentle, touch soothed her aches and pains.
”Thank you, Bas,” she mumbled as he turned her around and put her back against his chest.
Baseem carefully washed her body and fought to keep his d.i.c.k from stiffening. Goldie had the perfect body; fat juicy a.s.s, small waist and perky firm breast. G.o.d, you got jokes he said to himself as he completed his task.
Baseem stepped out with Goldie in his arms; he grabbed two towels and dried her off then himself. Goldie put her head back on the pillow as he laid her down on the crisp clean sheets. Baseem searched the draws, found a little black nighty and slipped it over her head.
”You always take good care of me; thank you.”
”I told you I got you.”
Goldie snuggled up like a baby and pa.s.sed out. Baseem tucked his towel around his waist and collected the sheets and clothing. He placed them in the machine then headed back to the room. After getting her to take a few sips of water, he then got in the bed next to her. Goldie cuddled up against him and moaned a little before she drifted off again.
When Baseem got to his car and turned on the phone there were several messages from Simone. He listened to them then hit her number.
”Hey you. You alright?”
”I guess.”
”What does that mean?” he asked as he pulled from his parking spot.
”I can't understand why I only see you maybe twice a week and then when I call you, you don't answer,” she said as she took a seat on her bed.
”You know I be traveling, but you got me right now,” Baseem spit that slick s.h.i.+t.
”You think you are so cute,” she addressed his confident att.i.tude.
”Don't worry ma, I got you. I just have to move around for a few more days.”
”I am going to hold you to that,” she smiled lightening the mood.
”What you got on?”
”Take all that s.h.i.+t off, I'm on my way,” he hung up giving her no time to respond.
Simone's kitty jumped as she looked down at her phone. She placed it on the nightstand then did just as she was told. It had been days since she saw him and she could not wait to fell his touch.
Chapter 28.
Reflection KoKo moved slowly around the bedroom in her bra and panties. She sat down then lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
”Why you naked?” Kayson asked as he moved over to where she lay.
”Just taking a quick minute to get my head straight for your little field trip,” KoKo said as she rolled over on her stomach placing her hands under her chin.
Kayson walked over and laid on KoKo's back. ”Why I gotta convince you to handle your business,” he spoke into her ear then planted a few tender kisses on her neck.
”You know I don't do b.i.t.c.hes,” KoKo stated firmly.