Part 13 (2/2)
Taking the Lead Brenda stepped hard through the lobby in her two-piece dark red suit. She moved right past the receptionist, head held high and on a serious mission. Exiting the elevator, her heels clacked along the s.h.i.+ny brown marble floor as she headed to Luccini's office. Brenda turned the k.n.o.b hard, causing it to hit the wall with force; she stormed inside and slammed the door behind her.
”What the f.u.c.k is this s.h.i.+t?” Brenda threw a few contracts on his desk and folded her arms across her chest.
”Keep your voice down,” he quickly s.n.a.t.c.hed the paperwork up and threw it in the bottom drawer of his desk.
”Who is trying to f.u.c.k me on this deal?” she sat hard in the chair across from the desk and crossed her legs.
”You know what this is,” He stood up and moved to lock the door.
”I thought I knew. But every time I get this s.h.i.+t under control, one of you sons of b.i.t.c.hes s.n.a.t.c.hes the Band-Aid off this big a.s.s wound and everything starts all over again,” she shook her head in disgust.
”Look, you have to remain calm; it's almost over,” he said, adjusting his tie as he moved to the mini bar beside his desk.
”f.u.c.k being calm; I want you to give me Kayson,” she sat up making her demands.
Luccini poured himself a gla.s.s of water, put in a lime and took a seat. ”I know you have been putting in work and I will give you anything else you want; but I can't give you him,” he reached forward and grabbed a cigar and put fire to the end.
”You need to do this; you f.u.c.king owe me,” she sat forward, breathing heavy as she awaited his response.
Luccini sat puffing thick smoke into the air as he watched Brenda's chest began to heave up and down.
”That s.h.i.+t ain't gonna happen. In fact, you need to leave before you say something you will regret,” he stated calmly.
”f.u.c.k that. I hand delivered everyone to you. I put my family at risk. I put myself at risk, and here I am asking you for this favor and you deny me?” she jumped to her feet.
Taking a long deep pull on his cigar, Luccini blew at the end, causing the flames to kindle bright. ”I won't bend on this, Brenda. I will give you anything you want; but not him,” he responded, unfazed by her anger.
”The only thing I want is Kayson's last breath. Everything can shove up your a.s.s!” she turned to the door.
”Don't put yourself on the wrong side, Brenda,” he gently warned.
”You better take some of that advice for yourself. I'm already on the wrong side,,” she opened the door wide, causing it to crash into the wall.
Luccini reached over to the phone and placed a much needed call.
”h.e.l.lo, comrade,” the voice rang back with excitement.
”You are off the leash,” Luccini said, sitting back in his chair.
”No problem. Who do I need to see?”
”The thorn in my side.”
”But I thoug-”
”Get rid of those thoughts and handle this s.h.i.+t before it gets out of control,” he hung up not waiting for a response.
Luccini rocked back and forth in his seat. The organization had had enough and they were getting ready to erase anything that threatened their power.
Chapter 18.
The Sacrifice ”I didn't think you would see me,” Yuri pulled her hotel door open, welcoming Kayson inside. She inhaled deeply as he pa.s.sed her and his scent, tickled her belly.
”This is not a pleasure trip; you said you have something for me. Speak your mind,” he said, moving further into the room, eyeing the decor and the layout.
”I know that you may not think that I am sincere because of how the tables turned between me and you, but I don't hold that against you. I know that was business and your family was on the line.”
Yuri walked past him with her low back, tight silk jumper. Her hair was pulled back into a long wavy ponytail showing off all the features in her face. Kayson watched as she swayed from one spot to the next with the material of her clothing clinging to every curve. He couldn't front, she was definitely well put together, the Enforcer engaged in some mental gymnastics as he thought about a few very comprising positions.
Yuri turned and looked over her shoulder to catch the last piece of l.u.s.t in Kayson's eyes, then his mode quickly changed and his brow wrinkled as he waited for her to speak her so-called truths.
”Would you like something to drink?”
Kayson didn't respond, he just looked at her.
”I see you're still a man of little words,” she said as she moved to the love seat and perched her b.u.t.t in the seat.
”What is it that you want to tell me?” he asked, sticking to his script.
”I believe that I can help you with some information,” she stopped and sipped her drink. ”But I need to have a.s.surance that I will benefit very well from this transaction,” she stated, looking at him like he was her next meal.
”It all depends on what you have to offer,” he stated smoothly.
”My brother is in a deal with the Italians to cut your supply and work with him. They are fully aware of your dealings with father and they want to get my brother to cross you in an open meeting so they will have a reason to kill you,” she ran off the information to Kayson as if she was purging her heart.
Kayson looked at her and listened to her plan as she carefully diagramed it from start to finish. Yuri had put all the players in the room that he needed to get at, and while she ran off her plan, he was designing one of his own. He could see the l.u.s.t in her eyes to get her some sort of payback, and he could feel the urge inside him to have the same.
”Why now? And why are you choosing to a.s.sist me?” Kayson asked.
Yuri's face drew a blank expression and she stared at a small piece of lint on the plush carpet. Yuri tossed her logic around in her head then let it all go.
”They crossed me. My brother's greed made him go behind our back and side with your wife, which almost got my life taken. My father's ways are archaic; this family needs new leaders.h.i.+p and new blood and I want to build that with you,” she threw her proposition on the table.
”So, how much money are we talking?”
”It's just a few mill, but that isn't it; I can get money, that's not the issue. It's the power I want Kayson. I want it so bad I can taste it. I need you,” she said, looking up into his eyes.
”Let me think about it. I need to run some s.h.i.+t around in my head.”