Part 14 (1/2)

Yuri sat her gla.s.s on the table and stood up. ”Look, I know you don't trust me; but just know I would not have reached out to you if I didn't know we could both benefit immensely,” she walked up on him.

”Is that right? And all you are interested in is prestige?”

”What is more important than that?” she looked up in his eyes.

”You ain't got s.h.i.+t coming over here.”

”Oh, indeed...I would love to experience all this real deep from the back with my ponytail tight in your grip,” she eased up closer breathing in his aroma. ”But, don't flatter yourself, Mr. Wells; this isn't about you. It's about me,” she stepped back, turning toward the door.

”I will wait for your response,” she held onto the doork.n.o.b in a jester that his visit was over.

Kayson gave her a sneaky smirk as he moved toward her. ”Stay in your place, little girl; play with this grown man s.h.i.+t if you want to.” He looked her up and down. ”Standing there with your p.u.s.s.y all wet, I'm surprised you didn't slip and bust yo a.s.s on the way to the door,” he looked her over once more then moved past her.

Yuri chuckled. ”Hurry Mr. Wells, we can't afford to lose time.”

Yuri closed the door as she calmed her raising pulse. She moved back to the bar and poured herself a drink with plenty of ice. She guzzled half the gla.s.s then rolled the gla.s.s over her forehead. Kayson gave her all kinds of flames throughout her body every time he was near her. Yuri knew that she was playing with fire, but she was ready to burn on all his flames.

Yuri managed to have a few of her corrupt police connections on the island intercept three of her brother Peppa's s.h.i.+pments; putting him at the mercy of his suppliers. Within days she had managed to dismantle his whole plan. Peppa was out of his league and at the end of his rope. Yuri was sitting in her father's office in the high back grey chair reading a book as Peppa walked back and forth in the middle of the floor ranting.

Mr. Odoo listened with very little interest. After Kayson had caused him to lose the respect of his peers in certain circles by allowing him to touch him and his family and still live, Mr. Odoo was forced to cave in to Peppa's desire to move dope through the ports.

Mr. Odoo looked over at his daughter who seemed to have become very withdrawn after the ordeal with Kayson. He watched as she sat quiet; while Peppa fumed, her usual quest to prove him wrong did not exist.

”Yuri, what are you thinking?” he asked, causing Peppa to stop in his tracks and look coldly at his father.

Peppa turned his gaze to Yuri who looked up slowly from her book and spoke a soothing tone.

”Father, I think we need outside help. This is bigger than us,” Yuri spoke softly.

”Outside help is what got us into this s.h.i.+t,” Peppa barked, throwing his hands to the side.

”How can you lead with such a temper?” she asked, looking at him with a face of stone. ”You are too emotional. You need to move with your mind, not your blind pride,” she said from her seat as if she was already sitting on the throne.

”I guess while he had you, he let you snuggle up next to him because you seem to have his tongue in your mouth,” Peppa spat the words of contempt as if they had venom on them.

”I guess KoKo did you with the same d.i.c.k. With your dumb a.s.s,” Yuri returned with a smirk on her face.

”Enough!” Mr. Odoo yelled out, bringing them both to a pause. ”I will not have this,” he a.s.serted. ”We are a family. This man doesn't get to come in here and destroy us,” he raised his voice another octave.

Peppa turned his eyes to his father. ”I apologize,” he said and did a slight bow.

”I am sorry also, father,” Yuri stood and moved to her father's side.

”We have to hold strong in times of war or the enemy will get the whole castle,” he looked into his son's eyes.

Peppa calmed his spirit and nodded in agreement. Yuri looked at Peppa with teary eyes; she turned over and over in her head Peppa's words and each time, they cut deeper into her soul. Peppa had no idea that his words had just confirmed him a position as the sacrificial lamb at the birth of her rule. Yuri squeezed her father's shoulder as she claimed her spot. Blood was going to be shed and she was willing to take every life in the house.

Chapter 19.

More than a night to Remember Baseem prepared the last of his plans for the weekend and headed downtown to pick up Simone. When he pulled up in front of her office building, he got a tickle in his stomach like it was his first date.

”n.i.g.g.a, yo a.s.s is trippin',” he said aloud then chuckled at the thought of being nervous. Baseem stepped out of the vehicle and leaned up against the trunk to wait for Simone to appear.

Four o'clock on the dot, Simone emerged from the building moving fast and talking faster. She was swinging her briefcase in one hand and holding her cell phone to her ear with the other.

”Look, we have to get this together by Monday; no questions. So just get ready to be tucked inside until this project is done,” Simone said to her team on the phone then disconnected as she approached Baseem.

”Hey, baby,” Baseem said as he opened his arms to receive her.

”Hey, baby,” she pouted. ”I have bad news; I need to reschedule our weekend. I have to get so much work done. But I promise to make it up to you.”

”Man, f.u.c.k that project s.h.i.+t. You got a date with the middle of a king size bed with a s.e.xy a.s.s n.i.g.g.a making you know you're a woman,” Baseem said firmly, not trying to hear anything she was saying.

”Baby, you know I want that so much, but my team is depending on me and this project is what I need to get to the next level,” she said as his hands caressed her body speaking the words his mouth didn't have to say.

”Like I said...we got plans. Hit that chic back and delegate some s.h.i.+t and daddy will let you play with them for a little while tomorrow when you wake up,” he smacked her b.u.t.t as he released her from his arms. ”Get in,” he pulled the door open and gestured for her to get in.

Simone took a deep breath. ”I guess I have no other choice; huh?”

”No, you do not.”

Simone hit her alarm and retrieved her bag and placed it in his trunk; then she moved to the open door.

”You almost got raped in the parking lot; don't make me change my mind.”

Simone's mouth dropped open.

”Close your mouth, baby; I got something for that later,” he said closing the door behind her.

When Baseem got in the car Simone was looking at him with the side-eye.

”What's up?”

”What you plan on putting in my mouth?” she crossed her arms over her chest.

”I'm just planning on feeding you that's all, baby,” Baseem looked at her with low eyes.

”Yeah, alright; let me find out, as you would say.”

Baseem chuckled. ”Don't worry, baby. I will only put in your mouth what you allow me to put in there,” he licked his lips letting his eyes roam over her body.

”You so nasty.”

”You haven't seen nasty yet,” he said as he pulled off.

Simone buckled her seat belt and said a little prayer; she wanted to get it out of the way in case G.o.d didn't want to know her after this weekend.