Part 17 (1/2)
The immense dog resolved into being, in actuality, a very large wolf, with a wad of fabric wrapped about its neck. Its fur was a dark brown color brindled gold and cream, and its eyes were pale yellow.
Upon reaching them, the wolf gave Miss Hisselpenny a polite little nod and then put its head in Lady Maccon's lap.
”Ah, husband,” said Alexia, scratching him behind the ears, ”I figured you would find me, but not so quickly as this.”
The Earl of Woolsey lolled his long pink tongue at his wife good-naturedly and tilted his head in Miss Hisselpenny's direction.
”Yes, of course,” replied Alexia to the unspoken suggestion. She turned to her friend. ”Ivy, my dear, I suggest you look away at this juncture.”
”Why?” wondered Miss Hisselpenny.
”Many find a werewolf's shape change rather unsettling and-”
”Oh, I am certain I should not be at all disconcerted,” interrupted Miss Hisselpenny.
Lady Maccon was not convinced. Ivy was, circ.u.mstances had shown, to fainting. She continued her explanation. ”And Conall will not be clothed when the transformative event has completed.” Conall will not be clothed when the transformative event has completed.”
”Oh!” Miss Hisselpenny put a hand to her mouth in alarm. ”Of course.” She turned quickly away.
Still, one could not help but hear, even if one did not look: that slushy crunchy noise of bones breaking and reforming. It was similar to the echoing sound that dismembering a dead chicken for the stew pot makes in a large kitchen. Alexia saw Ivy shudder.
Werewolf change was never pleasant. That was one of the reasons pack members still referred to it as a curse, despite the fact that, in the modern age of enlightenment and free will, clavigers chose chose metamorphosis. The change comprised a good deal of biological rearranging. This, like rearranging one's parlor furniture for a party, involved a transition from tidy to very messy to tidy once more. And, as with any redecoration, there was a moment in the middle where it seemed impossible that everything could possibly go back together harmoniously. In the case of werewolves, this moment involved fur retreating to become hair, bones fracturing and mending into new configurations, and flesh and muscle sliding about on top of or underneath the two. Alexia had seen her husband change many times, and every time she found it both vulgar and scientifically fascinating. metamorphosis. The change comprised a good deal of biological rearranging. This, like rearranging one's parlor furniture for a party, involved a transition from tidy to very messy to tidy once more. And, as with any redecoration, there was a moment in the middle where it seemed impossible that everything could possibly go back together harmoniously. In the case of werewolves, this moment involved fur retreating to become hair, bones fracturing and mending into new configurations, and flesh and muscle sliding about on top of or underneath the two. Alexia had seen her husband change many times, and every time she found it both vulgar and scientifically fascinating.
Conall Maccon, Earl of Woolsey, was considered proficient at the change. No one could beat out Professor Lyall for sheer elegance, of course, but at least the earl was fast, efficient, and made none of those horribly pugilistic grunting noises the younger cubs were to emitting.
In mere moments, he stood before his wife: a big man, without being fat. Alexia had commented once that, given his love of food, he probably would have become portly had he aged as normal humans did. Luckily, he had elected for metamorphosis sometime in his midthirties and so had never gone to seed. Instead he remained forever a well-muscled mountain of a man who needed the shoulders of his coats tailored, his boots specially ordered, and near constant reminding that he must duck through doorways.
He turned eyes, only a few shades darker than they had been in wolf form, to his wife.
Lady Maccon stood to help him pull on his cloak but sat back down before she could do so. She was still not steady on her feet.
Lord Maccon immediately stopped shaking out the garment in question and knelt, naked, before her.
”What's wrong?” he practically yelled.
”What?” Ivy turned to see what was going on, caught a glimpse of the earl's naked backside, squeaked, and turned back away, fanning herself with one gloved hand.
”Do not fuss, Conall. You are upsetting Ivy,” grumbled Lady Maccon.
”Miss Hisselpenny is always upset over something. You You are a different matter. You don't are a different matter. You don't do do these kinds of things, wife. You are not that feminine.” these kinds of things, wife. You are not that feminine.”
”Well, I like that!” Lady Maccon took offense.
”You understand my meaning perfectly. Stop trying to distract me. What's wrong?” He drew entirely the wrong conclusion. ”You're sickening! Is that why you've come, to tell me you're ill?” He looked like he wanted to shake her but did not dare.
Alexia looked straight into his worried eyes and said slowly and carefully, ”I am perfectly fine. It is simply taking a little time for me to get my land legs back. You know how it can be after a long air or sea journey.”
The earl looked vastly relieved. ”Not a very good floater, my love, as it turned out?”
Lady Maccon gave her husband a reproachful look and replied petulantly, ”No, not so very good at the floating. No.” Then she changed the subject. ”But, really, Conall, you know I welcome the spectacle, but poor Ivy! Put your cloak on, do.”
The earl grinned, straightened under her appreciative eye, and wrapped his long cloak about his body.
”How did you know I was here?” Alexia asked as soon as he was decent.
”The lewd display has ended, Miss Hisselpenny. You are safe,” Lord Maccon informed Ivy, settling his ma.s.sive frame next to his wife. The trunk creaked at the added weight.
Lady Maccon snuggled against her husband's side happily.
”Simply knew,” he grumbled, wrapping one long, fabric-shrouded arm about her and hauling her closer against him. ”This landing patch is just off my route to Kingair. I caught your scent about an hour ago and saw the dirigible coming in for a landing. Figured I had better come see what was going on. Now you, wife. What are you doing in Scotland? With Miss Hisselpenny no less.”
”Well, I had to bring some kind of companion. Society would not very well condone my floating across the length of England by myself.”
”Mmm.” Lord Maccon glanced over, eyes heavy-lidded, at the still-nervous Ivy. She had not yet reconciled herself to talking with an earl dressed only in a cloak so was standing a little distance off with her back to them.
”Give her a bit more recuperation time,” advised Alexia. ”Ivy's sensitive, and you are such a shock to the system, even fully dressed.”
The earl grinned. ”Praise, wife? How unusual from you. Nice to know I still have the capacity to unsettle others, even at my age. But stop trying to avoid the subject. Why are are you here?” you here?”
”Why, darling”-Lady Maccon batted her eyelashes at him-”I was coming to Scotland to see you you of course. I missed you so.” of course. I missed you so.”
”Ah, wife, how romantic of you,” he replied, not believing a word of it. He looked down at her fondly. Not as far down as he would have had to on most women, mind you. His Alexia was rather strapping. He preferred her that way. Undersized women reminded him of yippy dogs.
He rumbled softly, ”Lying minx.”
She leaned in. ”It will have to wait until later, when others cannot overhear,” she whispered against his ear.
”Mmm.” He turned in toward her and kissed her lips, warm and adamant.
”Ahem.” Ivy cleared her throat.
Lord Maccon took his time breaking off the kiss.
”Husband,” said Lady Maccon, her eyes dancing. ”You remember Miss Hisselpenny?”
Conall gave his wife a look a look, and then stood and bowed. As though he and the nonsensical Miss Hisselpenny had not formed a lasting acquaintance these three months since his marriage.
”Good evening, Miss Hisselpenny. How do you do?”
Ivy curtsied. ”Lord Maccon, how unexpected. You were notified of our arrival time?”
”Then how?”
”It is a werewolf machination, Ivy,” explained Alexia. ”Do not trouble yourself.”
Ivy did not.
Lady Maccon said to her husband carefully, ”I also have my sister and Tunstell accompanying me. And Angelique, of course.”