Part 11 (1/2)

Changeless Gail Carriger 70400K 2022-07-22

”Oh, very well, if you insist,” she conceded with ill grace.

The intrepid Beta, older than most werewolves still living in the greater London environs-Lord Maccon and the dewan included-did the only thing he could under the circ.u.mstances. Pulled his cravat aside to expose his neck, gave a little bow, and took himself off to bed without another word, leaving Lady Maccon in possession of the field.

Her ladys.h.i.+p sent the hovering Floote to rouse poor Tunstell from his bed and give him the unexpected news that he would be departing for Scotland. The claviger, who had only just climbed into bed, having spent the better part of the night looking at ladies' hats, wondered a tad about the sanity of his mistress.

Just after sunrise, having gotten very little sleep, Lady Maccon commenced packing. Or, it should be said more precisely that Lady Maccon commenced arguing with Angelique over what should be packed. She was interrupted by a visit from the only person on the planet capable of consistently routing her in verbal skirmishes.

Floote brought up the message.

”Good gracious, what on earth is she she doing here? And at such an early hour!” Alexia put the calling card back down on the little silver tray; checked her appearance, which was only just pa.s.sable for receiving; and wondered if she should take the time to change. Should one risk keeping a caller waiting or face criticism for being dressed in attire unbecoming to a lady of rank? She chose the latter, deciding to get the encounter over and done with as quickly as possible. doing here? And at such an early hour!” Alexia put the calling card back down on the little silver tray; checked her appearance, which was only just pa.s.sable for receiving; and wondered if she should take the time to change. Should one risk keeping a caller waiting or face criticism for being dressed in attire unbecoming to a lady of rank? She chose the latter, deciding to get the encounter over and done with as quickly as possible.

The woman waiting for her in the front parlor was a diminutive blond with a rosy complexion that owed more to artifice than nature, wearing a visiting dress of pink and white stripes that would better suit a lady half her age.

”Mama,” said Lady Maccon, presenting her cheek for the halfhearted kiss her mother wafted in her direction.

”Oh, Alexia,” cried Mrs. Loontwill, as though she had not seen her eldest in years. ”I am quite overset with the most nervous misery; such a to-do is afoot. I require your immediate a.s.sistance.”

Lady Maccon was dumbfounded-a state that did not afflict her often. Firstly, her mother had not insulted her appearance. Secondly, her mother actually seemed to be seeking her help in some matter. Her Her help. help.

”Mama, do sit. You are quite dis...o...b..bulated. I shall order tea.” She gestured to a chair, and Mrs. Loontwill sank into it gratefully. ”Rumpet,” Alexia addressed the hovering butler, ”tea, please. Or would you prefer sherry, Mama?”

”Oh, I am not that that overset.” overset.”

”Tea, Rumpet.”

”However, the situation is is very dire. Such p.o.o.pitations of the heart as you would not very dire. Such p.o.o.pitations of the heart as you would not believe. believe.”

”Palpitations,” corrected her daughter softly.

Mrs. Loontwill relaxed slightly, and then all of a sudden sat up straight as a poker, looking wildly about. ”Alexia, none of your husband's a.s.sociates a.s.sociates are in residence, are they?” are in residence, are they?”

This was her mother's delicate way of referring to the pack.

”Mama, it is full daylight. They are all in residence, but they are also all abed. I, myself, have been up most of the night.” She said this last as a subtle hint, but her mother existed well beyond subtlety.

”Well, you would would marry into the supernatural set. Not that I am complaining about your catch, my dear, far from it.” Mrs. Loontwill puffed up her chest like a pink-striped quail. ”My daughter, Lady Maccon.” marry into the supernatural set. Not that I am complaining about your catch, my dear, far from it.” Mrs. Loontwill puffed up her chest like a pink-striped quail. ”My daughter, Lady Maccon.”

It was a constant source of amazement to Alexia that the only thing she had ever done in her entire life that pleased her mama was marry a werewolf.

”Mama, I really have a great deal to accomplish this morning. And you indicated you were visiting regarding a matter of some considerable urgency. What has happened?”

”Well, you see, it is your sisters.”

”You finally comprehend what intolerable little ninnies they both are?”


”What about them, Mama?” Lady Maccon was wary. It wasn't that she did not love her sisters; it was simply that she did not like like them very much. They were half sisters to be precise: Misses Loontwills the pair of them, while Alexia had been a Miss Tarabotti before her marriage. They were as blond, as silly, and as nonpreternatural as their pink-striped mama. them very much. They were half sisters to be precise: Misses Loontwills the pair of them, while Alexia had been a Miss Tarabotti before her marriage. They were as blond, as silly, and as nonpreternatural as their pink-striped mama.

”They are in the most terrible argument at the moment.”

”Evylin and Felicity are fighting? How surprising.” The sarcasm was entirely lost on Mrs. Loontwill.

”I know! But I speak nothing but truth. You must comprehend perfectly my distress at this. You see, Evylin has become engaged. Not a catch quite up to your standards, of course-we cannot expect lightning to strike twice-but a tolerable match. The gentleman is not supernatural, thank heavens; one irregular in-law is more than enough. Regardless, Felicity cannot countenance the fact that her younger sister will marry before her. She is being perfectly beastly over the whole thing. So Evylin suggested, and I agree, that perhaps she needs to get out of London for a spell. So I suggested, and Mr. Loontwill agreed, that a trip to the countryside would be just the thing to brighten up her spirits. So I have brought her here, to you.”

Lady Maccon did not quite follow. ”You have brought Evylin?”

”No, dear, no. Do pay attention! I have brought Felicity.” Mrs. Loontwill produced a ruffled fan and began waggling it about violently.

”What, here?”

”Now you are being purposefully dull-witted,” accused her mother, prodding her with the fan.

”I am?” Where was was Rumpet with the tea? Lady Maccon was in desperate need. Her mother often caused that kind of reaction. Rumpet with the tea? Lady Maccon was in desperate need. Her mother often caused that kind of reaction.

”I have brought her here to stay with you, of course.”

”What! For how long?”

”As long as is required.”

”But, what?”

”I am certain you could use the company of family,” insisted her mother. She took a moment to glance about the parlor, a cluttered but friendly room, full of books and large pieces of leather furnis.h.i.+ng. ”And this place could certainly benefit from additional feminine influence. There is not a single doily in sight.”


”She has packed for a two-week stay, but, you understand, as I have a wedding to arrange, she may need to remain at Woolsey longer. In which case, you will have to go shopping.”

”Now wait just a moment-” Alexia's voice rose in aggravation.

”Good, that is settled, then.”

Alexia was left gaping like a fish.

Mrs. Loontwill stood, apparently recovered from her palpitations. ”I shall go fetch her from the carriage, shall I?”

Lady Maccon trailed her mother out of the parlor and down the front steps to find Felicity, surrounded by a prodigious amount of baggage, on her front lawn.

Without further ado, Mrs. Loontwill kissed both of her daughters on the cheek, climbed back into the carriage, and departed in a whirl of lavender perfume and pink stripes.

Lady Maccon looked her sister over, still in shock. Felicity was dressed in the latest of velvet long coats, white with a red front, hundreds of tiny black b.u.t.tons running up it, and a long white skirt with red and black bows. Her blond hair was up, and her hat was perched back on her head in just the kind of precarious manner Angelique would approve of most.

”Well,” Lady Maccon said brusquely, ”I guess you had best come in.”

Felicity looked about at her bags and then maneuvered delicately around them and swept up the front steps and into the house.

”Rumpet, would you please?” Lady Maccon, left behind with the luggage, indicated the ma.s.sive pile with her chin.

Rumpet nodded.