Part 34 (1/2)

His mouth was on hers, not so patient now, not so gentle. Ana felt a quick thrill of excitement and alarm as he pressed her back against the pillows. ”Boone-”

”Just for a minute.” His voice took on an edge of desperation. ”I need a minute with you.”

He took her breast, searing her flesh through the thin silk of her rumpled blouse. While his hands skimmed over her, his mouth took and took, swallowing her m.u.f.fled moans. His body ached to cover hers, to press hard against soft, to take quickly, even savagely, what he knew she could bring to him.

”Ana.” His teeth sc.r.a.ped down her throat before he gathered her close, just to hold her. He knew he was being unfair, to both of them, and he struggled to back off. ”How long does it take to feed that cat?”

”Not long enough.” With a shaky laugh, she dropped her head on his shoulder. ”Not nearly long enough.”

”I was afraid of that.” He drew back, running his hands down her arms to take hers. ”Jessie's been after me to let her spend the night at Lydia's.

If I can work it out, will you stay with me? Here?”

”Yes.” She brought his hand to her lips, then pressed it to her cheek.

”Whenever you like.”

”Tonight.” He forced himself to release her, to move away. ”Tonight,”

he repeated. ”I'll go call Lydia's mother. Beg if I have to.” He steadied himself and slowed down. ”I promised Jess we'd go get some ice cream, maybe have lunch on the wharf. Will you come with us? If it all works out, we could drop her off at Lydia's, then go out to dinner.”

She pushed off the bed herself, brus.h.i.+ng uselessly at the wrinkles in her blouse and slacks. ”That sounds nice.”

Great. Sorry about the clothes. I wasn't quite brave enough to undress you.”

She felt a quick thrill at the image of him unb.u.t.toning her blouse.

Slowly, very slowly, his fingers patient, his eyes hot. She cleared her throat. ”They'll press out. I need to change, go check on Morgana and the twins.”

”I could drive you.”

”That's all right. My father's going to pick me up so I can get my car.

What time did you want to leave?”

”About noon, in a couple hours.”

”Perfect. I'll meet you back here.”

He caught her to him before she reached the doorway, then stopped her heart with another greedy kiss. ”Maybe we could pick up some takeout, bring it back and eat here.”

”That sounds nice, too,” she murmured as she s.h.i.+fted the angle of the kiss. ”Or maybe we could just send out for pizza when we get hungry.”

”Better. Much better.”

By four o'clock, Jessie was standing in Lydia's doorway waving a cheery goodbye. Her pink backpack was bulging with the amazing a.s.sortment of necessities a six-year-old girl required for a sleepover.

What made the entire matter perfect in her eyes was that Daisy had been invited along for the party.

”Tell me not to feel guilty,” Boone asked as he cast one last glance in the rearview mirror.


”About wanting my own daughter out of the house tonight.”