Part 15 (1/2)

”I'm fine. A bit sore, but what do I expect having shoved these two out. I guess I need to be thankful I had twins because Michael said we aren't having anymore after the experience he had yesterday.” She snickers. ”I mean it wasn't as though he had to carry them for nearly nine months, or go through all that pain, which was so worth it. In case you're wondering, Sebastian.”

I wince. ”Can we not talk about the delivery part, I've just eaten.”

”Ignore him Lily and please tell me I can have a cuddle from one of your little babies.”

”You sure can. Do you want to take Charlotte as she's the closest?”

Carla moves in and takes Charlotte, very gently, into her arms before sitting back in the armchair to the side of the bed.

Snuggling Charlotte closer, I watch, as Carla gets lost in the baby when it hits me that I want what Michael has. I've already told everyone that I intend to marry Carla, and then we can talk about babies. I'm not sure how the h.e.l.l I'll get through her labor, but Michael isn't outdoing me. At least the twin gene is from Lily's side of the family and not the McKenzie.

Looking back towards Lily, she's watching me with 'that look' in her eyes. The same one Mom always wears when she's scheming.

I laugh. ”Lily, you can get that look off your face. You missed it yesterday, but I've already announced to the family that I plan on marrying Carla,” I meet Carla's eyes, ”but I'll be asking in a setting she won't ever forget.”

Hearing sniffling, I turn back to Lily whose crying. ”That was so gorgeous. I knew you just needed the right woman to get you on the straight and narrow.”

Carla starts laughing. ”Oh, he's on the straight and narrow now.”

”Lily, what's wrong?” Michael asks, coming into the room before das.h.i.+ng to his wife.

”Your brother.”

Michael straightens and looks at me as though he wants my head in a noose.

f.u.c.k. ”Um, Lily. You might want to rephrase that.”

”Sorry,” she chuckles. ”Michael, your brother has finally found 'the' woman for him.” Michael still looks clueless.

”What Lily is trying to tell you is that I'm planning on marrying Carla, once I've asked her.”

”You're serious,” he says taking his son from Lily before sitting beside her on the bed. ”Wow. I bet Mom's already planned your wedding,” he laughs turning to Carla. ”You have to be firm with her Carla. Tell her she can help, but it's your wedding. She'll completely take over otherwise. She won't mean to, she'll just get carried away.”

”I'll remember that. Sebastian come and say h.e.l.lo to your niece.”

Okay. Why does that thought make me want to run out of the room?

Michael roars with laughter. ”Brother, you are not frightened of a little baby. Are you?”

”Be glad we're in the hospital and there are babies present, brother.”

Ignoring Michael now, I walk over and perch on the arm of Carla's chair and take my first proper look at Charlotte. She's like her mommy with a head of dark hair and a sprinkling of freckles over her nose. I wrap my arm around Carla and caress Charlotte's head. She's beautiful and I'm not biased at all being her uncle. Well, maybe a little bit.

”I never thought I'd see the day when you went all gaga over a baby.” Michael cuddles his son between him and Lily while watching Carla and me.

”I've never been an uncle before, so no need for it. Besides I kind of like the idea of a baby girl, perhaps we could keep Charlotte, that way I don't have to go through what Michael went through,” I tease. He's my brother, what does he expect?

”You can have your own because I want you to know what it's like watching your babies come into the world, although I had to try and switch off from the fact they come out of the same place we shove our...well you know,” he finishes lamely after a glare from Lily just as Mom pushes her way through the door.

”Michael, I hope you weren't about to say what I think you were.”

”No ma'am,” he groans, then bends and kisses Lily.

Unable to resist my woman, I kiss her neck and feel a s.h.i.+ver run through her. After Michael going on about women's parts, I can't get Carla's out of my head or what it felt like being sheathed to the hilt inside her.

s.h.i.+t. These thoughts are going to become embarra.s.sing.

”Carla, let's go for a walk to get coffee and let granny have some time with the babies.”

”Okay,” she says pa.s.sing Charlotte to my hovering Mom before standing and letting my Mom sit in her seat.

”We'll be back soon.”

I practically drag her out of the room followed by Michael's laughter.

Chapter 35.

Carla What the h.e.l.l has gotten into Sebastian? He practically dragged me out of Lily's room and now he's dragging me down the hallway as though there's a fire.

He looks through the window to a room. ”In here,” he says, pus.h.i.+ng the door open before pulling me inside and out of view of the window.


He slams his mouth to mine and pushes me up against the wall, grabbing my thighs he hoists me up so I wrap my legs around him coming into contact with his huge swollen c.o.c.k, making my eyes open wide. I had no idea he was so aroused.

I shove my fingers into his hair, holding his mouth to me. The things he does with his tongue has me wet and aching.

”I need you babe.”

He lets my feet hit the floor, unzips me, shoving my jeans and thong down my legs before releasing his c.o.c.k, which is already wet at the tip.

I can't take my eyes off him as he jerks with arousal and takes hold of himself, pulling back to the root of him and holding there.

”Carla,” he says between gritted teeth, ”I'm going to come the minute I get inside you.”

That's the only warning I get. He spins me around. I place my hands on the wall as he pulls my hips towards him before thrusting inside me.

He feels so good, filling me up, which sets off little electric shocks along my channel.

Letting go of my hips, he wraps me up in his arms and slides his hands up inside my top, shoving my bra above my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and starts ma.s.saging and pinching my nipples.

”Hmm,” I moan resting my head on his shoulder behind me.