Part 14 (1/2)
f.u.c.k! ”You need to stop unless you want me to take you on the kitchen floor.”
Moving away from her to try and get myself back in control, which I seem to lose whenever she's close. I take the burgers and salad to the dining table.
Carla sits in the chair I pull out for her, but not before I see her smirk at the bulge in my pants.
”Behave. Food first...then cream.”
Her eyes go wide when she figures out what I'm referring to, which has me roaring with laughter. She is so easy to tease and so d.a.m.n adorable with it.
Another thing I love about this woman is her appet.i.te. She's no lettuce leaf girl. Her burger is loaded with more c.r.a.p than my own, which is saying something. I'm not even sure she's going to get her mouth around it. Then again I could be wrong. My mouth hangs open as I watch her stretch her jaw and bite through the d.a.m.n thing, although she seems to be struggling to chew with her mouth closed so she places the burger back on her plate before covering her mouth and chewing behind her hand.
Meeting my eyes, hers are full of laughter.
”You enjoying that?” I laugh before taking a bite of my own.
”d.a.m.n straight. I also didn't realize how hungry I was until this was in front of me.” She takes another bite, just as big while I'm trying to keep my mind off body parts. Body parts that want in that s.e.xy as sin mouth.
Deciding to follow suit and refuel, I start to shovel my burger in to my mouth without really tasting anything, waiting for Carla to finish hers before I pounce.
”Hmm, this is so good. I can't remember the last time I had a burger. Ramon prefers pizza and Italian food if we eat out or in for that matter,” she mumbles around another mouth full of food.
She groans in pleasure at the food and my senses go into overdrive. It would be great to have her moaning under me.
Taking a drink of my water, I watch her for a few minutes before telling her, ”I've never met a woman who enjoys her foods as much as you do,” rather tactlessly.
She freezes and raises an eyebrow. ”Are you trying to tell me something?”
Oh f.u.c.k!
”I didn't mean a I wasn't getting at a Oh h.e.l.l.” I stand up and walk around to her chair where I crouch down. ”Baby, I love every inch of you and I love the fact that you eat rather than starve. If you starve yourself then these curves I love putting my hands on would disappear.”
”Nice save,” she wipes her mouth with the napkin before placing it back on the table, ”but I think you need to make it up to me.”
I grin as I stand up and pull her up with me, tossing her over my shoulder and racing to the bedroom where I let her fall onto the bed.
”Christ, I'm going to be sick if you keep tossing me around when I've just eaten.” She puts her hand to her stomach, but I have one h.e.l.l of a view of her naked p.u.s.s.y, which my s.h.i.+rt is barely covering.
Licking my lips, I drop to my knees and grabbing her thighs bring her to the edge of the bed, placing her legs over my shoulders, I smooth my hands back and forth from knee to hip in a gently caress. Every time I move closer to her hips she arches into me, wanting my touch elsewhere.
Within minutes she's wiggling out of the s.h.i.+rt and throws it to the side of the bed before offering me a huge grin. ”You have access to all of me now.”
”Oh babe, I had access to all of you anyway.” Without giving her time to think, I kiss her slap bang on her p.u.s.s.y lips, which sets her off wiggling around. Sliding my tongue through her nether lips, tasting her, hearing her moan, has my d.i.c.k hard as steel and I'm not too sure I'm going to last. She's a feast for sore eyes, lying on her bed while I eat her p.u.s.s.y. Looking up slightly, she's watching me and...and...f.u.c.k. She's tugging at her hard-as-f.u.c.k nipples.
My hips involuntary arch against the side of the bed, which causes an intense pleasure to start at the tip of my toes, that moves up my legs as my b.a.l.l.s start to draw tight into my body.
Carla continues playing with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and nipples, arching up from the bed when I shove two fingers inside her to check for readiness and boy is she ready.
Quickly rising from the floor, I practical rip my zipper, freeing my c.o.c.k then thrust inside her, my b.a.l.l.s slapping against her a.s.s. I'm in her that quick.
”Oh G.o.d baby. I can't go slow. I need to move.” Before I finish speaking, I'm sliding in and out of her. Her walls grabbing and clinging to my d.i.c.k. She's so warm. So tight. And so f.u.c.king wet.
”Ahhh.” I start e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. feeling her walls clamp down on me as she starts grinding against my groin in the midst of her own climax.
She's still squeezing me. Milking every last drop of c.u.m out from my c.o.c.k.
I drop down and rest my head into the crook of her neck, trying to breathe. Carla tightens her arms and legs around me, holding me close.
”I love you, Sebastian.”
My whole body quivers with her words. I slide out of her body, wrapping her even tighter against me before rolling on to my back, bringing her with me.
”I love you too, babe. You make me feel and act like a teenager. I'm just so d.a.m.n glad you came with me because it would have destroyed me climaxing without you...the woman I love, first and always.”
”Hmm, oh I came. The minute you start releasing inside me, I always come. It's hot.” Carla snuggles more into my arms as I hear my d.a.m.n phone buzzing with two text messages, one after the other.
”Do you need to answer them?” she asks, half asleep.
She starts moving to the side to let me up, so I quickly kiss her before climbing out of bed to pad across the floor to retrieve my phone. All the time praying it isn't more texts from Jacky.
I have no idea what she's playing at, but I'm sure as h.e.l.l going to have words with her when I'm back in the office.
Picking my phone up, both texts are from Jacky and one is a picture message t.i.tled, 'What you're missing'. Before I can delete it, the picture opens of a naked Jacky standing in front of a mirror.
I quickly press delete and add her to the top of my mental calendar a different department or different company. I'd prefer the latter, but I hold myself at fault for leading her on to begin with.
Walking back into the bedroom, Carla is curled up on her side fast asleep.
Chapter 33.
Carla I'm dreaming. There is a G.o.d on top of me making sweet love to my body. Sliding in and out of my channel, causing a delicious friction.
Then the G.o.d says, ”Wake up Carla. I want you awake when I come inside you.” My eyes fly open and are met by a grinning Sebastian.
I start to giggle, which ends on a groan when he sucks a nipple into his mouth, ma.s.saging it against the roof of his mouth with his tongue.
He lets it plop out of his mouth. ”You were so s.e.xy lying without any cover. Your legs spread showing me your glistening p.u.s.s.y. I couldn't resist you.”
”Hmm, I was dreaming that a G.o.d was making sweet love to me...I guess I was right.”
I move to wrap my legs around his hips, but he stops me and keeping his c.o.c.k inside, straddles my legs, which makes my channel so tight.
He continues to move slightly, more of a rocking really. I stretch my arms out behind me at the same time as I arch my back and start coming apart in a slow burst of delicious tingles. My channel clenching and releasing Sebastian's gliding c.o.c.k, which sets his release off.