Part 13 (1/2)

My hands fall to his hips as I caress over his tight b.u.t.t at the same time as he holds my face in his hands and kisses me. My toes curl. The pulse between my legs throbs. I'm helpless the moment he touches me.

”You two have remembered where you are, right?” Ruben mumbles, clearly embarra.s.sed standing next to us.

My first reaction is to quickly pull back, but Sebastian has other ideas and won't let me. He slowly removes his lips from mine, grins before taking a deep breath and pulling me over to the sofa in the room.

Sebastian is like a drug. I crave my next fix of him. As he settles me on the sofa, I lay down with my head in his lap facing inwards, towards his stomach. He cups my head keeping me against his aroused body. Yeah, I can feel him against my cheek. Hard and solid.

As I start to drift off to sleep I hear Pippa ask why Lucien hasn't come out of the room with them.

Chapter 30.

Sebastian With Carla lying asleep in my lap I'm having a h.e.l.l of a problem getting my erection to shrink. If she'd have faced outwards it wouldn't be such a problem, but with her face resting against it, all I can think about is having her mouth wrapped around me.

I stop stroking her hair and tangle my fingers in the flowing locks. She's beautiful. I was serious when I said she was going to become my wife. A bit presumptuous on my part, but I figured if she heard it out loud she'd have fair warning of my intentions.

The fact that some b.a.s.t.a.r.d was trying to harm her because of her brother is tearing me in two. She doesn't deserve this, but then again, does anyone deserve to have a mad man after them?

Dragging my other hand through my hair, I look around the waiting room, which is full of my family and Lily's friend Sabrina. In fact, Sabrina hadn't looked happy when Ramon had told Mom that Lily refused to let Lucien out of the room.

The relations.h.i.+p Lily has with Lucien will seem strange to anyone looking in and I guess we've just gotten used to seeing them interact. It's a relief that Michael has finally gotten over his jealousy where Lily is concerned.

Ramon walks over from where he was sitting talking to Sabrina and sits opposite us, without taking his eyes from the woman in my lap.

”I've had a text from security at my building.” He pauses. ”There's been someone hanging around. It's Gary. They managed to pull a picture from the surveillance cameras and it's him.” Ramon sits back against the chair, resting his ankle across his knee.

”I don't know why he's so obsessed with causing harm to Carla. I know he's p.i.s.sed at Noah, but there's no reason to go after Carla the way he is.”

I check to make sure Carla's still asleep before asking, ”What did Noah do to make him do this?”

”He discovered Gary was supplying drugs on the street, so he informed a friend of his in the drug squad.” He shrugs. ”They busted him and because of some technicality with the case, he was allowed bail and he obviously did a bunk to turn up here.”

Carla moves slightly in sleep pressing against my groin area. She's driving me crazy without even realizing it.

”I'm not leaving her side Ramon. I had a meeting today, which I couldn't get out of, but from now on she stays with me.”

Ramon starts to shake his head. ”Sebastian, you're apartment isn't as secure as mine. We've already discussed this,” he holds his hand up before I can get my objection out, ”but you can stay with her in my apartment for as long as you need to. I've already arranged to bunk at yours,” he says grinning, which turns to a frown as he looks behind me.

I turn my head and see Lucien standing just outside of the delivery suite looking sick.

”Lucien? Please say something.”

He shakes his head as though to blow cobwebs away before wiping his hand down his face in exhaustion.

Then he grins. ”Michael Elias McKenzie and eleven minutes later, his sister, Charlotte Lucy McKenzie arrived. Lily is doing great and so are the babies, but I'm not too sure about Michael,” he chuckles.

With all the screaming and questions flying out of Mom's mouth, Carla stirs, moving her head to look at what the fuss is all about then looks back at me with questions in her eyes. ”Lily's had the babies and everyone is doing well.” I caress her face as she stays lying in my lap.

”I dreamt about you. About what I want to do to you,” she says in a sleepy voice before quickly biting down on my straining erection.

Sitting up, she keeps one hand on either side of me on the sofa before leaning in and nibbling along my lips before sealing her mouth to mine, sucking my tongue into her mouth.

I groan trying to stop my hips from arching up into her. She's so f.u.c.kin' delicious. I need her naked and riding me.

Gripping her hips, I pull her astride me, pus.h.i.+ng her material covered p.u.s.s.y against my throbbing d.i.c.k and hold her still while we attack each other's mouths.

”Will you two go get a room already. Geez bro. After that display, I'm going to have to go and get laid,” Ruben grumbles making Carla laugh into my neck while I frown at him, refusing to give him the benefit of seeing how funny I find his declaration.

Carla finally climbs off me leaving the bulge in my pants on display. Ruben glances down then meeting my eyes smirks.

”I'd untuck the s.h.i.+rt.” With that comment he starts to walk towards the doors everyone seems to have disappeared through. ”We're having a quick look at our niece and nephew before leaving to let Lily get some rest.”

About to push through the doors, he pauses, ”Personally, I want to see how Michael's faring,” he chuckles.

Carla holds her hand out to me, which I take and allow her to pull me up so I'm standing in front of her. She then reaches out and smooth's her hand down the front of my s.h.i.+rt. ”You make my mouth water in your suit. Don't get me wrong, you're hot as h.e.l.l in jeans, but there's just something about you dressed like you are.”

Before I can get my mouth in gear, she wraps an arm around my waist and gets my feet moving to see the new McKenzies.

Chapter 31.

Carla Lying on the sofa in Ramon's apartment with Sebastian feels like the most natural thing in the world after the day we've had.

Unbeknown to anyone, Lily had been in labor for some time before she let on to Michael and consequently everyone else, which soon got her moving to the hospital when her water broke.

I smile remembering the look on Sebastian and his brother's faces when they first had a glimpse of the newest arrivals into the McKenzie family. They were all in awe at the two little bundles of joy.

Lily had looked exhausted, but elated and Michael just looked ready to fall over. I certainly didn't know what to make of Sabrina and Lucien. I also wasn't the only one to notice either.

Sabrina had been sitting in one of the chairs in the room cuddling Charlotte, with Lucien practically hanging over her stroking Charlotte's head. Neither of them spotted Ruben taking their photograph. They'd stayed like that for about five minutes, until Lucien broke the spell and went to hug his brother and then kiss Lily before leaving the room.

But right now, I've waited all day to get my guy to myself and naked and I can't wait any longer whether he's asleep or not.

Slipping the b.u.t.tons on his s.h.i.+rt open, I slide my hands inside over his smooth abs, caressing over his ribs and lower. s.h.i.+fting slightly, I glance up and Sebastian is watching me through heavily lidded eyes. ”You enjoying yourself.”

”Hmm.” Sitting between his thighs, I take in my fill of him laying sprawled out on the sofa at my mercy. He's deliciously hairless on his chest and groin with just a sprinkling on his thighs. I love touching him and want to touch more of him.

I reach for his belt and zipper when he stops my hands. ”Baby, let's go to bed.” He hisses when I grab his c.o.c.k through his pants. ”f.u.c.k. Stop. Ahhh,” he pants.

Biting him up and down his length through his pants sure brings a reaction out. He has his head thrown back and jaw clenched while I rub him back and forth with one hand. He unfastens his belt as I pull the zipper down, inserting my hand inside to free his naked p.e.n.i.s, with its large mushroom head glistening with pre-e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.