Part 28 (1/2)

”Two,” Tatiana whispered, faintly. She looked from one man to the other. They were a perfect match, down to the squareness of their jaws to the shape of their handsome, deep set eyes. Even their arms looked to be the exact same build. The only difference was their expression. The half naked Marcello's eyes gleamed with great humor and mischief. The other Marcello was brooding and raw.

Looking at the newest Marcello, she asked, ”Marcello? What is going on...?”

”So you do know me,” Marcello murmured, his expression growing darker. ”You weren't tricked into my brother's bed, but went willingly. Tell me,baldracca , did he have to pay for you to spread your legs or did you just do it to spite me?”

Tatiana's mouth fell open. She noticed that they both stared at her, never once looking at each other. There was no affection shown between them, no kind greeting. These two were enemies. Weakly, she repeated, ”Two?”

The half naked brother began to laugh. He was enjoying himself. ”I found your little witch out roaming the streets. I smelled your mark on her, brother, and I merely thought to keep her safe for you. You must admit, she's hard to refuse, once she offers her body so ... pa.s.sionately.”

”I thank you for returning my property, Leandro,” Marcello stated with darkness to his hard tone. Tatiana felt as if he'd slapped her. She felt so low, so pathetic. Her heart squeezed. Her lips shook. He practically snarled at her, as he commanded, ”Come,bella .”

”Bella donna,” Leandro said, his eyes alight with a wayward charm. ”Thank you for the immense pleasure of your taste.”

Tatiana cringed as Leandro licked his lips in meaning. Her hand automatically lifted to her neck, feeling the warm stickiness of her blood. Leandro bowed low before her. His dark eyes flashed with a peculiar blend of red, reflecting her stolen blood back to her. Tatiana flinched.

Marcello said nothing, but finally moved to glance at his brother with disdain. Leandro smiled at him and Tatiana had a feeling there was more to their feud than her presence in Leandro's bed. Whatever it was, she did not want to be in the middle of it.

”Please,” Tatiana said softly, breaking the tension building between their eyes. ”Can I have my clothes?”

Marcello tensed. His jaw hardened. Leandro smiled, an absolutely charming smile, which Tatiana felt herself oddly drawn to.

”But of course,bella donna ,” Leandro murmured. His tone was deep and seductive. She flinched wis.h.i.+ng his words hadn't sounded so intimate.

Leandro leapt lightly into the air, flying across the small room with slow ease to land next to her. She gasped, pulling back.

Marcello just watched, saying nothing.

”But first,” Leandro said. He bit his finger and wiped his blood over the wound on her neck so it would heal. ”I wouldn't want you to bleed to death. It would be a pity to lose one such as you.”

Tatiana s.h.i.+vered, knowing there was more to that statement than Leandro let on. She turned her face from him, not wanting to see him so close. It was eerie how much he looked like his twin. She should've known it wasn't Marcello. He didn't feel like Marcello did to her.

”Ah, thanks,” she stammered. Then, hesitantly, she asked, ”It was you I saw kissing that woman at the music hall, wasn't it?”

Leandro bowed, nodding his head in confirmation. He crossed over to a small dresser hidden by a dark corner. Her dress lay on top, neatly folded. He handed the pile to her, undergarments and all, and smiled. Tatiana took them, backing away.

She watched Leandro and Marcello wearily. Going from dark, brooding eyes to merry brown ones and back again, she s.h.i.+vered and demanded, ”Turn around.”

Leandro laughed happily. Marcello snarled. It was Marcello who answered.

”Why does it matter, Tatiana? We have both seen you. We have both tasted your charms.”

Tatiana flinched. She didn't think it was possible for Marcello to make her feel more like a wh.o.r.e than she already did, but he had. She sunk to an even deeper low. Pressing her lips tightly together, she lifted her chin and dropped the blanket, standing completely naked. Moisture welled in her eyes, but she was too proud to let it fall. She dressed quickly with both of them watching her every movement. Once she was in the chemise and covered, it was easier to move. She slipped the dress over her head, forgetting the corset and hose. Then, as she reached to lace her gown in back, Leandro whisked forward to help.

”Allow me,” he murmured. His eyes danced with pleasure, but she was too tired to stop him.

When she was laced, she turned to Marcello. He'd turned to the door and was staring at the wood as if he could break it with his will. His fists were clenched tightly at his sides, but he didn't speak.

Leandro picked up her hand and drew it to his lips before she could protest. But, instead of kissing it, he turned her wrist to his mouth and licked the pulse lightly. In a whisper, he said, ”We shall meet again.”

”That will not be necessary, Leandro,” Marcello stated in a dark whisper. ”We are leaving Paris. Your services will not be required. There is no reason for you to try and protect my property.”

”You can't leave Paris, brother,” Leandro said. ”An old friend comes to visit. I expect you'll entertain us. He is so looking forward to see you again.”