Part 27 (1/2)

She looked down, listening for Marcello and knowing she would most likely not hear him if he were to come. Taking a step, she began to run toward the alleyway's entrance.

”Beautiful night for a walk, is it not?”

Tatiana stiffened. Her eyes glanced up just in time to see a strong chest in her line of vision. She lifted her hands, cras.h.i.+ng into it. She jumped back. Her eye rounded in horror.

”Marcello,” she whispered, seeing his familiar face. She s.h.i.+vered. There was something different about him. His face was the same, though she did not readily recognize the expression on it. He seemed to be ... pleasant. She frowned, distrusting the look instantly.

”Bella donna,” Marcello mused in a peculiar way she'd never noticed before. His dark eyes roamed her face. Tatiana s.h.i.+vered.

He examined her intimately, studying her every curve, inspecting her. His dark gaze lingered on her beasts until she had the insane urge to slap him. His lips twitched up as she thought it and she knew he'd detected the urge.

”What new torment have you planned for me now, my lord?” she spat. Her jade eyes narrowed in displeasure. Her hands came to her hips.

”Exquisite,” he murmured. ”So much pa.s.sion.”

”Not for you,” she spat. In truth, Tatiana was terrified. She did not like this side of him. She liked him brooding and dark, not smiling and pleasant. This version was much more dangerous.

Marcello threw back his head and laughed. His words dripped with sarcasm and disgust, as he exclaimed, ”So much fire!”

Tatiana stiffened. He began to pace around her, still studying her, looking her over like a prize mare.

”Would you like to see my teeth?” she asked sharply, when he had come full circle. ”Or perhaps I can lift a hoof off the ground for you.”

To her amazement, he laughed again, a wild sound and seemed to find amus.e.m.e.nt in her blatant distaste for him. Tatiana pulled back. Her heart began to beat slightly faster, edged with fear. Had she pushed him too far by trying to escape, by trying to break her words of loyalty to him?

In a movement so swift, he darted forward, sweeping her into his embrace. She s.h.i.+vered, opening her mouth to speak. A tingling went up her spine, not pleasant, but not bad either. She looked up at him, still thinking how strange he appeared.

”Ah,bella donna ,” he whispered. His mouth brushed close, but did not claim hers. His lips pushed out softly and his eyes glimmered with an eerie green light, as he hushed, ”Shhh.”

Tatiana moaned, feeling a lethargic spell cast over her limbs. Instantly, she fell asleep.

Chapter Twelve.

Somehow, Tatiana knew that she'd slept through the whole of a day before she ever opened her eyes. Yawning, she stretched. Something wasn't right, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Tatiana yawned again, opening one eye, as the loud sound escaped her throat. Instantly, she shot up in bed, clutching wool sheets to her chest. That is what had been off--the bed. It wasn't soft or covered in silk. She wasn't in the catacombs. The room was small, looking like inside of a tenement or boarding house. The wooden walls were rough planks. The fireplace was dusty and crumbling and barren. On the floor was a coffin. She frowned to see it.

As she moved her head, her hair tickled her spine, causing her to s.h.i.+ver. She froze. She was naked.

”Oh, G.o.d,” she whispered. She closed her eyes tightly. ”I am having another vision. When I open my eyes, it will all be gone.”

A low chuckle was her answer. A cool hand worked its way over her spine. She turned, wondering how she'd missed Marcello sitting behind her. She tried to edge away from him. Perhaps his power over her was wavering. She did not feel the same depth of attraction to him she had before. Perhaps seeing him with the prost.i.tute had somehow freed her from him. He was still attractive, still handsome. Just looking at his body made her excited on a baser level, but the intensity was gone.

Marcello wore only a tight pair of black breeches. His chest was naked--pale and strong. His arm flexed with agility, feeling his cool fingers along her back, making her skin tingle. His eyes flashed with his dark power. His fingers curled along her side, barely touching the edge of her breast before stroking down over her hip.

”Why are we here?” she asked, weak.

”Ah, this,” Marcello mused quietly, looking around with that unfamiliar expression of amus.e.m.e.nt. His deep voice was strangely lighthearted. ”I am afraid there wasn't much time to procure better arrangements last night. This place was an unfortunate necessity.”

”Why didn't you just go back to the catacombs?” she asked, frowning.

”I have my reasons,” was all he said. His finger lightly moved to touch her bare shoulder, trailing over her arm. ”You are so warm, so soft.”