Part 12 (1/2)
Interpretation: This dream is a warning about a spiritual attack. Shooting at the clock represents trying to end a person's life by stopping time with damaging words (see Shooting and Clock). Bullets. .h.i.tting the paneled wall say that the enemy is taking shots at your health (see Wall). Trying to work out why the clock is being shot at speaks of waking up to this spiritual attack of the enemy. The evidence is the testimony you are carrying (see Evidence).
Shane is representative of the Grace of G.o.d (see Shane in Name and Place Dictionary). Pulling the blind down with Shane speaks of G.o.d's grace protecting you in this attack (see Ps. 84:11). Ordinarily, pulling blinds down could represent death. However, because pulling the blind down means guarding your heart, which stops the clock's destruction, and this is followed by you embracing G.o.d's grace (kissing Shane), it appears that there is a new level and balance attained in your relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d (see Ps. 85:10).
82. Jets and Pilots Scrambling Dream Jet Pilots, Aircraft I saw military aircrews scrambling (pilots running in combat conditions) to get to their aircraft. This was followed by scenes of a sky full of planes dogfighting with freeze-frames of two individual aircraft. It was action-packed, similar to recruitment advertising.
Interpretation: I believe this dream in its context is a warning of spiritual warfare taking place in your life. It is a call to prayer and intercession.
83. Seduced by a Female in Black Dream Seduced, Kiss, Spitting, Black In my dream, a female dressed in black seduced and kissed me; then I spat it out.
Interpretation: This is a warning dream. The woman in black is a spirit of death (see Woman). Being kissed says that you have embraced a lie from the enemy (see Kiss). Spitting it out says that you recognize the lie and reject it (see Spit/ting). This dream was one of a series (also see Dreams 81, 82, and 84). Therefore, in its context, it suggests that the lie relates to a health issue (death), and the person concerned was encouraged to stand by faith against the enemy's lies.
84. Crooks Caught Moving Goods Dream Gang, Crooks, Gun, Pistol, Telescope, Police, Jenny, Blanket, Chocolate A gang of crooks were moving goods at my home. We caught them and grabbed their gun, which the leader was holding. The leader went into another room to get another gun. I caught him putting it together and disarmed him. Both guns were pistols, though quite unusual was the fact that both had telescopic sights.
We were holding the leader of the gang until the police came. I went outside with Jenny and a car pulled up across from our house. It was invisible and the people in it were invisible also, though I could see the car's and the occupants' outline somehow.
We had the gang leader under a blanket on the floor. He was eating some form of chocolate-coated sweets that were scattered on the floor.
Interpretation: This is an insightful warning. The gang of crooks are evil spirits and their leader a princ.i.p.ality or power (see Gang). The gun speaks of the enemy using words against you (see Gun). The leader going into another room speaks about a two-fold attack (two incidents or two areas of attack) (see Rooms). The fact that the pistols had telescopic sights suggests that the attack is close range (see Pistol) and at the same time spiritual (from the second heavena”the spiritual realm) (see Telescope).
The police speak of angels (see Police). Also see Daniel 10:13. Going outside with Jenny talks about the Holy Spirit (see Jenny in Name and Place Dictionary) opening your spiritual eyes (see 2 Kings 6:17).
Having the gang leader under a blanket says that you have the princ.i.p.ality under the authority of G.o.d's Word. The chocolate represents the Word of G.o.d (see Chocolate).
85. Long-legged Spider on Back Dream Spider, Long-legged, Back, Wife I had a long-legged spider on my back. My wife had to knock it off. Interpretation: A spider is an issue or stronghold in your life. This one is long-legged, which means that it is long-standing (i.e. you have had it for a while) (see Spider). This is reinforced by the fact that it is on your back, which means it comes from your past and is steering your life (see Back).
Your wife having to knock it off suggests that the Body of Christ will be used to deal with a long-standing issue in your life (see Wife). I believe this is most likely spiritual pride, which could also be suggested by the long-legs.
86. Firing an Arrow Into a Flock of Sheep Dream Neighbor, Cliff, Arrow, Sheep, Evidence I was on a cliff overlooking my neighbor's flock of sheep standing in water below. I fired an arrow at the flock of sheep. The arrow scared the ones close to it as it skimmed across the water, but it really didn't make the distance. I was concerned that my arrow was floating in the water as evidence.
Interpretation: This is a warning against saying something wrong about another church (see Neighbor). Your neighbor's flock of sheep is another church (see Sheep). Overlooking speaks of having prophetic insight (see Cliff). Firing the arrow suggests that you are in danger of saying something against another church (see Arrow). Though what you said doesn't carry too far, you are concerned about reprisal for your lack of wisdom in speaking as you did (see Evidence).
87. Snake Dream Bed, Snake, Leaves, Holes My husband and I were fast asleep, and in my dream we were sleeping on soft leaves that are neatly matted togethera”it looked like it was comfortable to sleep on. Then all of a sudden, I was woken up. I felt something slithering in between us. I knew straight away that it was a snake, so I thought to myself not to move or else I will get bitten.
My husband was fast asleep, not knowing what was going on. I couldn't really wake him up, and I was very cautious not to move. As I was lying and watching the snake slithering in between us, I saw the tail curl with a hissing sound. Just after the snake had gone past, I felt another one crawling under the matted leaves where we were lying. This one was a lot bigger than the other onea”about four or five times bigger.
As the snake was crawling underneath, I could feel it under my ribs, and it felt a bit ticklish, so I tried to control myself not to move. The next morning I saw the trail and the holes (like a tube) underneath the matted leaves where the snake had gone through, and I was showing the trails to someone and asking for wisdom or maybe interpretation of what happened that night.
Interpretation: A bed is symbolic of your agreement, alignment, or unity (see Isa. 57:8). The bed of leaves represents the righteous life of your marriage (ordained by G.o.d) and the positive words you have built your relations.h.i.+p on (as in leaves of a book, see Jer. 36:23). However, the snake represents poisonous words that have been spoken recently between you which act as a trouble-maker. The fact that it crawls between you is indicating a desire to divide you through misunderstanding. Not moving refers to not responding to the poisonous words.
The larger snake is the devil, who is lurking in the background testing your relations.h.i.+p looking for ground on which to get in (see Eph. 4:25-27). I believe the ribs refer to your heart and the tickling is trying to woo you and find entry. This reminds us of the garden where the devil got in through the woman who was created from Adam's rib. Not moving displays the faithfulness of your heart. Beware of a lying spirit at work in the background of your thoughts.
I think the trail is evidence that the enemy has been at work, and the holes represent the devil trying to undermine your unity. A request for wisdom is a request for how to deal with this issue, and interpretation is a request for understanding of what is going on.
I think the dream is G.o.d's warning to you both of what is going on. The way to deal with this is always to be undergirded by humility and love. As well as repentance for what has been said, you both need to seek the Holy Spirit for wisdom on how to address this issue. The big snake in the background is a real warning to take seriously a threat to your marriage.
88. Wearing Shoes in Bed Vision Shoes, Bed I was wearing shoes in bed.
Interpretation: This signifies that you are being lazy with the Gospel (see Bed and Shoe).
89. Reinhard Bonnke in Hotel Dream Famous Person, Hotel, Woman I saw Reinhard Bonnke in a hotel with lots of people. He was restricted in preaching by a woman wearing a red corporate suit (uniform). She escorted him when he went into the different areas of the hotel, restricting him and his ability to speak freely to the unsaved. The woman was employed by the hotel chain.
Interpretation: Reinhard Bonnke represents the evangelist and his message of salvation (see Famous Person). The woman is the corporate Church (see Woman). The hotel chain represents the church denominations at rest (see Hotel). The business-like nature of the church is stopping the flow of the Spirit of G.o.d and His ability to reach the unsaved.
90. Termites in the Water Meter Dream Termites, Water Meter There were termites in the water meter.
Interpretation: This dream, which is apparently nonsense, actually refers to something destructive robbing a person of the anointing. The water meter symbolizes measuring the anointing (see Water Meter). The termites represent people undermining you because of the effectiveness of the anointing (see Termites).
91. Kicking a Ball Into the Queen Dream Ball, Kicking ball, Left, Right, Group, Queen, Shoulder I kicked a football with my left foot into a group of people, intending to pa.s.s it to a person on the right of the group. However, it hit the queen in the back shoulder blade. Someone said, ”What a shot!” (I recently was kicking a football around with some friends and did use my left foot when I was playing more casually).
Interpretation: Kicking a football speaks of speaking or releasing words with power (see Ball [Kicking Ball] and Legs). Pa.s.sing the ball to the person on the right of the group speaks of wanting to pa.s.s on revelation to those who are really living for G.o.d with all their hearts (see Right). The group speaks of the Body of Christ.
Your casual kick is saying that though you innocently pa.s.s the Word on, it becomes a burden for the religious church (see Queen and Shoulder). This is because it will expose both their religiosity and the superficial nature of their belief. Someone saying ”What a shot!” says that a more deliberately planned scheme to expose the false church could not have been developed. It also says that what you are saying is from the Spirit of G.o.d for this particular purpose.
92. Stepping in Dog p.o.o.p Dream Dog p.o.o.p, Odor My children were telling me, ”Dad, you've stepped in it!” referring to dog p.o.o.p.
Interpretation: This is a reference to offending your children. As the offense is depicted as odorous, it suggests that you have addressed something in their lives in the wrong spirit (see Odor and Dog p.o.o.p).
93. Alternative Therapist Dream Queue, Alternative Therapist, Fat I was in a queue to see an alternative therapist. I was conscious that I did not need to be there. I looked up at the list of services provided by the therapist and the only one I could identify as being of any benefit to me was, *Calculating your fat index'.
Interpretation: Being in a queue says that you are waiting for ministry (see Queue). The alternative therapist says that while you are waiting, you find yourself attending an unconventional (not usual) medical pract.i.tioner. This equates to going to a ”faith” church (see Alternative Therapist). ”Calculating your fat index” is reference to recognizing the measure of the anointing you currently carry and adjusting your spiritual diet to increase it (See [+] entry under Fat).
94. Purchasing Chairs Dream Buying, Outside/Outdoors, Chairs, Table We were one of two couples who bought a pair of outside chairs with a table between them.
Interpretation: Buying an outside chair says that you are laying your life down for an independent work which carries authority (See Buying, Outside/Outdoor, and Sit/ting). The table says that this is G.o.d's provision for you (see Table). As you are one of two couples, it appears that you share the work with another couple.
95. Sister Taking Dad's Shoes Dream Sister, Dad, Shoes I saw my older sister picking up my dad's shoes. I said, ”Put them back; don't take dad's shoes!” My sister ran off with the shoes.
Interpretation: In its context, this dream says that dad has lost his peace because of a breakdown in the relations.h.i.+p between himself and his teenage daughter through rebellion (see Shoes). There is also a warning of jeopardizing dad's future ministry (see 1 Tim. 3:4).
96. Face Cut Vision Face, Cut, Light, Laser, Machine gun I saw a face being cut on the cheeks. It could have been torture. Then light broke through a crack in the head. It became a laser machine gun.
Interpretation: The face being cut speaks of cutting away the flesh from the heart (see Cut and Face). This leads to the heart being a true vessel for the glory of G.o.d, which becomes a powerful and focused force (through words) for G.o.d (see Light and Machine Gun). See Judges 6:16 (note ”as one man”); 7:16-21.
97. Rocket Firing in the Distance Dream Horizon, Water, Rocket, Sky I was sitting on a bank with a group of people when I saw what looked like a rocket being launched on the horizon from Iraq. It looked like a fireworka”the traila”going into the sky. The rocket split into two missiles. One of the missiles came down, just missing me and the group of people I was with. It went over a body of water, causing a bow wave as the water was sucked up in the wake. It hit an embankment and failed to detonate or explode.
Interpretation: This dream is a warning of spiritual warfare ahead. It appears you have been targeted by the enemy. The rocket is that attack being launched, and it is on the horizon because it is in the foreseeable future (see Horizon). The rocket is launched from Iraq, which depicts the enemy. It appears that you are not the only target of the enemy because the rocket has two warheads. The body of water speaks about your heart (see Deep). Though it initially moves your hearta”the bow wavea”it fails to detonate, which means it doesn't have lasting impact. The water is also representing the Holy Spirit, and it appears that He has deflected the attack and protected you.
98. Wife With Tattoos on Her Body Dream Wife, Tattoos, Body, Lake, Daughter, Truck, Water My wife had tattoos all over her body. She unashamedly took her clothes off and was next to a lake about to go in. It surprised me. One of the tattoos was like a chessboard. The tattoos in some way represented the teachings of her father. My daughter was also there. I said, ”Be careful” and stepped between my wife and a truck (which had two workmen in it) that pulled up in the next field. My wife didn't care. There were things stored in and around the lake. I saw a stack of face towels under the water.
Interpretation: Your wife represents the Church (see Wife). The tattoos symbolize the teachings of G.o.d (her Father). Your daughter being present says that this is a future event (see Daughter).
When you step between your wife and a truck with workmen in it, you are moving to protect the Church from big ministries, or leaders.h.i.+p, that are in the flesh (see Truck). Your wife entering the lake speaks of the Church being cleaned up. This is reinforced by the face towels under the water (see Water).
99. Stretching Legs Dream Legs, Stretching I saw myself stretching my legs and exercising.
Interpretation: This dream speaks of preparation and strengthening prior to the ministry that G.o.d has for you (see Legs and Stretching). I foresee the need for more time praying in the Spirit (see Jude 20).
100. Rebuilding a Light-Fitting Dream Light-Fitting, Tank, Enemy, River, Supervisor, Rendezvous I was rebuilding a light fitting for a tank (army), which was floating on a pontoon in readiness for a landing. An enemy soldier kicked the fitting into the river. I reported the incident to my supervisor.