29 Chapter 28 Part 2 (2/2)

The Soldier Mage Alteru 23280K 2022-07-22

After the threat was over, the heroes who survived could not go back to their world due to the damage to the summoning altar but some of them, like J'aymezh, had even planned to stay in this world no matter what happened. After some talking, many decided to try and make this world their own by corrupting the kingdoms with their foul inventions and ideas. J'aymezh saw through their deceit and opposed this, coming to blows with his former allies. Emerging victorious, he swept across the nations and took them all down in righteous justice.

Arianna of course knew the List inside out, having memorized it in her devotion.

”Yes Lord. One of our agents found this in the Kingdom of Leganon in the possession of a small boy who attends the academy there. What shall we do?”

James expression became quite serious.

”What shall we do? What we must and what we always do. We must stay ever vigilant against those who would seek to corrupt us. There is a reason that this item was listed as first priority, it is one of the most dangerous things from my world but fear not, I shall protect this world from it. We must find and stop the one that is able to create these abominations. Capture him and bring him here.”

Arianna bowed and puts her hand to her heart.

”Understood. However, it may be more difficult since this person is affiliated with the Academy and is in another Kingdom. We do not have many operatives in Leganon due to its smaller size.”

”Hmmm, who's our nearest operative?”

”I believe it is Blackjack, near Sondano.”

”Ah yes, the bandit. Very well, send him new orders, he can stop being on the lookout for List items for now. I don't want you to cause a ruckus in Leganon though, try to keep it discreet.”

”One last thing Arianna, before you leave, destroy these abominations. There's no need for these in this pure and perfect world.”

Picking up the weapons from the chest, Arianna focused and used a spell.


Destroying magical items of a high tier took a lot of Mana and it left her rather weak but she could not refuse her G.o.d. She bowed deeply and exited the room. She had just teleported here and would need some time to recover before she could used the spell again, especially after using up the remains of her power to destroy these magical creations. She got on a horse at the castle stable in the courtyard, leaving with due haste. She hadn't seen her G.o.d so interested in something for years and it excited her.

It disappointed her that he did not thank her for her work but as long as she would end up becoming his woman one day, it was all worth it. There is only a single obstacle still remaining between her and J'aymezh, that witch Emilia. She did not understand why he kept her close after all these years and after how she dared oppose him but she would be taken care of very soon. Her lips curled into a cruel s.a.d.i.s.tic smile and she laughed.
