1 Chapter 1 (1/2)
We readied ourselves, final checks on equipment to make sure everything would go right and not leave anything to luck. We'd just been briefed and were on route by helicopter. It was a straightforward mission as far as missions in hostile territory go. Drop in at night, secure the VIP and extract. Some terrorists in Abu Dhabi have gotten hold of an american oil executive and are holding him for random. Personally if you ask me, he shouldn't have been there but it's not my call.
I looked over at my the rest of the team, Bill, Arthur and Mathieu. They were also making sure all their equipment is ready. Arthur's leading this one, he's with the americans. The rest of us are JTF2 but we were the closest to respond so they sent us.
The helicopter pilot signals for our attention and speaks in our comms.
”Alright. Looks like satellite is showing a dozen men outside, a few spotlights and it's a small compound. ”
Arthur then took over.
”Roger that. We'll have to get in without being seen or alerting anyone. At the first sign of trouble, they're likely to just execute the hostage. Bill and Mat, you're on me. Tom, keep the rear secured. Make sure they don't catch us from behind.”
We all nod in agreement, he then proceeds to make a small detailed plan of the compound and points at a few locations.
”We'll enter here. There's a chain-link fence, we'll cut through it. Then we enter from the south here, there's a door and from intel, it's the least used one. No foot traffic in the last 30. When we go in, comms will be silent, emergency only.”
As he finishes his speech, the helicopter lands and we proceed to disembark. We're about 5 miles south of target and we'll be proceeding on foot from here.
We stay low and move fast, reaching the compound without having seen anyone. Bill cuts the chain link fence and we proceed inside. Arthur goes for the door, I'm watching the left and Mat is watching the right. Visual on one tango, not watching our direction, I give the all clear.
Arthur opens the door and we proceed inside. A small corridor leads further in and the team goes in together. I stand and watch the door, making sure no one gets on our flank. Seconds go by, then minutes. No shots are heard. I start to worry a bit, but keep my rifle pointed at the door and my finger on the trigger.
Suddenly, something knocks the breath right out of me and I get knocked down. Aching all over, I try to lift myself up but I can't feel my arms. I open my eyes, my head is ringing from all sides and I can hardly breathe. Looking down at myself, both my arms are damaged beyond recognition, one of my legs also seems shorter and I can feel a warm liquid roll down my face.
”What the f.u.c.k..” I barely manage to mumble. This looked like it was the end. Breaths getting shorter and more frantic, pain taking up every single moment of my thoughts. Not like this I thought. A f.u.c.king bomb going off and nothing I can do about it? I knew it was part of the risks but to feel so powerless. Consciousness begins to go, I'm losing so much blood. Part of me refuses to accept this and rages against the unfairness of it all.
Then, at the apex of pain, when I can't endure anymore, it stops. Slowly, I feel more relaxed, composed. We all meet our end eventually was the thought I comforted myself with. I felt myself floating away, away from my troubles, away from my worries and away from my body.
Heaven is...hard to explain. It's not really a place, it's more of a state. I couldn't see anything but I felt something. A large and powerful pressure near me, an intimidating aura. It wasn't angry or sad, it just was. Like the feeling of water when you're submerged. It felt rea.s.suring. But then it spoke to me, not with words but with thoughts.
”Tom. It's alright now. You join us early at 28 but it's not uncommon. You lived recklessly but I do not hold that against you. You did some good, brought peace to some and happiness to others. A new chapter now begins for you.”