Part 4 (1/2)


[Miss L. I. Guiney writes in her essay on _Henry Vaughan, the Silurist_ (Atlantic Monthly, May, 1894): ”Mr. Carew Hazlitt has been fortunate enough to discover the advertis.e.m.e.nt of an eighteenth-century Vaughan reprint.”

As to this Mr. Hazlitt writes to me: ”I cannot tell where Miss Guiney heard about the Vaughan--not certainly from me. But there is an edition of his 'Spiritual Songs,' 8^vo^, 1706, of which, however, I don't at present know the whereabouts.”]


Silex Scintillans: Sacred Poems and Private e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns of Henry Vaughan, with Memoir by the Rev. H. F. Lyte. London: William Pickering, 1847. [12^mo^.]

An edition of (6) and part of (8).


The Sacred Poems and Private e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns of Henry Vaughan, with a Memoir by the Rev. H. F. Lyte. Boston [U. S. A.]: Little, Brown and Company, 1856. [8^vo^.]

A reprint of (11).


Silex Scintillans, etc.: Sacred Poems and Private e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns, by Henry Vaughan. London: Bell and Daldy. 1858.

A reprint, with a revised text, of (11).


The Fuller Worthies' Library. The Works in Verse and Prose complete of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, for the first time collected and edited: with Memorial-Introduction: Essay on Life and Writings: and Notes: by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart, St. George's, Blackburn, Lancas.h.i.+re. In four Volumes.... Printed for Private Circulation. 1871.

A reprint of the original editions, with biographical and critical matter. Only 50 4^to^, 106 8^vo^, and 156 12^mo^ copies printed. In Vol.

II. are included the Poems of Thomas Vaughan, with a separate t.i.tle-page.

The English and Latin Verse-Remains of Thomas Vaughan ('Eugenius Philalethes'), twin-brother of the Silurist. For the first time collected and edited: with Memorial-Introduction and Notes: by the Rev.

Alexander B. Grosart [etc.].


Silex Scintillans, etc. Sacred Poems and Pious e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns. By Henry Vaughan, ”Silurist.” With a Memoir by the Rev. H. F. Lyte. Job x.x.xv. 10, 11 [in full]. London: George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden.

1883. [8^vo^.]

A reprint, with a text further revised, of (11) and (13), forming a volume of the _Aldine Poets_. Since reprinted in 1891.


The Jewel Poets. Henry Vaughan. Edinburgh. Macniven and Wallace. 1884.