Part 7 (1/2)
”Don't. I want to hear that from her. I will clean out the front room. In thirty minutes I want her in my f.u.c.king office telling me that she's fine. And you'd better hope I f.u.c.king believe her Ratchet.” Bone said shoving him back into the wall again.
”I will not have her embarra.s.sed that way. Bone, this is f.u.c.king ridiculous. You know me. I wouldn't hurt her.” He told him p.i.s.sed that the other man thought he'd force himself on any woman, much less Mia.
”I don't know that. You're acting like you've lost your mind. I need to see for myself she's okay. I won't embarra.s.s her. Now, go.” Bone growled anger causing him to clench his teeth.
Ratchet was grabbed by Tank and shoved towards the stairs. Tiny followed Bone into the front room. He didn't want to force Mia to talk to Bone, but it didn't look like he had a f.u.c.king choice. They weren't going to give this up.
”Get your f.u.c.king up, now.” Bone was yelling as he and Tiny kicked the men and shook the women to wake them up. ”I want this f.u.c.king room cleared in the next ten minutes or I start shooting. Now get the f.u.c.k out.” He could see men jumping up and grabbing their clothes as they tried to dress while running out the door. Stupid p.u.s.s.ies, he thought as he climbed the stairs headed to the room where Mia was asleep.
Unlocking the door he moved inside to see Mia on the bed. Her red hair was fanned out across the pillow she was hugging to her chest. She'd kicked the covers off since he'd left the bed and only her a.s.s was covered by them. Her naked back was displayed making his c.o.c.k harden painfully. She was so d.a.m.ned s.e.xy. He leaned over the bed pulling her into his arms. He kissed the soft skin of her exposed shoulder.
He heard her moan. Then she was turning in his arms. ”I'm not doing you again until my body recovers. You're going to have to keep your d.i.c.k in your pants, you evil beast.” She muttered wrapping her arms around his neck. ”Hey.” She said when her eyes cracked open to meet his.
”Hey, beauty.” He whispered back, kissing her lips lightly. She moaned and stretched against him. Making him want to forget that Bone was downstairs waiting on them. He kissed her again running his hands possessively down to cup her a.s.s as she leaned into him.
”Do I smell coffee? Because if I do and you didn't bring me any we're going to have problems, Ratchet.” Mia glared at him.
”Sorry, I spilled it on the way up.” Ratchet seemed suddenly uncomfortable.
”And you didn't go back to get me more because...” Mia asked waiting.
”Because Bone needs to talk to you.” Ratchet finally rumbled.
”Why?” Mia asked, not understanding what the man could need to talk to her about this early in the morning.
”We didn't call anyone last night and they couldn't find you so...well he needs to talk to you. To be sure your okay.” Ratchet hedged not wanting to tell her that they thought he'd raped her.
”So I have to talk to him before my coffee...about last night. Seriously?” Mia was getting p.i.s.sed.
”Yes, as soon as you're dressed.”
”Fine.” Mia snarled getting up and grabbing her underwear and jeans. Then she lifted her bra and glared at Ratchet. ”You owe me a bra. I liked this one and its new d.a.m.n it.” She growled then lifted her s.h.i.+rt and let out another one of those cute little snarls.
Ratchet reached into a drawer pulling out a black t-s.h.i.+rt handing it to her.
”So you do own s.h.i.+rts. Why don't you ever wear them?” She asked with a slight grin.
”Too hot. I'll wear them in the winter.” He laughed as she pulled it on and stuffed her feet back into the flats she'd kicked off the night before.
”Let's go get this over with so I can get my coffee.” Mia grumbled. Ratchet was beginning to wonder if Mia wasn't a little grouchy without her coffee.
Mia followed Ratchet downstairs into Bone's office where he was sitting behind his desk. Two other men were sitting on a couch along one wall. She recognized Tiny, Racheal's ”old man”. Not that she knew what that term meant. Seemed to be what a woman called her boyfriend or husband. She didn't get it. She stood in the middle of the room considering Bone. He didn't speak for a few moments and indicated she should sit. With a sigh she did. She needed her coffee she sure hoped this b.i.t.c.h session about her not calling Pearl last night didn't last long.
”Mia, good morning.”
”Is it?” Mia asked snidely.
”Is it what?” Bone asked raising a brow.
”A good morning cause you're looking a little grim there boss man.” Mia told him with a glare. Why was she even here? She was a d.a.m.ned adult and this was ridiculous. If she wanted to stay out all night that was her f.u.c.king business.
”I apologize for that. We are just worried that you might have been hurt.” Bone said and he watched her carefully.
”I told you she was fine d.a.m.n it. Now can we go?” Ratchet demanded from where he leaned against the wall by the door sounding p.i.s.sed.
”Wait, let me get this straight. You brought me here this morning because you think you have the right to ask me about my s.e.x life because you believe that Ratchet might have hurt me and all that before I've had my coffee. Is that right?” Mia asked in a calm quiet voice, the rage that was building inside her at the man's stupidity almost making her head explode.
Ratchet almost laughed when Bone hesitantly said, ”Yes.” Oh boy, this was going to be good, he thought. He knew that with the mood Mia was in that was the wrong answer for Bone to give her.
”I thought so. I'm going to turn around and walk out of this office. I am going to pretend that this did not happen. Nothing is more important than my f.u.c.king coffee! Especially not this bulls.h.i.+t.” Mia turned and stormed out of Bone's office without another word headed in the direction of the kitchen.
Ratchet followed her snickering. She slammed into the kitchen and walked straight to the coffee pot only to find that the d.a.m.ned thing was empty. She grumbled as she found grounds and a new filter putting them into the pot and filling it with water. She leaned on the counter missing the dehydrator that would have already given her the perfect cup of coffee. Instead she had to wait for it to brew.
”That had better not happen again, Ratchet.” She growled.
”Uh-ho...Mia hasn't had any coffee yet has she?” Racheal said entering the kitchen.
”Nope.” Ratchet said laughing. That earned him a glare from the woman leaning on the counter watching the coffee pot.
”So then you've met scary Mia.” Racheal said sitting down on one of the stools in the kitchen.
”I am not scary! I just want some coffee and that man dragged me into his office to ask ridiculous questions before I could get some.” Mia grunted from where she leaned on the counter. Ratchet risked standing near her as she lifted the pot pouring coffee into her cup. Turning she saw Racheal gesturing to her and mouthing ”Scary Mia”.
”I am not scary!” Mia stamped her foot. Then took a sip of the coffee sighing with pleasure. Ratchet reached out pulling her into his arms.
”Of course, you're not beauty.” Ratchet whispered into her hair. She smiled at him and leaned into his chest letting him hold her.
”Yep, once you've had your coffee you are a sweetheart. Before, not so much.” Racheal said laughing. ”Next time call me. Pearl and I were worried.”
Mia felt bad that she'd made them worry, but she was an adult. They needed to know that she could take care of herself. She thought, but she just nodded not wanting to argue anymore this morning. It was bad enough that they had thought Ratchet would hurt her. They should know better than that. She knew he wouldn't and she barely knew the man. They were his friends they should have known better.
Chapter 12.
Mia sat beside Racheal at Tammy's diner laughing at Miss Pearl and Aunt Mea arguing. They'd been here about an hour and the two women had been arguing the whole time. It was funny. Mia had come at Racheal's insistence, and she was glad that she had. Two weeks in Devils Falls and she loved it here. It was hard to think that her two best friends weren't able to feel the freedom she felt here in Devils Falls.
”They're a trip aren't they?” Lisa whispered as she leaned over grabbing a few fries from the plate they were all sharing.
”Yes, it's like watching a comedy vid. I can't believe they're still arguing about who has a better looking a.s.s.” Mia whispered back letting out a snort of laughter.
”So were you serious earlier when you asked if you could help me with the stall I run in the market? Cause I can always use some help. I can't believe that Travis is already a year old now.” Lisa said looking a little wistful. ”Anyway, he's getting into everything and help would be nice. I may have to stop bringing him, but I hate being away from him.”
”I really would love to help. I'd like to see if I could get a message to my friends Raven and Marcus in the city. They have no idea that I'm okay. Also I'm sure my mother would want to know that I'm okay too.” Mia told her smiling.
”Will Ratchet be okay with you being so near the city? And don't your brother and father want to know you're okay too?” Lisa asked.