Part 6 (1/2)

Bone's phone rang and he answered it on the third ring.

”What's up, baby.” Bone asked turning his chair away from Ratchet. His voice taking on that soft tone it always did for Molly.

”Okay, so you're going over there with them.” There was a pause then. ”Yeah, that's fine. I have stuff that I need to handle....Tomorrow” The man said after another pause. Then he whispered. ”Love you too, babe,” before he hung up.

”Molly says your girl's staying with Pearl and Bear.” He told him making Ratchet snarl in angry disagreement.

”The f.u.c.k she is! She's coming back to the farm with me.” Ratchet burst out angrily.

”That isn't going to happen unless she agrees to it. If you can convince her to stay with you instead of Bear and Pearl then fine, otherwise deal with it.” Bone snarled back at him.

”No, I f.u.c.king saved her. She needs to come with me I can protect her.” He roared standing now, glaring daggers at Bone who watched him silently.

”Not going to say this again. Ratchet, you don't own that little girl. She's safe. You know she is. If that's all you're worried about stay at the clubhouse for a few days to be sure, but know this. I am not in the habit of forcing any woman to live with a man she doesn't want to live with and n.o.body in this club will be taking a woman who isn't fully willing to go with them anywhere. Make no mistake. We will protect her from you if it becomes necessary.” Bone stood and he was leaning forward into Ratchet's face as he said this.

”I wouldn't force her.” He grumbled sitting back in his chair with a sigh. f.u.c.k, what made the man think he was going to force Mia to do anything that she didn't want to. He was just going f.u.c.king nuts. This bulls.h.i.+t was making him f.u.c.king crazy. He'd planned on getting to know her better. A lot better. Only when he'd discovered that she was in trouble he'd decided that he'd keep her. f.u.c.k, he should just go get his d.a.m.ned cut from her and leave. Go home to the farm and forget that Mia's perfect t.i.ts made his d.i.c.k throb so hard his teeth ached.

Even as he listened to Bone telling him about a man they needed his expertise to break anyway he knew he wasn't going anywhere without Mia.

Chapter 10.

Mia watched as Pearl began to mix the batter for the cookies she was making for the bonfire party tonight. She'd been here for two days. She liked it in Devils Falls. It was fun. She'd met a lot of really nice people, but one of the ones she'd wanted to see for the last two days had barely showed his face.

”Okay, it's ready to be put on the pans you greased.” Pearl's bash voice told her as she plopped the bowl down on the counter.

Mia was startled out of her stupor. She began rolling the dough and placing it on the pans Pearl had laid out. Bear came into the kitchen walking up behind Pearl. Grabbing her a.s.s, and kissing her on the neck. She smacked his hands away laughingly.

”Stop you big lug. You're making Mia uncomfortable again.” Pearl squealed girlishly. This was normal and after three days of this type of behavior she was getting used to it. Bear was sweet. Everyone looked at her like she was nuts when she said it, but she'd been surprised by the large man's gruff kindness on several occasions.

”The girl's fine. What time are you headed over tonight?” Bear told her still kissing her neck.

”About five.” Pearl responded.

”Alright, you girls be good.” He said just before he turned Pearl around and kissed her until she was limp. Then propping her up on the counter with a chuckle he left. He was out the door and she heard his bike roaring away when Pearl finally sighed before resuming the ch.o.r.e. Mia had already filled a pan and was starting on the second.

”That man is a maniac. Sorry about that Mia.” Pearl said breathlessly.

”It's okay. At least someone's getting some.” She grumbled angrily smas.h.i.+ng her dough onto the pan. Not that she wanted to be getting some she told herself sternly.

”Well the boy's still around. You might see him tonight. Won't that be nice?” Pearl asked smiling as she placed two pans into the oven.

”No, I don't want to see him. He's a jerk. He hasn't even spoken to me since he demanded his cut back. Rudely I might add.” Mia told her still slamming dough onto the pans.

”Trust me I get it. Men can be idiots. They are all that way, even my Bear. He'd cut his own arm off before he hurt me intentionally, but he's still a man, honey. They are fatally flawed you know. It's really not their fault.” Pearl turned back to Mia smiling as she began rolling the dough into b.a.l.l.s and placing them on the pans.

”I don't like him anymore anyway.” Mia told her even though she knew that wasn't true. She did like him, and she was p.i.s.sed that he wasn't even trying to talk to her.

”Maybe we can find you another young man then. That will teach the boy that he should have appreciated you.” Pearl smiled.

Mia thought about that for a moment. Then she nodded yes that was the way. She'd show him. She'd find a man who pushed all her hot b.u.t.tons just like he did and that would show him he didn't matter. How hard could it be?

”I like that idea. Know anyone who I might like?” Mia asked getting excited about this idea suddenly. He'd be so jealous when she was with another man, and she'd tell him to eat his heart out.

”Sure, I think Pretty Boy. He's handsome and sweet. He'd do for you I think.” Pearl told her after thinking for a minute or two. Perfect Mia thought. Now he'd learn that she wasn't going to wait around on his whims.

Standing on the other side of the fire seething with rage Ratchet watched Mia laughing with Pretty Boy and Log. He was not happy that Mia was talking with them. When Pretty Boy reached out to caress her face Ratchet had had enough. He moved around the fire towards Mia and that stupid f.u.c.k who thought he could touch her.

”Mia, I need to talk to you.” He barked. Moving to stand in front of her.

”Okay, we can talk later. Come by tomorrow and we can chat then.” Mia said turning away from him to smile at Pretty Boy. Now that just wouldn't f.u.c.king do. Not at all. He reached out his arm sliding around Mia's waist.

”Now, Mia.” He lifted her off her feet and began dragging her towards the club house.

”Hey, Ratchet what the h.e.l.l, man?” Log demanded moving into his path.

He glared at the man who thought he had the right to stop him from talking to Mia. Who the f.u.c.k did this a.s.shole think he was messing with. Log stared back at him for several moments while Mia squirmed in his arms trying to get away but his hold was too firm.

”I would suggest you get out of my way, Log.” Ratchet said in a deadly calm voice he knew the other man would recognize.

”I don't think that is a good idea. She doesn't want to go with you.” Log grumbled.

Mia was watching the way Log was reaching for the gun in the holster at his back. Her heart began to pound. She didn't want Ratchet hurt. Nor did she want to see Log or Pretty Boy hurt for trying to protect her.

”It's fine. I will talk to the stupid neanderthal.” Mia told Log who continued to hold eye contact with Ratchet despite her agreement.

”You heard her.” Ratchet muttered behind her, his arm still wrapped around her waist not allowing her to escape. Mia wanted to protest, but she also didn't want the two men to fight so she refrained.

It was several tense moments later that Log stepped back and let Ratchet carry her into the clubhouse. Ratchet didn't give a f.u.c.k. If that d.i.c.khead had tried to stop him s.h.i.+t would have gotten serious real quick. Mia going with him wasn't debatable. He carried her upstairs ignoring the partying that was going on around him. Carrying her into his room and slamming the door. He locked it then set her down.

She turned on him like a little h.e.l.l cat. ”You're a b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How dare you just jerk me up and force me to come with you. And to your bedroom! I don't f.u.c.king think so. Now let me out of here.” Mia screamed trying to get to the door.

”Stop, now. I will spank your sweet little a.s.s if you don't. What the f.u.c.k was that down there?” Ratchet demanded as he avoided the blows she tried to land on his chest while she was trying to get away from him.

”How dare you! That is never going to happen!” Mia screeched. Ratchet captured her wrists and glared down at her.

”Try me.” He growled, holding her against him.

”Just stop. You don't even want to be around me so what the h.e.l.l is the problem.” She demanded glaring at him.

”You shouldn't be twitching your a.s.s at men you can't handle, Mia.” Ratchet growled.

”How do you know I can't handle them?” Mia snarled, jerking on her wrists. Ratchet saw red. No f.u.c.king way was any other man touching her. It just wasn't f.u.c.king happening. Not when his d.i.c.k felt like it was about to drive a pike through a steel wall. f.u.c.k, that. She was not going to twitch her a.s.s at another man.