Part 5 (1/2)
”It's fine your acting crazy. n.o.body will know.” Tray tried to calm her down, only it wasn't helping. Not at all.
”I'm the one whose a.s.s is on the line. HOW MANY, Tray.” She growled.
”None.” Tray's words almost made her heart stop. None. Had he just said none? She wanted to cry in dismay. How had they given out seven crates of food in a day? She wondered desperately.
What was she going to do now? She wondered. She knew one thing for sure she was done helping this idiot. She should have listened to Marcus. He'd tried to tell her this was a bad idea. Only she had been too stupid to listen and now look where she was at.
”Fine, but I'm done helping you, Tray.” Mia told him as she rose to her feet. ”Find yourself another sucker to help you stick it to the council. I'm not helping you anymore.”
”Wait, Mia. Sweetheart, you have to help us. You know n.o.body else will care.” He said catching her arm in a tight grip as she made to walk away.
”Yes, and you're the reason they will go hungry. Congratulations, Tray. You f.u.c.ked up.” Mia jerked her arm free and began walking to the door. When she did movement off to her right caught her attention, and for a second her heart stopped. Then it resumed its steady beat. She thought for a moment that she'd seen Hilconn slipping into the crowd, but of course that was ridiculous. The man would never frequent a place like this, he was too stuck up to lower himself to drink with the commoners. She shook herself, and exited the bar headed home.
The next day she was still trying to figure out a way to explain the missing crates. Standing in the warehouse about to head to her office she heard the sound of heavy foot falls headed in the direction of her office. She didn't really think anything of it until she heard Hilconn.
”What do you mean she's not in there? She was in there a minute ago.”
”Sir, the prisoner isn't here.” Mia froze. Who were they talking about? They couldn't mean her could they?
”What the h.e.l.l? Hilmia was in there. She must be in the warehouse.” Mia didn't wait she ran towards the back door to the warehouse. She peeked outside seeing that there were no guards back here. She darted out into some bushes that ran alone the far side of the warehouse. If she could make it to the market she'd be able to escape in the crowds, she thought.
Moving along inside the bushes she crouched near the building moving until she could see the front of the building. Hearing shouts and seeing men running into the warehouse she felt her heart pounding in her ears. There was no way she'd make it across the yard. Not with that many guards.
That was when she heard the bikes. She waited, maybe she could make it to the market when they were dealing with the delivery she thought desperately.
Ratchet was already in a really s.h.i.+tty mood today. Pulling up to find five guards blocking their way didn't make him very happy. Bone who'd come expecting to talk to Mia, wasn't happy either. He walked up talking to the guards. He looked grim when he headed back to talk to him and Tank who was standing with him at the back of the truck.
”s.h.i.+t, they're f.u.c.king looking for that woman.” Bone growled angrily. ”Something about stolen food.”
”What woman?” Ratchet asked, but he already knew. There was only one woman who worked here. f.u.c.k, what had Mia done?
”The one I'm here to talk to, Hilmia I think.”
”Mia.” Ratchet automatically corrected. Bone looked at him.
”Her name, it's Mia. Not Hilmia.” He told him.
”Oh, well that's who they're looking for.”
”f.u.c.k,” Ratchet said feeling a bit rabid. They weren't taking her to jail. He wasn't going to allow it he thought, dangerously.
”You armed?” He asked Tank.
”What the f.u.c.k Ratchet? We can't start shooting people.” Bone said, glaring at him. Yeah, he didn't f.u.c.king care how much trouble he got in for this. He wasn't letting them take Mia anywhere. It wasn't f.u.c.king happening.
He headed back to his bike ignoring Bone, who hissed. ”Get your f.u.c.king a.s.s back here.”
As he neared his bike which he'd parked near the back of the truck he heard the bushes move. He glanced over at them seeing Mia huddled in them. f.u.c.k, well that was convenient, he thought. He knocked the stand on his bike up moving it behind the bushes, hissing.
”Get your tight a.s.s out here, Mia.” She stared then moved to stand making him hiss again. ”No, stay low but get over here.”
That was when Tank and Bone came up beside him. ”What the f.u.c.k is the matter with you Ratchet?” Bone demanded, then he saw Mia who was crouched near the bushes.
”Fine, make it quick. We'll distract them.” Bone growled, and Ratchet knew he was in for a s.h.i.+t storm later.
He parked his bike then moved over to Mia. Bone and Tank went to the front of the truck and began demanding that they be taken care of right away. They were yelling at the guards and being d.i.c.ks. Ratchet yanked Mia behind the buildings edge.
”What are you doing?” She demanded.
”Getting you out of here.” Ratchet grabbed her bun and began unraveling it. Then he looked at her skirt, they'd never buy that was something that a Red Devils woman would wear, he thought grimly. Taking his knife out of his boot he began cutting off the skirt to just about mid-thigh. Hearing her gasp.
Mia was a bit shook up when Ratchet demanded that she get out of the bushes, and she'd thought he was going to turn her over to the guards. Only instead he'd told her to stay low, and then that he was going to help her. Even the two men who were yelling at the guards were helping. She didn't understand why though. As she felt Ratchet's hands in her hair, she wondered what the h.e.l.l his plan was.
When he took out a knife and started to cut her skirt off really short she was so shocked that she let out a loud gasp. What the h.e.l.l was he doing? She wondered. Her lips trembled as he finished cutting and put the knife away in his boot. Then he surveyed her again.
”f.u.c.k, that's still not enough. What are you wearing under this?” He demanded, tugging on her s.h.i.+rt.
”A bra, why?” She demanded feeling naked with her skirt cut off and lying on the ground nearby.
”Is it lacy, or one of those full cup things?” He demanded, making her question his sanity. He wanted to know what her underwear looked like now while they were looking for her to arrest her. Had he lost his mind?
”It's not lacy, but why the h.e.l.l are you asking me that now? We are not having s.e.x right now, you realize that, right?” She demanded.
He glared at her like she was the one asking stupid questions when he was asking about her underwear while trying to rescue her. ”Take off your s.h.i.+rt.” He told her.
She just stared at him. What the h.e.l.l was wrong with him? ”No,” She told him angrily.
”Look, we don't have time for this modesty bulls.h.i.+t. Take the f.u.c.king s.h.i.+rt off now, Mia.” Mia didn't know why, but the commanding tone made her start unb.u.t.toning the s.h.i.+rt.
”Hurry, Beauty.” Then when she slid the s.h.i.+rt off her shoulders her face glowing a cherry red, and her whole body trembling she looked at him.
His eyes devoured her for several heartbeats before he let out a vicious ”f.u.c.k. That is not going to work.” Then he was taking off his cut. He shoved her into it b.u.t.toning the four b.u.t.tons, then seemingly satisfied, he grabbed the skirt and her s.h.i.+rt stuffing them into his bikes saddlebags.
Seeing Mia's bra almost made him explode. f.u.c.k, that wasn't a bra. The d.a.m.ned thing barely covered her breast, and the idea that anyone see it made him want to rip them limb from limb. f.u.c.k it, he was already in deep s.h.i.+t. Taking off his cut he shoved it on her. d.a.m.n, this had never happened. He'd never disrespected his cut this way.
But someone looking at Mia in that bra was enough to make him commit murder. He needed her covered. He put her in it and b.u.t.toned it. Even though it was way too big it covered enough of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s that he wasn't ready to kill anyone. Unless their eyes lingered there for too long, then all bets were off. f.u.c.k, he was so d.a.m.ned screwed, he thought climbing on his bike.
”Get on, now.” He told her. He signaled Rock who whistled from the other side of the truck letting Bone and Tank know it was time to go. He could hear the guards moving around the back of the building and cranked his bike. Mia hesitated, looking at him.
”Either get on or they take you to jail. Your call.” Ratchet growled, knowing that even if she didn't get on he wasn't leaving her here. Mia moved then climbing on the bike her little hands landing on his shoulders to steady herself. Pulling her hands to his waist he pulled her forward until she wrapped her arms around him.
”Watch the m.u.f.fler it gets hot.” He told her indicating it so she didn't burn herself.
Bone and Tank both moved quickly to their bikes, and two minutes later they were all taking off. Ratchet shot out into the mix of bikes that was headed away from the gate. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they were three miles away.