Part 3 (1/2)

”I think that those d.i.c.kheads gave it to her cause she's a woman. Those jerks are always freaking out about women. Remember when you tried to talk to that chick they used to bring with them.” Thomas said chuckling. Hilconn moved over to him and the two began talking about how hot the woman had been. Mia would bet all her saved credits that he had been a d.i.c.k as usual and that was why Ratchet and his club had objected to their talking to her.

Mia headed back into her office a little p.i.s.sed at herself for the way she'd reacted to Ratchet. She had even forgotten to speak to the man who'd entered her office a second time without Hilconn hovering nearby about getting extra crates when he'd entered to return the thousand credits. It might have been her shock at the discount.

She'd been told by the man who'd been here until she was promoted that they were to try and get the bikers to offer them a better price but it was not likely to happen. The Red Devils never gave discounts. Like in the past twenty years had never given a discount and yet today Ratchet had given one, to her.

She sat down at the metal desk in the small office and dove back into the paperwork she needed to get done today. She needed it to transfer the food to the different places it needed to go. An hour later she was still thinking about the way Ratchet had eyed her as if he wanted to devour her in one bite. She s.h.i.+vered in what she told herself was revulsion, but she suspected was desire.

Chapter 5.

Ratchet climbed off his bike at the clubhouse an hour later wondering what the f.u.c.k had come over him. He'd just spent a thousand credits on a woman who hadn't even given him a f.u.c.king b.l.o.w. .j.o.b. He observed Tick who stood beside him as Bone and Tank walk towards them regarding him with severe expressions. Tick had insisted that they come here instead of back to the farm. He was still not ready to face Charity's anger. Ratchet didn't care.

He loved his friend, but f.u.c.k the man needed to get over his wife's pa.s.sing. Ratchet knew that the man had loved her, but it was obvious to him that Charity lit Tick on fire. He'd been happier in the last few weeks than he'd ever seen him, and that included when Vivi was alive. The man was head over heels in love with that woman and he was in denial about it. Not that he knew much about being in love, but it seemed to be catching. He sure as f.u.c.k hoped he didn't get it. The idea almost gave him a rash.

”Why did we give a discount on merchandise we knew for a fact wasn't damaged, mother f.u.c.ker?” Bone demanded, angrily. As he stormed into Ratchet's path. He glowered at him.

”s.h.i.+t.” Tick muttered from beside him looking at Bone in astonishment. ”Why the f.u.c.k are you asking us? Tiny was the one who took care of that today.”

”No, your boy here f.u.c.king gave it out like it was f.u.c.king candy because some b.i.t.c.h likely gave him a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b.” Bone growled his teeth clenching.

His insult to Mia made Ratchet clench his fist, and grit his own teeth. That protective urge rising inside him again, making him itch. He didn't know why but he needed to make it clear that insults like that were not going to be thrown at Mia. f.u.c.k, he'd lost his f.u.c.king mind, he thought ruefully running a hand down his face.

”She didn't give me any such thing, a.s.shole. I was trying to prevent her from getting hurt when those f.u.c.kers let into that man, and she wanted to interrupt. Then the little weasel at the gate tried to insinuate some bulls.h.i.+t like she wasn't able to do her f.u.c.king job. I was trying to ease the f.u.c.king situation by making her look good. Then maybe we won't have to deal with wanting to f.u.c.king kill every time we head over there to do the food run. Besides I'll f.u.c.king pay for it.” Ratchet saw Tick's surprised look. He knew that although Bone and Tank watched him with doubt, Tick would take him at his word.

He was such a f.u.c.king d.i.c.k. He'd lied to his best friend without a blink, and all because of a woman he didn't even kiss made his d.i.c.k hard. He really was f.u.c.king losing it.

”Tiny indicated he'd made that clear before he'd handled it. I f.u.c.king hope you didn't make things worse. This b.i.t.c.h might want a discount every time now. And that just isn't f.u.c.king happening.” Bone told him.

Ratchet felt like his jaw would break he clenched his teeth so hard. He didn't like him calling her a b.i.t.c.h either.

”We have a job for you anyway. So it's good you stopped here before you headed back to the farm. We found a man who might have information on the person causing us so much trouble at the farm. He's here and we need your skills. We tried to break him, but it seems he needs a firmer hand.” Bone said, switching gears so fast it would have made his head spin if he didn't know him so well.

f.u.c.k, he hated that his father, a former Navy seal who'd handled black ops before the storms had taught him ways to make a man talk that could make your guts turn inside out. He didn't like doing this s.h.i.+t but sometimes it was necessary. He sighed, nodding. Bone and Tank talked to them for another few minutes before they walked back into the clubhouse.

”Well, I hope helping that woman doesn't come back to bite you on the a.s.s. What the h.e.l.l man?” Tick said with a slight chuckle. ”Never known you to be a knight in s.h.i.+ning armor before.”

Ratchet wanted to knock the man upside his head for reminding him how out of character it had been for him to help Mia.

”Shut up, a.s.shole. I was only trying to calm everyone down.”

”That only cost you a thousand credits. f.u.c.k maybe you can get the woman to give you that b.l.o.w. .j.o.b next time.” Tick said laughing. He walked into the clubhouse ignoring the a.s.shat. He needed to go torture a man into talking and for the first time in his life he was in a hurry to do it. If for no other reason than that he didn't want to hear any more bulls.h.i.+t about his stupidity.

Four days after the incident with the bikers at the food intake plant she was no closer to getting more food for the rebels than she had been. She wanted to scream. They'd had three other deliveries from another local farm that brought eggs and another biker gang that brought fish. She'd talked to that biker's leader, but he'd been uninterested in selling more goods to her. He'd considered her like she was a bug when she'd suggested it. He'd been called Death Rider, so she tried not to take it personal. She had a feeling the man was just not very trusting.

He'd likely thought it was a nefarious plot to get him into trouble. Not that she knew how he could get into trouble for it. The farm that supplied the eggs had told her that it wasn't possible because they didn't have any more eggs to sell. Her last hope was Ratchet's gang. If she couldn't do this the legal way she would have to start stealing more goods. That would make her look suspicious.

She sighed as she walked into the home she shared with her parents and her brother. Her mother was standing in the living room on a halo call with her father.

”Sorry, darling. It can't be helped. The council meeting has run long and it will be another hour possibly two before I make it home.” Her father was saying.

”It's fine, Hilroy. I was planning to go out with Hilena anyway.” Her mother told him smiling.

”Ah, h.e.l.lo there, Hilmia. Still enjoying the big promotion?” Her father said beaming at her from the halo vid screen that filled one wall.

”Of course, Papa.” She told him her lips turning up in a fake smile. Mia knew that her father would not be happy if he knew the real reason she was working at the plant. At least this week Hilconn and Thomas were working another gate. She'd actually liked Robert who was working the food intake center with her this week. Although, she didn't like Vickers who was working with them.

”I'm so proud of you, darling.” Her father said making her feel guilty. Because if he knew the truth he wouldn't be saying this to her. It made her feel like an imposter. Only she knew that no matter what happened she wouldn't change who she was. She couldn't.

”Yes, darling we're so very proud.” Her mother seconded.

”Thanks, mom. I have to meet some friends at the restaurant in an hour. So, I am headed up to change and get ready.” Mia walked towards her room seeing the scowl that her father turned on her.

”Not that boy and girl from the Slums again?” He father demanded.

”Hilroy, stop. They're her friends.” Her mother softly reprimanded.

”They are just wanting to get a free ride. Those people always are, Senna.” He gruffly retorted. He'd never liked Marcus and Raven. It was sad because of all her friends they were the two who she trusted the most to love her no matter who she was inside. They didn't judge her. She couldn't be sure that even her mother, father and brother wouldn't judge her if they knew the truth. It was sad.

”No papa it's Liza.” Mia said turning to look at the vid screen from the hall entrance. She was lying but she knew that if she told him the truth it would cause a fight that she didn't want to have with him tonight. She loved him, but his view of the Slums was just as skewed as most of the rest of the Hill's residents was. She hated it.

”Good.” Her father said. Then he began speaking to her mother and Mia knew that she'd been dismissed. Sighing she headed upstairs to change so that she could meet Raven and Marcus. As she pa.s.sed her brothers room she wondered where he was.

He'd been angry at her for three days because when she'd been paid she'd refused to give him any credits. He wasn't speaking to her and she really wished he would seek help for his addiction. It frightened her. She remembered her protective younger brother from four years ago, and now he only wanted to talk to her when he needed money for a fix. It broke her heart to see her brother that way. It actually made her hate him a little bit.

She knew that she was actually watching him kill himself slowly. He'd already ruined the brother she'd once loved. He was now a junky seeking his next fix. She was heading down the stairs twenty minutes later when her mother called out to her.

”Mia, darling could you help me a moment.”

”Sure, mom.” She said walking back down the hall to her parent's room.

Her mother was standing with her back to the door when she entered. Her dress was open and she looked at Mia over her shoulder. ”Zip me up would you?” She asked.

Mia pulled the tiny tab of the zip up her mother's back. Surprised that her mother was wearing such a fancy dress tonight.

”Wow, mom. Where are you headed looking so fancy?” She asked.

”Oh, pooh. I'm meeting your aunt Hilena at that new place glitter. You know they want you to dress to the nines. I truly would prefer to just clap on a skirt and not have to wear this gown. They are so heavy.” Her mother said with a rueful snort of laughter.

Mia smiled. She knew her mother hated dressing up, it was why seeing her mother in this dress had surprised her.

”It will be fun though.”

”Yes, now go have fun. Be young.” Laughing Mia headed to the door, but was stopped by her mother's last words. ”And Mia. Tell Raven and Marcus I said h.e.l.lo, won't you.”