Part 2 (1/2)
”Done, we leave in an hour to meet Rock and Tiny.” Tick told him before he headed to his house to get ready.
”f.u.c.k.” Ratchet said as he walked to his own cabin to do the same. At least with Tiny there he wouldn't have to do anything other than unload the trucks.
Which meant he could ignore the f.u.c.ks who made him want to split them from ear to ear every time they opened their mouths. He f.u.c.king hated dealing with those f.u.c.kers. If it didn't bring so many credits into the club Bone likely would have told them to stick it up their long ago. Only it did bring in a h.e.l.l of a lot of credits for the club because the stupid f.u.c.ks who lived behind that wall were too f.u.c.king lazy to venture out to get their own d.a.m.ned food.
Two hours later Ratchet pulled his bike up next to the truck watching as Tiny got off his bike and headed towards the office. The man paused looking surprised standing in the doorway of the office for several moments before he walked inside. Ratchet wondered what that look had been about as he joined Tick at the back of the truck. He knew that something had startled the man and that didn't happen often.
Deciding to ask Tiny about it later he began unloading the truck with Tick, Rock and two prospects. They were almost done when the p.r.i.c.k who was always a pain in the a.s.s came into the warehouse. Ratchet was carrying in another crate and he wanted to drop it and hit the stupid a.s.shat in the head. The man had a thin face and a thick heavy body which made him look like a dumpy weasel.
Ratchet had dealt with him on several occasions and none of them had ended well. He could still remember the time Tick had to hold him back from beating the f.u.c.k out of the man for being rude to Marta. She was Tinkers old lady, and a sweet woman. She didn't deserve this f.u.c.k being a d.i.c.k to her for no reason. Until that day about a year ago she'd driven the truck to the city but since then they had a prospect do it. None of their women needed to get hara.s.sed by these d.i.c.kheads who looked down on them.
The idiot didn't realize how close he was to dying apparently. He sauntered into the warehouse with a sly look on his face. He began to open the crates shoving his meaty hands into the fresh food they'd brought. Ratchet turned walking out of the warehouse after setting down his crate. They were almost done and that d.i.c.khead was going to annoy him he just knew it.
He pause outside the door next to Tiny and Tick who were standing near the truck talking. Most of the crated fruits and vegetables that the Dixon family grew were unloaded.
”What's up?” He asked them holding a crate.
”Nothing, just a little surprised that the new foreperson was a woman that's all.” Tiny said, looking at him.
”Really? Is she a b.i.t.c.h?”
”Not the impression I got surprisingly. She seemed to want to talk about something, but the man who works with her didn't want to leave the room. I was filling Tick in because you two have the run next week. I'm hoping that we might not have as much trouble as we normally do with this new foreperson. She seems different. I didn't want to kill her on the spot at least which definite improvement.” Tiny told him quietly.
Ratchet snickered. Yeah he'd bet. A woman was easier on the eyes if nothing else. Although, Tiny only had eyes for Racheal, his old lady. But for the rest of the crew who weren't leg shackled to their women it would be a nice change.
”Want me to take that in?” Rock asked, making Ratchet realize that the crate he held was the last one.
He shook his head. ”Nah...I got it.” He said headed into the warehouse to find that little p.r.i.c.k holding some apples from a crate they'd brought in.
”These are damaged. I am not paying for these crates if they have damaged merchandise.” The man's face was twisted into a sly smile. Ratchet knew that the man had damaged the apples on purpose to try and negotiate a better price. He also knew that the little f.u.c.k wouldn't be getting it. Red devils didn't negotiate.
He didn't know why they continued to try this bull s.h.i.+t every time they brought food, but they did. It got old really quick. The first time they let them know that it wasn't happening and thought that would be the end of that only the f.u.c.kers hadn't taken the hint. Not in the ten years the club had been providing food. It had been his father's generation who'd dealt with it, and now it was him and Tick and the other Red devils. f.u.c.k, he hated these f.u.c.king food runs.
The little p.r.i.c.k was wearing that b.u.t.ton up long sleeved s.h.i.+rt and vest all the workers here wore and it seemed uncomfortable. In this heat it had to be hot a f.u.c.k too. Ratchet wondered absently what the little s.h.i.+t would do if he grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall.
”You'll pay. Or we pack our s.h.i.+t up and leave.” Ratchet said darkly. Glaring at the fat little weasel.
”You can't do that. You have to give us a better pric...” The little d.i.c.khead tried to whine but Ratchet interrupted him.
”The f.u.c.k I can't.”
Then his d.i.c.k jumped to attention when a husky voice that sounded like aged whiskey rolled over his body like a caress.
”Is there a problem here?” Ratchet almost came in his pants when he turned around to see the woman standing a few feet away.
She was only about five foot, with curly red hair that seemed to escape the twist she'd pulled it into. Ratchet couldn't pinpoint what made him feel like an animal ready to rut, but the sight of her standing there took his breath away and ramped him up past eleven in two seconds flat. The outfit she was wearing didn't give him even a hint of what she looked like beneath that baggy white b.u.t.ton up or the skirt that hung to her ankles. But something about her made him want to strip her naked and have his way with her. He'd been less turned on looking at a sweetb.u.t.t's bare t.i.ts.
Her full ripe lips parted, and he wanted to pull his d.i.c.k out and slip it into those pretty petals. f.u.c.k. What the h.e.l.l was wrong with him? The fantasy he was having of her on her knees with his c.o.c.k in her mouth was interrupted abruptly by the weasel.
”He's refused to lower their prices and they brought damaged goods. You should deal with this, I think. Being as you're the new supervisor.” The man's face was twisted into a condescending smile again. Making Ratchet want to cut it off his face. The man shouldn't talk to her in such a disrespectful tone.
”Hilconn, go and help Thomas with the paperwork. I can handle this.” Ratchet's d.i.c.k jerked again at the sound of that whiskey coated voice. He could imagine her begging him with that voice as he pounded her into the wall of the warehouse. Perhaps if she offered the right incentive he'd be willing to lower the price for her. He had plenty of credits to pay the club back with and if he got his d.i.c.k inside her it would be worth it.
”Sorry about him.” She said as the little d.i.c.khead exited the warehouse.
”What's your name?” Ratchet asked gruffly. Watching her move a few steps closer.
”I don't think that's relevant.” She told him as she tilted her head and watched him carefully. He grinned. Yeah, she was a smart one, but it wouldn't save her. She suddenly seemed to realize that they were completely alone inside the warehouse because she took a step away from him. Now watching him as a bunny watched a wolf. He let his lips curve into a wicked grin, as he stalked her. He wouldn't take her here he decided. They would likely get interrupted and he wanted to take his time with her. He had a feeling that once with her wouldn't be enough.
”Your name beautiful?” Ratchet demanded still following as she continued to back away from him. His grin got wider as he realized that in three more steps her back would be against the warehouse wall.
”Mia.” She finally stuttered out. Her heart pounding.
She'd been in her office when the dark haired one came in to get the payment set up. She'd wanted to talk to him about possibly having a few extra crates a month sent in so that she could give them to the rebels without them knowing that she was using her own funds for the goods. Only Hilconn, the little d.i.c.k hadn't left the room. Even when he was told to go help unload the crates. It had p.i.s.sed her off. When she'd entered the warehouse to find the two men facing off she'd thought getting rid of Hilconn would be her chance to discuss the business she needed to discuss with the bikers.
Only now she was thinking as her eyes darted back and forth that maybe being alone in an empty warehouse with a man she knew nothing about wasn't such a bright idea. Not that he wasn't beautiful. The man looked like a scruffy angel with light brown hair and the greenest eyes she'd ever seen. His face seemed like it had been sculpted by a master. She took another step backwards worrying her lower lip with her teeth. His eyes seemed to be drawn to that like a predator sensing weakness.
”I'm Ratchet. Nice to meet you, Mia.” Ratchet told her his body following hers as she hit the wall. She gasped a little when his arms landed on the wall beside her on either sides blocking her in. She came across like a frightened child which pleased him somehow. Her reaction meant that she hadn't been around many men and that satisfied him in some way.
”You know, Mia. If you want we can discuss the price. If you play your cards right I may be able to adjust it for you, beauty.” He told her as his hand tugged at a loose curl near her ear that had escaped from her twist.
” I.” She stuttered unsure how to handle the man who was surrounding her with his male heat and the scent of leather and man. Feeling stalked by this man whose eyes watched her like a wolf she remembered from a movie she'd seen once. It had been looking at an elk that it wanted to eat, so she was a bit concerned by the predatory look. She knew that the man wanted her. She was sheltered but she had had s.e.x before. It was apparent that the man was filled with an untamed s.e.xuality that made her body feel liquid, and her breaths come in little pants. She wasn't sure how to handle a man with such raw untamed s.e.xual prowess.
”Such pretty lips, Mia.” He murmured startling her.
”We should go outside with the others.” Mia managed to get out in a breathless whisper. She wanted to push him away, but she was afraid that touching him would make him pounce.
”Ummm....not quite yet, beauty.” Ratchet told her. He was going to at least get a kiss from those s.e.xy lips before he left this warehouse. He leaned forward intending to do just that, but his lips were a mere breath away when they heard shouting outside. Ratchet snapped to attention. His body moving to the door before he thought about what he was doing. It was instinct to move into danger, but what surprised him was the protective feeling that rose in his chest.
”Stay behind me.” He growled at Mia as he headed for the door to see what was going on.
Mia was breathlessly antic.i.p.ating the man's kiss when suddenly the lazy predatory was replaced by a warrior. He demanded that she stay behind him as he moved towards the door and Mia was shocked at her own reaction to the man. She'd been about to let a perfect stranger kiss her. What the h.e.l.l was wrong with her? It was indecent for her to allow him such privileges. She knew that had he not been distracted by the commotion outside, she would have allowed it though. That worried her. She couldn't afford to mess this job up when she had just started the position.
Only for some reason, the scruffy biker, with his days worth of stubble and his tanned male chest covered in muscles and a leather vest, made her feel breathless and needy. Finally managing to get her hormones under control she followed Ratchet to the door after a moment. She paused to straighten her hair and her blouse. Then exited into the midday sunlight behind him.
Chapter 4.
Ratchet stood a few feet from the door watching the scene that was unfolding near one of the walls. A man was on the ground and Hilconn and Thomas were beating him with stunner sticks. Letting out a gasp Mia moved to stop them. Only Ratchet's hand shot out and caught her before she could move past him.
”Let me go!” She hissed at him angrily, tugging at her arm.
”Not happening, Mia.” Ratchet replied harshly.
”I need to stop them. Now let me go! You can't stop me from doing my job.” She told him still trying to pull away from him.
”I can, actually.” Ratchet told her. His hand moving up her arm as he moved her away from the scene playing out on the other side of the yard.