Evil Dragon Against The Heaven Chapter 60 (1/2)

“Young man, looking at you, you seem to still have doubts about why you rejected the seven main jobs right?  The fact that you can obtain the Badge of Bravery, this kind of situation is not strange.  Because for truly strong people, normal jobs will only kill your innate talent and strength, so normal jobs will be instinctively repelled.  Just like Nameless in the past.  He also repelled all seven of the main jobs.”  Kong Xiu was staring at the pure white jade, as he gently spoke.  If it wasn’t for his roar a moment ago, the image of him in Ye Tian Xie’s eyes would be an immortal old man with a gentle demeanour.

“Then, what job did Nameless get in the end?”  Ye Tian Xie asked.  At the same time the words “Hidden Job” was flas.h.i.+ng in his heart.  Hidden Job - a special job that exceeded the seven main jobs, to the players, these were jobs called “Hidden Jobs”.  Hidden Jobs weren’t guaranteed to be stronger than normal jobs, but they did have their specialties, at the same time, Hidden Jobs were all unique and hard to obtain.  Hidden Jobs had also existed in «Lift up the Heavens» and «Murder G.o.d», but regardless of what game it was, the amount of people with Hidden Jobs did not exceed ten.  But in this amount, he wasn’t included.  In other words, he had never obtained a Hidden Job, he had always played using a normal job, but still he was able to reach the peak that no one else could reach.

“Solitary Wolf!”  Ye Tian Xie’s question made Kong Xiu’s face show an expression of reminiscence, as if he was remembering events in the past that were hard to forget.

“Solitary Wolf?”  This job name surprised Ye Tian Xie.  This kind of name sounded like the name of a monster, how could it be the name of a job.

“It’s very strange isn’t it?”  Kong Xiu laughed, with an expression suggesting it is what it is, he said, “Solitary Wolf…...this was his job and it was a job belonging only to him.  Because this job was born from his strength, the job was also named by him.  And his strength, it was I who helped him draw it out.  In other words, the fact that the Lost Continent could have someone as powerful as Nameless, it was all because of me.”

The first few words, Kong Xiu said with serious face, but the last few words he said, his old face could not hide the proud expression on it.  Ye Tian Xie silently once again deducted five points from his impression score.

With this mood he was still considered the strongest Archmage, an enlightened expert…...enlightened my a.s.s!

Although he was thinking this in his heart, but he didn’t show it with his expressions, Ye Tian Xie changed his expression, becoming a face of wors.h.i.+p as he looked at Kong Xiu.  His timely expression filled Kong Xiu with incomparable satisfaction, as the smiling expression on his face became more gentle, “Young man, you could obtain the Badge of Bravery with your level and stats, instinctively repel all seven main jobs, the only explanation for this is that you have a strong strength hidden inside of you like Nameless did in the past, and this strength of yours has not been discovered yet.  Young man, do you think I’m right?”

Ye Tian Xie nodded his head, his strength was too big…...perhaps, it was inherent, perhaps his extraordinary powers affected his character in this world?  Or was there another reason?

“He, he, no problem.  Actually, I have been waiting for someone as strong as you.  Because anyone who could obtain the Badge of Bravery will be someone truly strong.  And anyone who can repel job advancement will be the strongest of the strong.  So having the chance to see you today, I almost lost control of myself…...Because, perhaps, another person like Nameless will be born!”

Ye Tian Xie: “......”

“This piece of jade stone is called the ‘G.o.d Summoning Stone’, it can be considered the most precious and mysterious stone on the Lost Continent, these is only this single piece on the entire Lost Continent.  It was the high G.o.d of the Lost Continent from the past - G.o.ddess Xi Yao who bestowed it upon Heavenly Stellar City, and it his honoured City Lord that bestowed it upon me, so that I could use it to guide a true powerhouse.  Nameless, became Nameless with its help.”