Part 7 (1/2)
It was a good point. She may have been secretive and brash and not terribly likable, but her way seemed to have worked. Year after year, people kept coming back to the fair. People had fun. They enjoyed themselves. So while she wasn't going to win any popularity contests, she seemed to know how to organize and run a county fair.
But I was still curious.
”So before you blow up that meeting this evening, keep that in mind,” my father said, cracking a smile. ”You could end up driving a golf cart next year.”
I grilled ribs for dinner and did the dishes in record time.
”Scoot,” I said to Carly as I dried and put away the last of the plates.
She hovered at the table, licking her barbecue-stained fingers.
”Time for a bath.”
She continued licking. ”I'm giving myself a bath. Like a cat.”
”I'm going to give you a bath,” I told her. ”Like a human.”
She giggled and followed me up the stairs.
I started the water and dumped a capful of liquid soap into the tub as she stripped out of her clothes and dug around for her basket of bath toys.
”This guy is my favorite,” she said, holding up a rubber duck wearing a cowboy hat.
Her favorite changed daily, it seemed. I lathered her hair with special kids' shampoo. ”Yeah? Why is that?”
”I don't know.” She plunged it under the water and squeezed.
”Look up,” I said. She did and I poured a cup of water over her hair, s.h.i.+elding her eyes with one of my hands.
I loved giving her baths. I loved taking care of her. There was nothing I'd rather do than be a dad and once again, I was grateful I had the opportunity to do that. To stay home and take care of my kids.
I rinsed her hair again. ”What?”
”When will the baby be here?”
That night, if her mother had any say in the matter. But I didn't know for sure if it would work, so I told her, ”Soon.” It was the most accurate estimate I had right then.
”Are you happy about the baby?”
I set the cup down. ”Of course I'm happy about it.”
I looked at Carly. Her head was down, her eyes focused on the duck in her hands.
”Are you happy about it?” I asked. ”About being a big sister soon?”
She shrugged her tiny shoulders. ”I guess. I think so.”
I repositioned myself in front of the tub, s.h.i.+fting my weight from one knee to the other. ”Tell me.”
She took a deep breath. ”Well, it's just that everyone's so excited. About the baby. That's all Mommy and you talk about. Grandma and Grandpa are always buying toys and clothes and stuff. For the baby.”
My heart broke a little for my daughter. I knew it took a lot of courage to say these things, to talk about how she was feeling. And I also knew that she had absolutely nothing to worry about. I could have a dozen kids and still love all of them differently but the same. Every parent knew it.
But my daughter didn't.
I rinsed her off with a couple more cups full of water, grabbed the towel off the hook, and rubbed at her hair. On cue, Carly reached out and lifted the plug on the drain.
”I'm happy about it,” I said. ”Just as happy as I was the day you were born.”
She looked at me. ”Yeah? You were happy the day I was born?”
I smiled at her and lifted her dripping body from the tub. ”Happiest day of my life. You were the best gift I ever got. You were the best baby in the entire world.”
”I was?”
I toweled her off. ”Yep. And you know what?”
”You're gonna be the best big sister in the entire world, too. I just know it.”
She nodded and smiled at me. ”Okay, Daddy. I will be.”
I hugged her and got her in her pajamas and handed her off to Julianne before heading out the door. And I made it to the fair board meeting with five minutes to spare.
The meeting was being held in one of the community rooms at the Rose Petal Library and I was surprised to see that most of the seats were already taken when I walked in. I'd gotten the impression that no one really cared about the board or their monthly meetings, so I wasn't expecting a crowd. But maybe George Spellman's death had stirred some interest.
I found a seat in the back row and Victor arrived a minute later, sliding into the seat next to me.
”Why the h.e.l.l are there so many people here?” he asked, scowling. ”Why aren't they over at the fair?”
”Got me. I thought it would be empty.”
”I talked to the old lady,” he said. ”We're set with a retainer.”
”That was quick.”
He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. ”Apparently, you made an impression on her this morning”
”I'm awesome.”