Part 5 (2/2)

ARTICLE 159.--All earlier laws and resolutions in conflict with the contents of these laws are altogether suspended.

S.J.P. KRUGER, _President._ C. VAN BOESCHOTEN, _Acting Secretary of State._


LAW No. 4, 1891.


ARTICLE 1.--The legislative power shall rest with a representation of the people, which shall consist of a First Volksraad and a Second Volksraad.

ARTICLE 2.--The First Volksraad shall be the highest authority in the State, just as the Volksraad was before this law came into operation.

The First Volksraad shall be the body named the Volksraad until this law came into operation. From the period of this law coming into operation, the name of that body shall be altered from the Volksraad to the First Volksraad. The persons forming that body as members shall, however, remain the same, only they shall from the said period be named members of the First Volksraad instead of members of the Volksraad.

All laws and resolutions having reference to the Volksraad and the members thereof shall remain in force and apply to the First Volksraad and the members thereof, except in so far as a change is or shall be made by this and later laws.

ARTICLE 3.--The First and the Second Volksraad meet at least once a year.

This ordinary meeting is opened in a united session on the first Monday in the month of May, under the Presidency of the Chairman of the First Volksraad. Extraordinary meetings can be summoned by the President as often as he judges it necessary in the interest of the country.

ARTICLE 4.--The number of the members of the Second Volksraad shall be the same as of the First Volksraad. This number shall be fixed later by the First Volksraad for both Volksraads.

ARTICLE 5.--Each member of either of the two Volksraads takes the following oath on accepting his office of dignity before the Chairman:--

”As elected as member of the First (or Second) Volksraad of the representation of the people of this Republic, I declare, promise, and swear solemnly that I have neither made nor promised present to anyone to reach this honour, that I shall be faithful in this office of dignity to the people and its independence, that I shall behave according to the Const.i.tution and other laws of this Republic, according to the best of my knowledge and conscience, and that I shall always aim at the furtherance of the happiness and prosperity of the inhabitants in general.”

ARTICLE 6.--The manner of election of the members of the Second Volksraad shall be the same as that of the members of the First Volksraad.

ARTICLE 7.--The members of the Second Volksraad shall enjoy the same allowance as the members of the First Volksraad, and have the same obligations with regard to informing their electors of their laws and resolutions.

ARTICLE 8.--The members of the Second Volksraad are chosen for the period of four years.

In the first ordinary session of the Second Volksraad it shall be decided by lot which members shall belong to that half which must resign already after the lapse of the first two years.

ARTICLE 9.--The members of the First Volksraad are chosen by those enfranchised burghers who have obtained the burgher right, either before this law came into operation, or thereafter by birth, and have reached the age of sixteen years.

The franchise for the First Volksraad can besides also be obtained by those who have during ten years been eligible for the Second Volksraad, by resolution of the First Volksraad, and according to rules to be fixed later by law.

ARTICLE 10.--The members of the Second Volksraad are chosen by all enfranchised burghers who have reached the age of sixteen years.

ARTICLE 11.--No one is allowed to offer himself for election for both Volksraads, or in more districts or election divisions than one at the same time.

ARTICLE 12.--The members of the Volksraad may not stand to one another in the relation of father and son or stepson.
