Part 6 (1/2)

ARTICLE 13.--No military officer or official who enjoys a fixed yearly or monthly salary, as such, may offer himself for election as member of either Volksraad.

ARTICLE 14.--No coloured person or b.a.s.t.a.r.d, nor persons of public bad conduct, or those who have had a discreditable criminal sentence pa.s.sed on them, nor any non-rehabilitated bankrupts or insolvents whatsoever shall be eligible as members of either Volksraad.

ARTICLE 15.--To be able to take a seat as member of the First Volksraad, he who has been lawfully chosen must be thirty years old, and member of a Protestant church, live in the Republic, have obtained fixed property there and the burgher right, either before this law came into operation, or thereafter by birth, or have obtained the franchise for the First Volksraad according to Sub-section 2 of Article 9.

ARTICLE 16.--To be able to take a seat as member of the Second Volksraad, he who has been lawfully chosen must be thirty years old, have been enfranchised burgher during the two immediately preceding years, be a member of a Protestant church, live in the Republic, and have fixed property there.

ARTICLE 17.--Each Volksraad chooses its own chairman from among its own members.

ARTICLE 18.--Each Volksraad appoints, from outside its members, its own secretary on proposal of the Executive Council.

ARTICLE 19.--Each Volksraad shall have to judge if elections and the qualifications of its own members are according to law.

ARTICLE 20.--Each Volksraad shall establish its own arrangement of order, shall regulate the process of its transactions, and the power of the Chairman shall be defined by itself.

ARTICLE 21.--The President and the members of the Executive Council shall sit in both Volksraads, with right to take part in the discussions, but without a vote.

ARTICLE 22.--The quorum of both the First and the Second Volksraad shall consist of twelve members. If there is no quorum present in the Second Volksraad, its secretary shall at once give notice of the same to the First Volksraad.

ARTICLE 23.--The sessions of both Volksraads shall be held in public, unless the majority in special cases resolve to revoke the publicity.

ARTICLE 24.--Each Volksraad shall keep minutes of its transactions. It shall have these published regularly in the _Staats Courant_, except the notes of the secret sittings, which shall only be partly published with the consent of the First Volksraad.

ARTICLE 25.--Each Volksraad has the right to punish its own members for disorderly conduct. Each Volksraad has, in addition, the right to suspend a member with two-thirds of the votes given.

ARTICLE 26.--A period of three months shall be left to the people to enable those who so wish to express their judgment of a proposed law to the Volksraads, except those laws which can suffer no delay.

ARTICLE 27.--The Second Volksraad shall have the power to pa.s.s further regulations on the following subjects as is necessary, either by law or resolution:--

(1) The department of mines.

(2) The making and support of wagon and post roads.

(3) The postal department.

(4) The department of telegraphs and telephones.

(5) The protection of inventions, samples and trademarks.

(6) The protection of the right of the author.

(7) The exploitation and support of the woods and salt-pans.

(8) The prevention and coping with contagious diseases.

(9) The condition, the rights, and obligations of companies.

(10) Insolvency.