Part 46 (1/2)
In the bedroom, Eden was finis.h.i.+ng up leaving a detailed message for Izzy, with a Call me back, now-we need you! Call me back, now-we need you!
”Already doing that,” Dan said, ”but the 9-1-1 operator just put me on hold. Neesha, get into the bedroom. In the closet. They may not know you're here.”
”They'll find me,” the girl said. ”In the closet.”
”It's better than just standing here,” Dan argued. ”Except...Wait a minute...”
While they were talking, Jenn had gone into the kitchen-the refrigerator was the only thing heavy enough to barricade the door. When Neesha saw what she was doing, she quickly came to help. She was stronger than she looked, and they moved the refrigerator across the linoleum floor with a screech. Although, to be honest? Even with it in front of the door, it was only going to slow down an a.s.sault by a minute or so, at the most.
Out in the living room, Dan had started pulling the cus.h.i.+ons off the sofa as Eden called from the bedroom, ”Danny, where's Greg's gun?”
”Zanella has it,” he said tersely as he pulled up the metal-and-canvas bed frame that was folded into the body of the sofa. Normally, when it was closed, the folded mattress would occupy all of the s.p.a.ce inside the furniture's outer sh.e.l.l. But with the mattress on the floor...He pulled his phone from his ear again, to look at it now in disbelief. ”Jesus Christ, they cut me off.” He redialed. ”Neesha, forget about the closet-I need you over here. Now Now.”
Jenn took out her cell phone, and dialed 9-1-1, too. ”Maybe I'll get through.”
”I should just go out there,” Neesha said. ”Give myself up.”
They all spoke at once. ”Like h.e.l.l,” Dan said as Eden called from the bedroom, ”Yeah, that's that's not going to happen,” as Jenn said, ”Honey, we're not going to let you do that.” not going to happen,” as Jenn said, ”Honey, we're not going to let you do that.”
”But they'll kill you,” she told Danny, fiercely, turning to look at Jenn, too. ”Maybe they'll kill all of you. And they're going to find me anyway.”
”I'm calling Izzy again,” Eden said, as if, like Superman, he could instantly swoop in and save them, despite being all the way on the other side of town.
”Neesha,” Dan said to the little girl. ”Look at me. If you really overheard them talking before they took Ben-”
”I did!”
”Then you have to climb in here and hide. Whatever happens, whatever you hear, you have to have to be silent. Because once they find you and kill you?” Dan looked from Neesha to Jenn, his face grim. ”Ben's dead, too.” be silent. Because once they find you and kill you?” Dan looked from Neesha to Jenn, his face grim. ”Ben's dead, too.”
On the way to Crossroads, just to add insult to injury, Eden's wicked stepfather Greg did the glorious Technicolor yawn and vomited all over himself in the front seat of Izzy's rental car.
”Really?” Izzy said, pulling hard over into a deserted strip-mall parking lot as the malodorous smell a.s.saulted him, full force. ”Really?” ”Really?”
His night had already been a suckfest, and he'd been driving with his full focus on the task at hand-going to Crossroads to free Ben-trying not not to think about Eden. to think about Eden.
And yet he couldn't stop himself from seeing her face and hearing her crying after the truth had come out about the h.e.l.l she'd survived after Katrina.
She cried, but not because of the injustice and abuse she'd endured at her brother-in-law Ron's despicable hands. No, the outpouring of emotion had come when Danny'd put his arms around her and said, I'm sorry I'm sorry.
And not just I'm sorry you had to go through this I'm sorry you had to go through this, but also I'm sorry that no one believed you I'm sorry that no one believed you.
As Izzy jammed the car into park, his cell phone started doing its happy little vibrating dance in his cargo-shorts pocket. But there was no time to reach for it and answer as he unlocked the doors and burst out into the heat of the night as fast as his legs could carry him. He knew some guys-some of them SEALs or former SEALs-who reacted to someone's barfing by immediately barfing, too, like the most disgusting call and response in the history of the planet. But his stomach was made of iron, so that wasn't the reason for his speed. He executed the front-hood slide-over in a mad rush only in order to open the pa.s.senger-side door and pull out Greg the human volcano before he erupted again.
Although, d.a.m.n d.a.m.n Skippy. The damage was done and the car was now a frakking stank-mobile of vomitous doom. And even with his cast-iron innards, it was hard for Izzy not to gag. Skippy. The damage was done and the car was now a frakking stank-mobile of vomitous doom. And even with his cast-iron innards, it was hard for Izzy not to gag.
He had Greg-puke on his hands from grabbing the man by his s.h.i.+rt, and there was no way he was reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone with those fingers, so he let the call go to voice mail as he strategized his next move. It was probably just Danny, anyway, calling for a sit-rep. Izzy'd call him back, after there was better news than Hey, the inside of my rental car-the second car I've rented because the first one was totaled-is now a new color, and it's not a pretty one Hey, the inside of my rental car-the second car I've rented because the first one was totaled-is now a new color, and it's not a pretty one.
Holy s.h.i.+t.
The splatter factor was off the charts-the pa.s.senger-side dash was sprayed, as was the floor mat and part of the seat, which was fabric of course, here in the land of molten-lava heat. Vinyl, in Vegas, could deliver third-degree burns, but it sure as h.e.l.l would've been easier to de-puke. As Izzy stood there in the oppressive heat, he wished he'd been given an option at the rental-car counter.
Although, he could just imagine that conversation. I understand you'd prefer the ball-burning but easy-to-clean vinyl, sir, because you antic.i.p.ate driving pa.s.sengers who'll regurgitate regularly. Please initial here, here, and here, acknowledging that you've been properly warned of the potential danger to your nether regions. A barf-sc.r.a.per and absorbent towels come with the vehicle. Would you care to rent a cooler for an additional ten dollars a day so you can ice your s.c.r.o.t.u.m after being scalded? I understand you'd prefer the ball-burning but easy-to-clean vinyl, sir, because you antic.i.p.ate driving pa.s.sengers who'll regurgitate regularly. Please initial here, here, and here, acknowledging that you've been properly warned of the potential danger to your nether regions. A barf-sc.r.a.per and absorbent towels come with the vehicle. Would you care to rent a cooler for an additional ten dollars a day so you can ice your s.c.r.o.t.u.m after being scalded?
He wished Eden were here, because she would think that was pretty funny, too, and...
Izzy pulled out the floor mat and deposited it next to Greg. The man was down on his knees, in the cla.s.sic position of acquiescence and prayer, bowing to the G.o.ds of substance abuse and overindulgence, and making another loudly yukatatious offering right there on the pitted pavement.
”f.u.c.k,” Izzy said in disgust as he wiped his hands on the back of Greg's s.h.i.+rt-which wasn't all that clean, but at least was vomit-free. And hey, it could've been worse. Dude clearly had been on a liquid diet for days. He could've been blowing chunks.
There was nothing for Izzy to do but take off his own T-s.h.i.+rt and use it to wipe clean the interior of the car-at least as much as he could. There was surely a convenience store open somewhere between here and Crossroads, where he could stop in and pick up a T-s.h.i.+rt. And? If he were really lucky? It would have Siegfried & Roy on it.
Eden had left half of a bottle of water in the car door, and Izzy was using it, with his s.h.i.+rt, to clean up as best he could, when his phone jiggled again.
He checked his hand-clean, okay, clean-ish-before he dug for it and...s.h.i.+t, it was Eden, and she'd called before, left a message, too. Izzy hit talk. ”Hey. I haven't made it to Crossroads yet-”
”Izzy!” Eden sounded almost out of breath, as if something was terribly wrong. ”Thank G.o.d. Ben's not at Crossroads, he's been kidnapped. The men, from the Starbucks-that I hit with your car? They're here!”
What the f.u.c.k...? If he'd spoken aloud, Eden didn't acknowledge it. She just kept going.
”Neesha-she was hiding and she saw them take Ben, but now they're back, and she said they were going to kill you and Danny because they know you're military, but Danny won't hide-Jenn wants him to hide, or to go out the window, but he won't won't and-” and-”
”Whoa,” Izzy said. ”Whoa, Eden, slow down. Where are are you?” you?”
”At the apartment,” she told him. ”Izzy, please, you have to get over here. Now.”
Greg had collapsed in a puddle of puke, his cheek against the pavement and his eyes closed, and Izzy tucked his phone between his shoulder and his ear as he grabbed the man by the belt and hauled him up, moving him onto the sidewalk in front of a dark and shuttered nail salon, as Eden kept talking.
”They're down in the courtyard, but Danny's sure they're just waiting for backup before they come in,” she told him as he ran to the car and climbed in, then peeled out of the lot with a squeal of tires. ”We can't leave without them seeing us, and there's no way to stop them. You have Greg's gun.”
s.h.i.+t, he did-and it was locked in the trunk. He squealed to a stop, popped the trunk, and grabbed the case, bringing it up into the front seat with him, as he pulled back out into the street ”I'm on my way,” Izzy told her, pus.h.i.+ng the pedal to the metal on the deserted streets, as he keyed Eden's address into the car's GPS, then focused on unlocking the case. ”But I'm-s.h.i.+t!-at least fifteen minutes from you.” If he didn't get stopped for going ninety in a forty-five-mile-an-hour zone...But maybe it would be a good idea to get a police escort over there. ”Sweetheart, stay on the phone with me, okay, but tell Jenn or Dan to call the police.”
”We've been trying,” Eden said. ”We keep getting put on hold. Danny's been disconnected, twice.”
s.h.i.+t-f.u.c.k. ”Tell Danny to call Mark Jenkins,” Izzy said as he blew through a second red light, then slipped the weapon and several magazines of ammo into the pockets of his shorts. ”His wife, Lindsey, has a contact in the FBI, but s.h.i.+t, whoever we call is going to take time to get to you, too, and...Listen, sweetheart, do you know any of your neighbors? Is there anyone you can call, maybe have everyone open their doors and go into the courtyard and just scream and yell and wake up as many people in the complex as you can? I'm thinking there's safety in numbers.”
”I don't know anyone here,” she told him. ”I don't have anyone's phone number.” And then she gasped words that made his heart d.a.m.n near stop: ”Izzy! Danny! Oh, my G.o.d, they're coming!”
Eden came out of the bedroom, still on the phone with Zanella. ”Danny,” she said again.
”I heard you the first time,” Dan told his sister as he put the cus.h.i.+ons back on the sofa, with Neesha hidden safely inside.
”Dan,” Jenni said. ”Please. Just go out the living-room window. I know know you can make it up onto the roof without them seeing you...” you can make it up onto the roof without them seeing you...”
”I can't do that.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her, briefly, on his way over to the door. His plan was to throw his weight against the refrigerator, try to keep them out as long as he possibly could, while hoping one of them would be foolish enough to stick a hand with a weapon inside, to fire it indiscriminately.
At which point Danny would gain possession of said weapon and kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. Provided he was still alive...
”Please,” Jenni said again. ”If Neesha's right, they're just going to kill you. No questions, no warning.”