6 The First Figh (1/2)

War Of The Realms IceKitty3 22890K 2022-07-22

It was starting to turn dark by the time we got out of the inn. I didn't think it was possible to fit so much stuff in such a small room! We headed back towards my house, keeping to the shadows the best we could. The village we were taking refuge in was actually quite big, so the journey to my place isn't quick- especially when you're taking every possible route which will avoid people. Apparently the townsfolk have gotten too suspicious and have locked on to the fact we're different, so they're presuming we're rebels. We have to leave as soon as possible.

As we weaved our way through the various alleys, the sky grew dimmer. Night came as quick as a hummingbird's heartbeat, giving us cover, but with it danger.

As we were venturing through the last alley, I suddenly stopped in my tracks. Oki and Chloe did the same, shooting me a puzzled look. But then they heard it. The faint tapping of fingers against metal, and the sound of footsteps growing near.

I put my finger to my lips, signaling the others to stay quiet - but it was too late, we had already been found.

From some kind of metal pipes above our heads, 3 guys dropped down in front of us. There were 2 male and one female. From either entrance of the alley, rus.h.i.+ng footsteps signalled the entrance of 4 other people, 2 on each side. 7 guys and only 3 of us. This should be interesting.

One of the guys that had dropped, who seemed to be the group leader, walked up to us, scowling with disgust.

”Look what we have here,” he spat ”Some rebel demons. Sorry guys, but there's no place for sc.u.m like you here.”.

I laughed coldly. ”We're sc.u.m? Well at least we don't follow a blood-thirsty lunatic!”

The man looked taken back, as if he expected me to take his ridiculous insults.

”Hey guys,” he said ”This little girl just admitted to being a demon! Why don't you show us some magic?” He laughed as if he could beat me.

I smiled slyly. ”Well, since you asked so nicely,” I looked over at my companions ”I think we can have a little fun.”

Both Chloe and Oki smiled and nodded.

”Shall we begin then? I've got the middle 3!” I shouted.

”Gotcha, 2 each then Chloe!” Oki replied.

This should be fun. I produced an Ice and Shadow infused dagger from my hand. Chloe conjured to tiny twisters, while Oki formed an orb of water in his palm. We then faced our opponents.

”You think you can take on all 3 of us? Demons really are c.o.c.ky!” The guy scoffed cluelessly. Some people really have no braincells. A human taking on a demon is dangerous to begin with, but taking on an MMD is a straight up death wis.h.!.+ Although I produced the dagger in front of him, I don't think he locked on to the fact I was an MMD- utterly stupid!