Vol 1 Chapter 3 (1/2)
“Kimachi Sayuri. High school girl[1]♥”
The headmistress who, no matter how you looked at it, was about to enter her 30’s, declared so with a simple-minded smile on her face.
She’s a ‘Boke’ that’s going to be a pain to deal with.
…Currently, I was inside the headmistress’ office.
It was a dignified and elegant room; decorated with all intertwining white, gold, and dark grey, it dazzled my eyes.
And the suited-up woman who’d been waiting for me in there was the headmistress.
With her soft and comfortable aura, she felt more like a kindergarten teacher than a headmistress. However, she emitted an overall— almost otherworldly— grace, that let me ascertain the difference in our upbringing.
A very beautiful person.
But: definitely close to her thirties.
In this situation, the Tsukommi in me was on hiatus, so I couldn’t come up with anything.
“Oi ・Oi ♪”
The headmistress Tsukommi’d herself. With a cute gesture, she put her hand out slightly. Up to that point, she had been going on by herself.
“And, Kagurazaka-kun?”
She continued talking as if nothing had happened.
“It looks like Miyuki-chan’s methods were a tad over-the-top. Please forgive us, okay?”
Miyuki-chan—— the Kujou-san who had kidnapped me, was currently on standby next to the headmistress.
“Originally, Miyuki-chan was supposed to meet Kagurazaka-kun by herself, give you a proper explanation of our situation here, and then invite you.”
Then what the heck was that terrorist a.s.sault and the personal trauma I experienced in the car about?!
“She tends to get uneasy when she goes out alone.”
I don’t recall Miyuki-chan being scared at all.
“If so, then why in the world did you take an army with you?!”
“Miyuki-chan, please apologize to Kagurazaka-kun, okay?”
Kujou-san turned towards me and slowly lowered her head, saying:
“I sincerely apologize for my misconduct.”
Huh? Did she just click her tongue?
“T-That aside, what situation are you talking about?! Why have you dragged me here?!”
“I was going to give an explanation of it just now, so please quiet down, himote[2].”
“I beg your pardon. It was a slip of the tongue.”
“First off, explain to me how that ‘slip of the tongue’ came to be!”
*Hair flick* “According to our data, you have no experience with the opposite s.e.x.”
“I also have a study here which suggests that the number of girls who have feelings for you is zero.”
“Miyuki-chan, what’s a ‘himote’?”
“The term ‘himote’ is a word that originated in the early 2000’s on 2c**n and is an internet term meaning——”
“Stop it already! Explanation! You were going to explain the circ.u.mstances of this place to me! Right?!”
Towards my entreaty, Kujou-san heaved a heavy sigh as if she was doing me a favor——
“This is Seikain Girls’ School. We take care of the daughters of various renowned families. An educational inst.i.tution which upholds tradition and social standards to transform young women into splendid Yamato Nades.h.i.+kos.”
She explained.
“In this secluded place, we are given the responsibility to bring those young ladies up with a pure mind, etiquette, and a refinement befitting their social position.”
…So to say, an ojou-sama school.
“It’s a special place with a long history and is obscured from the general public.”
“Obscured… it’s kept a secret? Why?”
Kujou-san sighed bluntly.
“Nothing at all.”
That felt really bad. Why would she do that?
“We have to protect our students from the inquisitive eyes of society as well as criminals who are out to kidnap them. In order to prevent that, this place was built on a solitary island surrounded by mountains. Also, thanks to government cooperation, this place does not appear on any public map. All geographical information, including internet services, are being manipulated.”
“It’s due to the parents of our numerous renowned families enforcing their influences. Isn’t it obvious?”
Kujou-san said immediately.
“There are several locations in this country that aren’t on any map, but we’re the only school among them.”
The headmistress said, almost as if she was talking about a pet she was proud of…
Manipulating Google Maps… isn’t that a bit too amazing?
“This is a school for renowned families by renowned families. A place that could certainly be called a ‘modern day aristocratic school’.”
Kujou-san said with a proud look on her face.
“In a place that can’t be reached by the world in its entirety, young ladies, who have been under supervision since childhood, conform to tradition and are carefully raised. Transforming them into pure and splendid Yamato Nades.h.i.+kos and then letting them leave the nest is the goal of this school.”
I had the hunch that I was seeing—— a completely different world.
This room as well was totally different from anything I had seen before, its high cla.s.s and dignity were blinding; it was another reality. That’s the kind of feeling it had to it.This is what they call elite, huh…
“Why… am I in this kinda place…?”
Kujou-san took my question on:
“Naturally, men are prohibited. Everyone, including the staff, is female. There hadnever been any exceptions.”
Past tense…?
Thereupon, the headmistress and Kujou-san exchanged glances with mixed expressions.
“In recent years, a certain problem surfaced.”
Kujou-san nodded with a serious expression.
“More and more cases have emerged where our graduates were overwhelmed by the differences in the outside world. They became hikikomoris, and succ.u.mbed to online video games.”
They had broken down.
“Among them had been a young lady who established the supercomputer Fuji II, which was used exclusively for online games.”
“What are you doing, ojou-sama?!”
“This served as a starting point for other young ladies to also build supercomputers and it developed into a specification war where our graduates competed for the highest benchmarks.”