Part 10 (2/2)


”The Kafirs have walked off the whole of the _bonte_ span and three horses,” went on Brian

”Is that all?” I said, intensely relieved

”That all? Man alive! but those are our best trek oxen A full span of sixteen 'That all'!”

”Oh, I don't ht was that your father orse You kno seedy he was this evening”

”I see!” was the answer ”No, he's no worse--fast asleep, in fact I wouldn't disturb hio after the up and yawning, for we had been talking in a low tone and he had not awoke at once ”What's the row, anyhow?”

Brian repeated what he had just been tellingwas done in broad daylight I suppose they thought that as it was Sunday none of us would be about

Du after that sick con in the kloof by Aasvogel Krautz They siht, too”

”I'ot into his clothes ”I'll take a hand in this gae and Kleinbooi are getting up the horses now We ees have the niggers taken, Brian?” I asked

”Why, Beryl's horse, Meerkat, for one, the bay colt, and the third's uncertain”

Beryl's horse! Here was an additional incentive to the undertaking, I thought

”Dumela spoored theot too dark If the old fool had coht back at once and told us, we should have saved several hours; but not he One of Stoffel Pexter's people told hih just above the drift with a span of large _bonte_ oxen

So we'd better go straight there and start on the spoor froon road”

”Think they'll show fight if we come up with theuns in case of accidents John Kafir has more respect for an armed crowd than for an unaretting under way They are bringing up the horses now,” as a traes in your pocket, Holt, while I find a shooter for Trask”

I came out on the stoep and--from another door so did Beryl

”It's too bad to rout you out of bed to start off like this on a ht foray,” she said

The other tere inside, presuht veldt, the circue that I was in a way rendering personal service to her who stood there, lent a curious dash of excitement and romance to the situation The air was sharp, and the wrapper which she had thrown over her head framed and set forth the calm sweet face, and the lustrous eyes seeht I believe I nearly made a fool of myself then and there

”Too bad?” I echoed ”Why, I would not have ; especially as it holds out the additional attraction of being able to do so for you in particular”

She looked puzzled ”For ly