Part 11 (1/2)
Then with the flash of a sive it up Explain”
”To recover your horse”
”Who, Meerkat? Have they stolen him, then? Brian--” as the other t reappeared, ”you never told one”
”Oh, hang it! I've let the cat out of the bag,” I said disgustedly ”I ought to kickback Meerkat instead,” said Beryl, in her sweet, even way
Of course I pledged myself to do so or die in the attempt, and all the rest of it--but my protestations were ruthlessly broken in upon by Brian's voice Brian has a brisk, healthy decisiveness about hi out any responsible matter, which seldom fails to secure attention, wherefore now his re ,” said George grumpily, as he watched us mount
”It's a beastly shame I can't”
nobody took any notice of this, but Trask , Miss Matterson We'll bring back the spoil, never fear”
”Oh, great Caesar!” said Brian ”Why don't you blow a trumpet while you're about it, Trask--or fire a few shots by way of letting the whole countryside knoe're on the ” vein But the reproof was deserved
Yes, it was exciting, thatand enjoyable, as we , though in a low tone, as to the chances that lay before us, now falling into single file as our way narrowed into a cattle track through the bush A brief off-saddle, then on again, and just as the first suspicion of dawn appeared in the east we descended a steep rocky path into a river valley A Dutch farh of aspect, stood on an open space beyond the drift, and hard by it a few tumble-down sheep kraals and two or three native huts
”That's all right,” said Brian, having satisfied hied in converse in front of the house ”Revell has been able to come I was afraid Duh the drift, which was very low at that time of year, and as we dismounted I saw before me a swarthy Dutchlishman, whose hair and beard simply flamed at you, so fiery and red were both--this was Revell; the third, a Kafir, being, in fact, old Duan Pexter ”Are you on the spoor of your oxen?
One of ht, so they've got a good start He says it isn't Kuliso's schepsels this time--more likely Mpandhlile's”
”Likely But let's have some coffee, Stoffel, for we've only half an hour to off-saddle--not a ood of you to turn out, Revell Hardly expected to find you at ho,” said the other, whoood fellow His weakness was an intense susceptibility as to the ”warmth” of his summit, and he had been known to thrash ree si them of his native name, ”Ibomvu” (red) ”Why, what'd we do in a country like this if we didn't turn out and help each other? Eh, Holt?”
”That's so,” I answered; and noe adjourned to the house where Stoffel Pexter's _vrouw_ had laid out cups of scalding hot coffee and _koekjes_
The worthy Boer was exceedingly cordial towards us, for the expedition ere on appealedto his syht happen to his in his estimation, not a shade better than wild beasts--in short, our natural enemies So he wished us every success; and further, pressed upon us a bag of biltong, which he thought ht so too
We took up the spoor at the place where the stolen animals were seen to cross the river It was indeed as broad as a waggon road, as Brian had predicted, even to a tyro such as round was studded with fresh hoof aht blow the ani through a deep rugged ravine, but ever ascending We, however, had ed to travel much faster, and very soon halted to blow the horses on the heights overlooking the river valley, where, like a toy house in the distance, we could see the dwelling we had recently left Here we came up with Dumela, who had started on ahead, and had made the distance in most excellent time
Noe commanded a ne of country Before us unfolded a panora away to further heights--dark, forest-clad and beautiful--but, on our then errand, forbidding At these Duazed fixedly, as he said, in his roundabout native way--
”Only if they are strong enough to keep it do those who steal an ox flaunt its skin in everybody's face It is there you will find the oxen”
”How do you know that, Dumela?” said the irrepressible Trask, in Dutch, when this had been translated to us The Kafir grinned with, I thought, a touch of contempt, and which wholly amused Brian, as he muttered to himself--
”Soht to know” But out loud he said: ”Why should I deceive you? I have nothing to gain by the oxen being stolen They are my master's--that is, _mine_; for they were under my care”
Dumela was to leave us here, but before he started upon his homeay, he said to Brian, ”_Inkose_, you will find what you seek, but whether you will obtain possession of it, I know not, for the people over yonder are numerous and fierce and reckless, and they love not the whites--wherefore keep your eyes open”
”That's the dickey part of the whole situation,” said Brian, as we moved forward ”If we coht As it is, it's like fighting with one hand tied behind you
There's no actual war on--not yet--though if things go onto kill--or even shooting at all--ten to one it means a Circuit Court trial; but if they cut all our throats, not one of theht men were ever dropped upon, it would be ruled that they acted in self-defence, and that ar into native locations”