Part 14 (1/2)

Martineau, Harriet, _Autobiography_.

Martineau, James, _Ideal Subst.i.tutes for G.o.d; A Study of Religion; Hours of Thought_.

Matheson, G., _Growth of the Spirit of Christianity_.

Matheson, A. Scott, _The Gospel and Modern Subst.i.tutes_.

Menzies, Allan, _S. Paul's View of the Divinity of Christ_.

Menzies, P. S., 'Christian Pantheism' (in _Sermons_).

Momerie, A. W., _Belief in G.o.d; Immortality; Origin of Evil_.

Monod, Wilfrid, _Aux Croyants et aux Athees; Peut-on rester Chretien_?

Mories, A. S., _Haeckel's Contribution to Religion_.

Morison, J. Cotter, _The Service of Man_.

Mozoomdar, Protab Chandra, _The Oriental Christ_.

Myers, F. W. H., _Modern Essays_.

Naville, Ernest, _Le Pere Celeste; Le Christ; Le Temoignage du Christ et l'Unite du Monde Chretien_.

Neumann, Arno, _Jesus_.

Newman, F. W., _The Soul: Its Sorrows and Aspirations; Phases of Faith_.

Nolloth, C. F., _The Person of our Lord and Recent Thought_.

Oxenham, H. N., _Essays Ethical and Religious_.

_Oxford House Tracts_.

Palmer, W. S., _An Agnostic's Progress; The Church and Modern Men_.

Peile, J. H. F., _The Reproach of the Gospel_.

Pfannmuller, Gustav, _Jesus im Urteil der Jahrhunderte_.


Picard, L'Abbe, _Christianity or Agnosticism?; La Transcendance de Jesus Christ_.

Picton, J. Allanson, _The Religion of the Universe; Pantheism: Its Story and Significance_.