Part 13 (1/2)

Faber, Hans, _Das Christentum der Zukunft_.

Fairbairn, A. M., _Christ in Modern Theology_.


Farrar, A. S., _Critical History of Free Thought_.

Farrar, F. W., _Seekers after G.o.d; Witness of History to Christ_.

Fiske, John, _The Idea of G.o.d as Affected by Modern Knowledge; Through Nature to G.o.d; Man's Destiny_.

Fitchett, W. H., _Beliefs of Unbelief_.

Flint, R., _Theism; Anti-Theistic Theories_.

Footman, H., _Reasonable Apprehensions and Rea.s.suring Hints_.

Fordyce, J., _Aspects of Scepticism_.

Forrest, D. W., _The Christ of History and of Experience_.

Frommel, Gaston, _etudes Religieuses et Sociales; etudes Morales et Religieuses_.

Gindraux, J., _Le Christ et la Pensee Moderne_ (Translation from Pfennigsdorf).

Gladden, Was.h.i.+ngton, _How Much is Left of the Old Doctrines_?

Gore, O., Bishop, _The Incarnation of the Son of G.o.d; The Christian Creed_.

Guyau, M., _L'Irreligion de l'Avenir; La Morale sans Sanction_.

Haeckel, E., _Riddle of the Universe; The Confession of Faith of a Man of Science_.

Harnack, Adolf, _What is Christianity?; Christianity and History_.

Harrison, A. J., _Problems of Christianity and Scepticism_.

Harrison, Frederic, _Memories and Thoughts; The Creed of a Layman_.

Haw, George (edited by), _Religious Doubts of Democracy_.

Henson, H. Hensley, _Popular Rationalism; The Value of the Bible_.

Hillis, N. D., _Influence of Christ in Modern Life_.
