Part 12 (2/2)
Caird, J., _Fundamental Ideas of Christianity_.
Cairns, D. S., _Christianity in the Modern World_.
Carey, Vivian, _Parsons and Pagans_.
Caro, E., _L'Idee de Dieu et ses Nouveaux Critiques; etudes Morales; Problemes de Morale Sociale_.
Chesterton, G. K., _Heretics; Orthodoxy_.
Church, K. W., _Gifts of Civilization; Pascal and other Sermons_.
Clarke, J. Freeman, _Steps to Belief_.
Cobbe, Frances Power, _A Faithless World; Broken Lights; Autobiography_.
Coit, Stanton, _National Idealism and a State Church_.
Comte, Auguste, _Catechism of Positive Religion_ (translated by Richard Congreve).
_Contentio Veritatis_.
Conway, Moncure D., _The Earthward Pilgrimage_.
Craufurd, A. H., _Christian Instincts and Modern Doubt_.
Crooker, J. H., _The Supremacy of Jesus_.
D'Alviella, G., _Revolution Religieuse Contemporaine_.
Davies, O. Maurice, _Heterodox London_.
Davies, Llewelyn, _Morality according to the Lord's Supper_.
_Do we Believe_? (Correspondence from _Daily Telegraph_.)
Drawbridge, C. L., _Is Religion Undermined_?
Drummond, J., _Via, Veritas, Vita_.
Du Bose, W. P., _The Gospel and the Gospels_.
Eaton, J. R. T., _The Permanence of Christianity_.