Part 16 (1/2)

52”I shall be there”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 11, p. 161.

53His ”inner voice”: As quoted, for instance, in Nayar, Mahatma Gandhi's Last Imprisonment Mahatma Gandhi's Last Imprisonment, p. 187.

54Threatening renewed resistance: CWMG CWMG, vol. 11, p. 229.

55Hundreds of other resisters: Huttenback, Gandhi in South Africa Gandhi in South Africa, pp. 26465.

56”a subst.i.tute for slavery”: Indian Opinion Indian Opinion, March 10, 1908, included in Meer, South African Gandhi South African Gandhi, p. 964.

57”To a starving man”: Indian Opinion Indian Opinion, Sept. 17, 1903, included in Meer, South African Gandhi South African Gandhi, p. 969.

58Indian Opinion carried: Indian Opinion Indian Opinion, Sept. 16, 1911.

59”In spite of your remarks”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 10, p. 465. See also Swan, Gandhi: The South African Experience Gandhi: The South African Experience, p. 211.

60The most Gandhi had been hoping: CWMG CWMG, vol. 11, p. 130.

61”If I felt like being free”: Ibid., vol. 96, p. 98.

62A week later he wrote: Ibid., p. 99.

63For nearly a year: African Chronicle African Chronicle, May 19, 1909, and March 25, 1911. Available on microfilm at the British Library.

64”an absolute Hindu”: African Chronicle African Chronicle, June 15 and 8, 1912.

65Just ten months later: African Chronicle African Chronicle, April 16, 1913.

66”Mr. Gandhi may have been”: African Chronicle African Chronicle, June 10 and Jan. 10, 1914.

67Though they'd agreed that: Rajmohan Gandhi, Gandhi Gandhi, p. 158.

68Some days earlier: African Chronicle African Chronicle, Nov. 16, 1912.

69Fifteen years after the fact: Gandhi, Satyagraha in South Africa Satyagraha in South Africa, pp. 270, 24243.

70”Are we not to blame”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 12, p. 207.

71”You must return”: Gandhi, Satyagraha in South Africa Satyagraha in South Africa, p. 268.


1The status of Indians: Quoted in Millin, General s.m.u.ts General s.m.u.ts, p. 230.

2He wrote a long piece: CWMG CWMG, vol. 12, pp. 13235.

3”Then I am not your wife”: Ibid., p. 31.

4”We congratulate our plucky”: Ibid., p. 66.

5”I have sketched out”: Ibid., vol. 96, p. 121.

6”resolving in my own mind”: Swan, Gandhi: The South African Experience Gandhi: The South African Experience, p. 242.

7”When this tax thus fell”: Gandhi, Satyagraha in South Africa Satyagraha in South Africa, p. 273.

8The government was too: Meer, South African Gandhi South African Gandhi, p. 47.

9On consecutive days: Kallenbach diary in the archive of the Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad. Naidoo is a Telugu, not a Tamil, name, but Thambi Naidoo was chairman of the Tamil Benefit Society in Johannesburg, where the term ”Tamil” seems to have been used loosely to designate all those of South Indian origin who might also in that era have been called Madrasis.

10That evening he and Gandhi: Kallenbach diary notes, July 37, 1913, in the archive of the Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad.

11”ringleader”: Natal Witness Natal Witness, Oct. 18, 1913.

12Gandhi had used the threat: CWMG CWMG, vol. 12, pp. 21415.

13”But the mere presence”: Ibid., p. 512.

14”It may be difficult”: Ibid., p. 214.

15Natal's attorney general: Desai and Vahed, Inside Indenture Inside Indenture, p. 363.

16”A peculiar position”: Natal Witness Natal Witness, Oct. 18, 1913.

17As the message spread: Desai and Vahed, Inside Indenture Inside Indenture, p. 364.

18”Any precipitate step”: African Chronicle African Chronicle, Oct. 18, 1913.

19”Indians do not fight”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 12, p. 240.

20Despite all these signals: Desai and Vahed, Inside Indenture Inside Indenture, p. 364.

21”We do not believe”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 12, p. 253.

22All the women he'd dispatched: Star Star, Nov. 1, 1913.

23The procession: Bhana and Pachai, Doc.u.mentary History of Indian South Africans Doc.u.mentary History of Indian South Africans, p. 143.

24”They struck not”: Ibid., pp. 14243.

25Here a reporter: ”The Great March: Mr. Gandhi at Work,” Indian Opinion Indian Opinion, Nov. 19, 1913.

26Gandhi, in the thick: ”What the British Press Says,” Indian Opinion Indian Opinion, Nov. 19, 1913.

27Later he wrote: Gandhi, Satyagraha in South Africa Satyagraha in South Africa, pp. 296, 299.

28”General s.m.u.ts will have”: Ibid., p. 300.