Part 15 (1/2)
28A Zulu aristocrat: Shula Marks, ”Ambiguities of Dependence: John L. Dube of Natal,” Journal of South African Studies Journal of South African Studies 1, no. 2 (1975), p. 163. 1, no. 2 (1975), p. 163.
29”my patron saint”: Fredrickson, Black Liberation Black Liberation, p. 119.
30president-general he was called: Dube himself did not attend the founding session of the new Congress in Bloemfontein. He was elected president in absentia.
31”This Mr. Dubey”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 5, p. 55.
32”They worked hard”: Fredrickson, Black Liberation Black Liberation, p. 119.
33We know that Gopal: Ilanga lase Natal Ilanga lase Natal, Nov. 15, 1912. The entry in Kallenbach's diary for that date, at the archive of the Sabarmati Ashram, doesn't mention the visit to Inanda at all.
34”To us at the Phoenix Settlement”: ”A Great Zulu Dead,” Indian Opinion Indian Opinion, Feb. 15, 1946.
35”the solidarity between”: Jacob Zuma, in speech available online at munity”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 5, p. 366.
38Gandhi had the rank: Ibid., p. 368. Another biographer, D. G. Tendulkar, following the Autobiography Autobiography, makes it twenty-four, including nineteen ex-indentured. Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 1, p. 76.
39In the next few weeks: This is the surmise of the leading South African scholar on this conflict, Jeff Guy, in his book Maphumulo Uprising Maphumulo Uprising, p. 101.
40”I do not remember”: Prabhudas Gandhi, My Childhood with Gandhiji My Childhood with Gandhiji, p. 42.
41But it did say: See Bhana, ”Gandhi, Indians, and Africans in South Africa.”
42In London, an exile: Green, Gandhi Gandhi, p. 160.
43”Mr. Gandhi speaks with”: Doke, M. K. Gandhi: An Indian Patriot M. K. Gandhi: An Indian Patriot, p. 111.
44”It was no trifle”: Ibid., p. 112.
45”My heart was with the Zulus”: Gandhi, Autobiography Autobiography, p. 279.
46As late as 1943: Nayar, Mahatma Gandhi's Last Imprisonment Mahatma Gandhi's Last Imprisonment, p. 264.
47”These themes”: Erikson, Gandhi's Truth Gandhi's Truth, p. 194.
48In part, this may have: Marks, ”Ambiguities of Dependence,” p. 54.
49”No, I purposely did not”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 62, p. 199.
50”Yours is a far bigger issue”: Ibid., vol. 68, p. 273.
51”I venture to trust”: Pietermaritzburg Archives Repository, Government House 1457, Military Affairs, Bhambatha Rebellion Correspondence, Feb. 9, to Dec. 28, 1907. See also M. K. Gandhi to Gov. H. McCallum, Aug. 13, 1907. Thanks to Jeff Guy, at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, who called this pa.s.sage to my attention.
52He had spoken of the need: Marks, ”Ambiguities of Dependence,” p. 54.
53”decency of wearing clothes”: Speech at the Natal Missionary Conference, at Durban Town Hall, July 4, 1911. Text in archive of Killie Campbell Library in Durban. Speech at the Natal Missionary Conference, at Durban Town Hall, July 4, 1911. Text in archive of Killie Campbell Library in Durban.
54close to the Zulu royal house: In 1936-twenty-four years after he was elected president of the South African Native National Congress-John Dube was named ”Prime Minister” of what was termed the Zulu nation by the reigning Prince Regent. In 1936-twenty-four years after he was elected president of the South African Native National Congress-John Dube was named ”Prime Minister” of what was termed the Zulu nation by the reigning Prince Regent.
55”Every other question”: ”Sons of the Soil,” Indian Opinion Indian Opinion, Aug. 30, 1913, quoted in Nauriya, African Element in Gandhi African Element in Gandhi, p. 48.
56”You must know that every one”: Reprinted in ”Sons of the Soil,” cited by Nauriya, African Element in Gandhi African Element in Gandhi, p. 48.
57”About five hundred Indians”: Doc.u.ment in the Gandhi-Luthuli Doc.u.mentation Center at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, File 1262/203, 3984, HIST/1893/14.
58”people like Indians”: See Carl Faye, Zulu References for Interpreters and Students in Doc.u.ments Zulu References for Interpreters and Students in Doc.u.ments (Pietermaritzburg, 1923), which includes ”Notes of Proceedings at Meeting with Zulus Held by John L. Dube at Eshowe, Zululand, 30 November 1912.” (Pietermaritzburg, 1923), which includes ”Notes of Proceedings at Meeting with Zulus Held by John L. Dube at Eshowe, Zululand, 30 November 1912.”
59”anti-Indianism”: Heather Hughes, ”Doubly Elite: Exploring the Life of John Langalibalele Dube,” Heather Hughes, ”Doubly Elite: Exploring the Life of John Langalibalele Dube,” Journal of Southern African Studies Journal of Southern African Studies vol. 27, no. 3 (Sept. 2001): footnote p. 446. The quotation from ”The Indian Invasion” came to me in an e-mail from Ms. Hughes. vol. 27, no. 3 (Sept. 2001): footnote p. 446. The quotation from ”The Indian Invasion” came to me in an e-mail from Ms. Hughes.
60Later a Zulu newspaper: Roux, Time Longer Than Rope Time Longer Than Rope, p. 250.
61”Indians cannot make common cause”: Harijan Harijan, Feb. 18, 1939.
62”Indians and Africans must act”: A little more than two months before attacked the Soviet Union, she was delivering what was essentially an antiwar message, but not for Gandhi's reasons.
63That night, according to one: ”I Remember,” privately circulated memoir by I. C. Meer, edited by E. S. Reddy and Fatima Meer.
64”pogrom” against Indians: Goolam Vahed and Ashwin Desai offer a narrative and a.n.a.lysis of the 1949 riot in Goolam Vahed and Ashwin Desai offer a narrative and a.n.a.lysis of the 1949 riot in Monty Naiker: Between Reason and Treason Monty Naiker: Between Reason and Treason (Pietermaritzburg, 2010), pp. 23455. (Pietermaritzburg, 2010), pp. 23455.
65”The inclusion of all”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 87, p. 414.
66But few African leaders were ready: The conspicuous exception was Albert Luthuli who became president of the African National Congress in 1952. Four years earlier, a few months after Gandhi's murder, Luthuli spoke of ”the efficacy of nonviolence as an instrument of struggle in seeking freedom for oppressed people” in a speech at Howard University in Was.h.i.+ngton that antic.i.p.ated Martin Luther King, Jr. The first South African to win the n.o.bel Peace Prize said blacks in the United States as well as Africa should go forward as Gandhi's ”undoubted disciples.” His notes for the speech are preserved in the archive of the Luthuli Museum in Groutville, KwaZulu-Natal, and cited by Scott Couper in his The conspicuous exception was Albert Luthuli who became president of the African National Congress in 1952. Four years earlier, a few months after Gandhi's murder, Luthuli spoke of ”the efficacy of nonviolence as an instrument of struggle in seeking freedom for oppressed people” in a speech at Howard University in Was.h.i.+ngton that antic.i.p.ated Martin Luther King, Jr. The first South African to win the n.o.bel Peace Prize said blacks in the United States as well as Africa should go forward as Gandhi's ”undoubted disciples.” His notes for the speech are preserved in the archive of the Luthuli Museum in Groutville, KwaZulu-Natal, and cited by Scott Couper in his Albert Luthuli: Bound by Faith Albert Luthuli: Bound by Faith.
67”Many of our gra.s.sroots”: Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom Long Walk to Freedom, p. 107, cited by Dhupelia-Mesthrie, Gandhi's Prisoner? Gandhi's Prisoner? p. 342. p. 342.
68Repeatedly, he courted arrest: Dhupelia-Mesthrie, Gandhi's Prisoner? Gandhi's Prisoner? pp. 35355. pp. 35355.
69But Manilal had no organized: Ibid., p. 355.
70At one meeting: Ibid., pp. 35051.
71”The principle was not”: Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom Long Walk to Freedom, p. 111. See also pp. 91, 99.
1”No man or woman living”: Gandhi to Kallenbach, June 16, 1912, quoted by Hunt and Bhana, ”Spiritual Rope-Walkers.”
2”a grim fight against”: CWMG CWMG, 2nd ed., vol. 58, pp. 11819.
3For five of those years: Kasturba moved to Tolstoy Farm with two sons in the latter half of 1910 and stayed till September 1912, when she moved back to Phoenix, according to Dhupelia-Mesthrie, Gandhi's Prisoner? Gandhi's Prisoner? pp. 96, 104. pp. 96, 104.
4Gandhi insists: Gandhi, Autobiography Autobiography, p. 270.
5Colonial Natal was a place: Natal Mercury Natal Mercury, June 15, 1903.